I'm braced! (Mostly . . .)

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I'm braced! (Mostly . . .)

#1 Post by Tiffchelle »

I just got back from my braces appointment! It went really well, and I felt very prepared, which definitely helped. I am not having too much in the way of discomfort right now and I feel really positive. It is a little weird feeling the brackets under your lips for the first time, and I know it will take a little getting used to, but I am so pleased that I have finally done this.

The only problem I had was that my back molars were still too tight to fit the metal bands. So, it's back in spacers for another 2 weeks. :x I got ceramics up top, and metals on the bottom. I was feeling fun, and I went with pink ligs up top, and pink and teal on the bottom. The assistant must have been feeling fun as well, because she got all artsy with the bottom ones and so each bracket has both colors (still trying to figure out exactly what she did - looks great though). The pink looks really good on the ceramic brackets, and from a little distance away, they are not even noticeable. I got a goody bag full of so much stuff, I feel like it's Christmas! I wish my husband was here to see me (he's deployed with the air force and won't be back until May) but it sure helps to have this board to vent to!

Anyhow, my best wishes to everyone who is soon to be braced, thinking about getting braced, or braced already!

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#2 Post by ashantia »

I thought I was going crazy because everywhere I read people had their spacers off before getting the braces and I have been trying to figure out how my braces were working with out linking to my molars. I still have my spacers in until Monday then I guess I will get the bands on my molars to connect my braces and start pulling things into place. Does that sound correct? I was in such a hurry after my appt to get back to work I didn't even realize until I got home and my roomie asked.

But alas, I found someone in my shoes! These spacers really make chewing hard. I can not wait to get them out. I was happy about not having a lot of pain but maybe its because I am not all the way braced yet. Darn it!!!

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Location: Louisiana

#3 Post by Tiffchelle »

Ashantia, I know what you mean, I was totally expecting the spacers to be done and over! When I was informed that they could absolutely not put the bands on the molars, I was a little confused, but the assistant assured me that they would still put an archwire through. I can definitely tell that things are moving already, and some of my teeth take turns feeling a little loose, and it was very hard to floss my bottom teeth last night. I've also felt some pain - not unbearable, but very much there. Like KK, one of my friends in braces doesn't have bands at all, because her teeth were so tight it was hopeless. So, I guess no matter what, they find a way to make it all work.

I also hate chewing with spacers. Luckily, these are not hurting as bad as they first did, but I still hate making contact with them, sounds like I'm chewing on balloons or something. But of course, having just been braced, I really can't chew too much anyhow. So, it's soup, mashed potatoes, and yogurt for me!

Lucky you, getting your spacers out on Monday. I have until April 19th. Best wishes for you, and please let me know how it goes with getting the bands on.


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Location: Northern Cali

#4 Post by ashantia »

I can for sure tell stuff is happening. I do have that loose tooth feeling and some soreness. Also, my bottom teeth were harder to floss last night too. That makes me feel better! I will keep you posted after my appt on monday!

Take care!

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