3 Weeks Until Retainer is Fitted!! Advice Please

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3 Weeks Until Retainer is Fitted!! Advice Please

#1 Post by sly7 »

I have had my braces on 7 months & got them removed just the other day. I really really love them. Only thing is my ortho said I have to wait three weeks for my retainer to be fitted. I have already noticed that my front tooth (the one that needed to be straightened) has gone a tweeny bit crooked since getting them off. Seeing as this was the tooth that needed to be straightened, I am really worried in case its going to get worse in the next three weeks, seeing its only been two days already. Is it normal to wait three weeks & will the retainer put them back in place again?? I rang him earlier & he said this is just settling movements. I am just concerned about the tooth that is moving. Really sorry for all the questions, its just taking the good out of getting them off. I am afraid to like them too much in case they go back to normal again! :? :?

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#2 Post by missingu »

I'm no ortho, but something doesn't sound right. I mean, if the expectation is to wear the retainers 7x24 for the first few months, then waiting 3 weeks doesn't seem to make sense.

If calling the ortho doesn't get you anywhere, you might try dropping by, but soon. I'd hate for you to go through braces again for this. Keep advocating for yourself - you're worth it.

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#3 Post by downhillsnowskier »

The first time I got a retainer, it took 3 weeks so thats not abnormal. If its taking 3 weeks, you're probably getting a Hawley from a lab and you can move teeth with those. Teeth do settle a little after the braces come off. I am currently wearing Hawleys and my ortho is using them to move some teeth so as long as you commuicate with the ortho, you can get them to move the teeth back. Good luck!

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#4 Post by jaws »

Hi sly7,

How did things work out with your 3 week wait? I am getting my braces off tomorrow, and the ortho will be putting permanent bonded retainers on my upper and lower front teeth right away. However I am still a bit worried because he told me that it will take 3 weeks for my night-time retainer to come in. He showed me a picture of the retainer, and it looks like an essix, except that the upper and lower parts are attached to each other.

Anyone else have to wait 3 weeks?
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