Orthodontia & Wisdom Teeth

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Orthodontia & Wisdom Teeth

#1 Post by KJNELLAMORE »

I decided to cross post this, in hopes that I will get more opinions/experiences from here!!

Well, I made an appt. with the oral surgeon today. My ortho is on vacation, so I won't know until next week if I NEED my wisdoms out BEFORE he can do my orthodontia stuff. The girl that I spoke with said that I should be able to have them out while I have the RPE/Braces in though.

So, now I am trying to figure out what to do. The oral surgeon said that the avg. for wisdom extraction is $1200-$1800. I think that I only have about $700 left on my dental maximum, though. So, I'd have to pay the rest in cash. I have 3 fillings that I was supposed to have filled tomorrow, which is about $500 or so... that DOES need to be done before my orthodontia.

So, my options would be (assuming the ortho tells me next week that my wisdoms can wait until my stuff is in).. to have my fillings done, then make the downpayment for my ortho and get everything put in. Then, I can have my wisdoms done a bit later, I was hoping for maybe January, when my insurance would cover most of it! I can't afford to do EVERYTHING at once but I really want to get the orthodontic stuff IN and 'going'... I want it over with!

Did anyone have wisdoms pulled WITH an RPE or Braces on?
Or, did you Ortho force you to get it done BEFORE?
I would much, much, much rather wait! I'd rather have another child or break my leg than have things ripped out of my face... seriously!

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#2 Post by missingu »

Keep in mind that most people here seem to think my opinions a bit strong, but I have also learned to protect myself that way...

I was really concerned by your use of the term "force" about the ortho and the wisdom teeth. I am of the mindset that the ortho can "recommend" but it he or she tries to "force" you against your will, for whatever reason, would it be prudent to get another ortho's opinion.

Even if you aren't "forced", maybe getting another opinion would help put your mind at ease that wisdom teeth removal is necessary now, or later.

Often times orthos forget that we have opinions that are important to consider. The ortho I am now seeing said, matter-of-factly, he would be using IPR (interproximal reduction, or shaving off the sides of my teeth) to get the space necessary to bring my lower jaw/teeth back. I, however, after researching IPR and deciding that I valued the structural integrity of the teeth I had, and would prefer an extraction in order to avoid jeopardizing the strength of my front teeth (which are very seriously ground down), went back and asked to do extraction instead. He said either way was fine with him, though he never gave me the extraction option at the outset.

If you are feeling your ortho is "forcing" you into anything, please consider if this ortho will be someone you can feel comfortable with for the next several years.

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#3 Post by KJNELLAMORE »

Aww... thanks! I think that force was too strong of a word... moreso, I meant that.. if he highly reccomended getting them out NOW, before he works on my mouth (meaning, if they might interfere with success). Hope that helps clarify!

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#4 Post by Flora2006 »

If your ortho recommends you getting them out...then I think you should...ask why...ask for the reasons why he/she wants you to get them out.

In my case, my wisdom teeth haven't come out at all and are very close to the nerve. My ortho said that my wisdom teeth don't matter whether they are in or not, and my dentist wants to take them out after the braces are off. BUT I want to have them off soon because I'm really scared that at some point, those wisdom teeth will shift my other teeth and cause problems if they start coming out...


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#5 Post by rberend »

I've been braced for 9 months and I'm getting my wisdom teeth out next week. My ortho said it didn't matter whether I got them pulled before or after the braces were put on, but he wanted them pulled as soon as possible because they are slowing my progress. (I would've gotten them pulled sooner but my dental didn't kick in until January and I've been procrastinating.) He told me today that I can start my elastics at my next visit since the wisdom teeth will be gone.

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