just got elastics

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just got elastics

#1 Post by bracesrok »

Hey! I just got elastics and my mouth hurts soo bad. I'm afriad I'm gonna eat all the time just to take them off.

Are you supposed to use the same band until it breaks or do you put new ones on each time you take them off?

Do they stop hurting after a while like your teeth stop hurting after a while when you get them tightened?
braces are alright, but i still can't wait to get them off!

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#2 Post by Morena_Prncss »

I've had elastics for about 2 months now and my ortho instructed me to change them every 12 hours, but admittedly now that I'm used to them I change them more freqently. Try to stick through the pain because the more you have them off the longer it will take for everything to settle down and for them to become tolerable. Just like getting used to your braces this will take time as well. By the end of the second week I was fine.

Good luck!
Metal top & TPA-4/6/05 Btm Lingual Arch-4/05
Upper ex-8/05 Lower ex-9/05
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#3 Post by seeminglyshy »

Monrena is right.

When I began the elastic process, it barely hurt the first few hours. Shortly thereafter I began feeling the pressure and then has problems with the elastics rubbing against my cheeks and causing them to chafe.

The more you put them in and change them, the easier the process becomes. I was advised to change them twice a day. A pair in the morning (replacing it if it breaks through the day) and then removing them at night and replacing it with a new set before going to sleep.
Then start the process all over again the next morning!

Good luck! Keep in mind that (as per the Dr.'s warnings - not wearing them can set you back up to a year of additional treatment!) :shock:

You'll be just fine, keep up with it and you'll be out of them in no time :)
Braced: 9/23/05

Having 4 wisdom teeth extracted: 2/17/06 *ouchie*

Ceramic on top, metal below.

Duration: 2 years

bombay sapphire
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#4 Post by bombay sapphire »

I've bee wearing elastics for just over a week now. Up until yesterday, I was getting pretty terrible headaches. It hasn't been so bad the past couple of days. I work in sales so I talk for 8 hours a day. I keep saying to myself....just a few more days...

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#5 Post by tkais »

My ortho told me to day that I will be wearing elastics to fine tune my bite. Is that why you are wearing them? I'm not looking forward to wearing them, but I will faithfully so my braces can come off on time.

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#6 Post by adollface »

I've been wearing them for over two months now and the pain still comes and goes depending on the day and the tooth. I was told to change mine at least 3 times a day but try for 5. As often as I break them I'm changing them about 6 times a day.

Damon 2's top and bottom
braced 12-16-04

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#7 Post by bracesrok »

I thought i was supposed to change them once or twice a day, but it doesn't look like i have enough of them to last until my next appointment. I have to have them on because of an overbite, tkais.

Thanks for the help everybody!
braces are alright, but i still can't wait to get them off!

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#8 Post by Echo »

I change mine alot. My ortho never said how often to change, just said to wear them 24/7. Every time I eat something, I take them out and put new ones in when I am done. Basically, anytime I take them out, I always put fresh ones back in, never re-use. I went through a ton of elastics the first month, but my ortho doesn't care, they just give me more.

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#9 Post by gsx »

I recently posted with a same topic with pics also. I have no pain at all, and it's not noticeable if I wear it
I you wanna have a look

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#10 Post by kirst1583 »

I was told to change mine twice a day, but also put new ones in after each time I eat or brush my teeth.
I eat with them in so they feel a bit yuck afterwards.
The ortho never gave me enough elastics to do me till my next adjustment either, but any time I need them I just go in and ask for some more.


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