How much does Damon braces cost?

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How much does Damon braces cost?

#1 Post by bren123 »

Hi! I went to my dentist today, cause my teeth feels so weak. The dentist told me that my jaw is too narrow so there's no space for my teeth and they're growing out. So I need braces to expand my jaws and I am 15 now. My situation is kind of serious, so my dentist referred me to see an "Orthodontist". Therefore, my choices are either traditional metal braces or the Damon3 braces.

Also, my dentist told me that it will cost about $6000CAD to install traditional braces by an Ortho. Which is so expensive, so I would to gey an idea of the price of Damon3 braces for upper and lower jaw. Is it more expensive or cheaper than the traditional ones?

Thank You and Appreciate! :D

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#2 Post by jcdamon3 »


It is going to vary based on your location. Here is a good place to look:

Hope this helps...
Braced on 8/05 - Braces off 12/06
Mid Forties!

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#3 Post by bren123 »

Yes, I know the price varies, but I just want an idea of the price and how much more expensive than the traditional ones.

Please could you post the price and maybe also your location.

Thanks Very Much and Appreciate!

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#4 Post by adollface »

Hi Bren123. I live in Northern California and my Damon's top and bottom were $4400 for twenty months of treatment. But not only does tha vary by the area that you live in, it also varies by orthodontist and least it does here in the US.

Damon's top and bottom
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#5 Post by ingyandbert »

My Damons were around $4,250 I think. I'd recommend them over traditional metal braces; they're very comfortable. My ortho says they're way more comfortable than regular metal braces.

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#6 Post by bren123 »

Hi! I am only 15, so I'm thinking of an idea.

In the "How much does braces cost" article. I found that Washington D.C. "Washington suburbs $3,600 (speed braces)" costs much less than Vancouver. So can I fly to Washington to get braces, cause I'm a student and my mom is a housewife, our time is quite flexible. The price will be cheaper even with the plane ticket, plus we can also travel!

Cause when someone get braces at a place and move to another place? They can still change orthodontist. So when I go back to Vancouver, I can say that I did my braces at another place and now I moved.

Is that possible??? Please give me some advice???

Thanks! And Appreciate!

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#7 Post by ingyandbert »

I hate to burst your bubble, but the price includes the whole treatment. That means you'd have to fly to DC every time you need a new wire or an adjustment or have a problem (bracket pops off) or whatever. Yes, people sometimes start with one ortho and then switch to another, but they have to pay the second ortho to take over their treatment. Just go to someone in your area and get an estimate. If you think it's too high, then get a second one somewhere else. But don't plan to start with one ortho and move to another. You're making it more complicated than it needs to be.

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#8 Post by bren123 »

Booo! :(

I guess the suburbs will be cheaper then?!

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#9 Post by jcdamon3 »

Hi Bren,

If you truly are 15 I want to commend you on the amount of research and thought that you are putting into this. I think it is great that you are looking into different types of brackets and prices. You are a savvy consumer!
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#10 Post by adollface »

I have to agree with JC you have done a lot of research for someone your age. More than I think I did before I got my braces. Most of mine came after the fact. I think you should get consults from a few orthos to see what will work best for you. Hang in there and good luck

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#11 Post by maneater82 »

I second JC and dollface, you deserve some serious credit for being 15 and doing the legwork on prices, types, etc...

Speaking from the standpoint of someone who's had both ceramic and self-ligating braces (long story, don't want to veer off-topic with details)... The self-ligating ones (damon braces) cost over a grand less than the ceramics did, and there's no worries about staining them or breaking one of the elastics. Plus, the self-ligating ones work a little faster than the ceramics did, and it looks like my treatment time is hovering at around 15 months, compared to 24 with ceramics. :dance:

Good luck!

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#12 Post by bren123 »

Well, I'm living in Vancouver, where it is very near to Northern Washington State (Seattle). Can anyone tell me how much does it cost to install braces in Northern Washington State or Seattle.

Cause my dad is working in England, so it really depends on the currency and price. If Washington State is much cheaper, then 1hour drive every two months isn't too bad!

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#13 Post by Dark_angel »

GO with your dad to england and register with a dentist there. They will refrer you to on ortho and as your 15 your treatment will be FREE!!! The only downside is that only metal brackets are avalible. So thats my advice, come over to the UK if its possible.


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#14 Post by karamon »

Well I have Damons [except for Opals on smile teeth which are also self ligating] and must say they are very comfortable. I haven't had any pain at all. My first time with braces over 20 years ago was with ceramics and spacers and bands around molars and that was HELL! This is a breeze. That's the good news, the bad news is living here in the NYC metropolitan area mine cost $7200!!!!!! But they MUST be cheaper where you are. I highly recommend them!

Good luck with your decision and wear your retainer!

Karin D


Braced 2/23 Opals top 6 / Damon 3s rest.

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#15 Post by jennielee81 »

My damons cost me $4,800 US.

I paid an additional $200 for Opals on my top, front 6.

Damons are great for widening the arch. Click my link below to see how much rounder mine is now...after just 10 months with no additional appliances!
"Life is an occasion; RISE TO IT!" --Mr. Magorium
I wore Damon 3's and Opals for 20 months at age 42. Braces off January 2007 a little more about me here: ... 961130.htm

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