Full set of before(now) pics.

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Full set of before(now) pics.

#1 Post by jaswi »

So I was bored and thought I'd take a decent set of before pictures, since I haven't really got anything done yet. so here goes for all of your amusements.

First a few from the front:

Now of the top arch:
and I include this one because you can see my wisdom teeth:

Bottom, look at that crowding!:
my rotated friend on the right side..

Now some side shots:
another right
another left:

And in this one you can sort of see the slight class 3 malloclussion on the right side:

Well, thats all for now folks, cheers.

Posts: 259
Joined: Sat Apr 01, 2006 2:18 am

#2 Post by missingu »

What treatment plan did you and your ortho agree on?

You're right about the crowding, so are you having extraction (I am). I am a little freaked about about having a lower incisor pulled - even with braces to cover it I think I'll be a litlle self-conscious of the gap there.

Out of curiousity, did you take the pictures yourself or have someone else take them for you? I've never understood how people get close-up pictures of their mouth.

When is "the b-day"? Spacers?

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Location: Georgia

#3 Post by ingyandbert »

I'm not an ortho, but it doesn't look to me like extractions are warranted. In fact, your teeth are straight for the most part but just not in line properly because of narrow arches. I'm willing to bet your treatment will go quickly.

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#4 Post by Evelyn »

Awesome! I wish I had taken pictures like that before I got my braces.... all I have is a dinky little one of my smile cut out of a full size picture. Those will be useful, keep them handy for if you ever get second thoughts you can look back and see how far you've come.

Your teeth look really nice too, looks like your treatment shouldn't take too long.

Congrats on starting your journey, and enjoy the ride!

Braced September 9, 2002
Debanding: JULY 5!!!!!!!!


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Joined: Sat Feb 18, 2006 1:17 am

#5 Post by jaswi »

Ortho plans to start with full braces and some elastics, then if he can't get the desired effect without the bottom teeth tilting out to much, pull one lower inciser, or 2 bicuspids depending on the amount of space needed. I'm very happy with this approach. Ortho also said my wisdom teeth can stay, but I'm thinkin I might rid of them this summer anyhow just so I don't have to worry about cleaning them.

On pictures, I did what someone else suggested and hooked my camera up to my tv so I could see what I was taking a picture of. I find that the farther away from the face the camera is the clearer the picture. I use the highest resolution on my camera (4mpixel) and try to get the cam as far away as possible(arms length) then crop out all but the chompers. I might retake some of those pictures, as I got a little close to my mouth with the cam and makes em fuzzy.

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Location: San Diego

#6 Post by Anticipator »

It looks like we've got similar cases.

I managed to get away with just IPR instead of extractions, but the whole "lower canine causing a class III" is definitely the same.

My ortho decided to move all the other teeth into position first and then move the canines last. I was also told that elastics would definitely be an important part of my case, but I haven't had any yet. It sounds as if your ortho might be going about things differently. It'll be interesting to compare how things move.

Good luck.
Upper and lower metal braces
Estimated treatment time: 20 months

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