Elastics - embarassing?

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Elastics - embarassing?

#1 Post by TessaLeoni »

Dear All,

It's been quite a while - I've been in braces for more than 11 months now and recently I have started with elastics (configuration: boxes on each side).
I was quite self conscious when I got my braces (I have the feeling that adults in braces are not very common in Europe). Now I am totally used to them.
Well - I again feel a little awkward about my elastics. They are pretty visible and I guess they look very funny/odd for people who don't know what they are for.

Have you made any similar experiences? How did you first feel about wearing elastics?

Thanks for your replies,
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#2 Post by katy »

Hi TessaLeoni,

I've been braced for 19 months now and have had elastics for about 13 months of that. At first I was a little self conscious about them but now I don't even notice them - in fact, I never forget to put them in because it just feels wrong without them! I have elastics that link my first bottom molars and the second incisor on top (the ones next to my two front teeth) to correct my bite.

I think we've all had embarrassing elastic moments and my most memorable was when I was watching a movie with my sister and laughing when an elastic popped off and flew across the room, narrowly missing my sister... luckily this happened in front of her and not someone else because we just cracked up and laughed so hard we nearly cried... :lol:

Don't worry about the whole elastic thing... it'll become the norm for you and you won't even remember what life was like before elastics.

Good luck..


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#3 Post by adollface »

At first I was very concious of mine and what people might think but now I embrace it and wear colored elastics. Makes it a little fun for me. I have Damons so I was never able to wear colored ligs so this is my chance and I'm having fun with it.

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#4 Post by nahky »

BigEyedDave wrote:When you get elastics, yawn at your own risk. The most embarassing moments will involve a flying broken elastic landing on someone....
Thats too funny :lol:

I'll take that on board when the time comes for my elastics
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#5 Post by chinadoll »

I just got elastics three days ago and I also find them kind of embarrassing and awkward... :oops: but I've just tried to remind myself that braces felt that way too in the beginning!! I imagine I'll get used to them. I know exactly how you feel though--good luck!
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Re: Elastics - embarassing?

#6 Post by tklein22000 »

TessaLeoni wrote:Dear All,

It's been quite a while - I've been in braces for more than 11 months now and recently I have started with elastics (configuration: boxes on each side).
What is a box-configuration?

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#7 Post by lilsisbet »

I have had elastics for the last two months. The only embarrassing thing that happened to me.... I was talking to a customer and the elastic snapped. It didn't fly out of my mouth, but kind of hung on my lip. I gracefully pulled it out, apologized and kept on talking. The customer said it looked like it hurt, but it didn't.

I will admit though, that if I forget to put the elastic back in after eating/brushing, my jaw feels like it is loose.
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Re: Elastics - embarassing?

#8 Post by HeadgearJoe »

TessaLeoni wrote:Dear All,

It's been quite a while - I've been in braces for more than 11 months now and recently I have started with elastics (configuration: boxes on each side).
I was quite self conscious when I got my braces (I have the feeling that adults in braces are not very common in Europe). Now I am totally used to them.
Well - I again feel a little awkward about my elastics. They are pretty visible and I guess they look very funny/odd for people who don't know what they are for.

Have you made any similar experiences? How did you first feel about wearing elastics?

Thanks for your replies,
hi at first i didn't like them , i'm over that an use green an blue an orange an red ones now , that way when they show they realy stand out , hay but after wearing headgear in public, why not showing off the elastics ,hgjoe all aboard +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
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#9 Post by Dark_angel »

I dont mind my elastics infact i took them out thismorning while i brushed my teeth and in my rush to leave the house i forgot to replace them. The teeth on the upper right were painfull untill i returned home and put the elastics back in, the pain then subsided :? strange. I hope i get some stronger elastics at my next adjustment or a powerchain.


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