So over it - excess wire

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So over it - excess wire

#1 Post by SugarHiccup »

I'm so frustrated and over it that im nearly in tears. After 7 months of being braced, ortho decided to put brackets on my very back teeth, having originally started from the second back ones.

That brought pain, shredded bleeding and swollen gums for about 2 weeks, then I got about a week pain free before my teeth obviously moved (as expected) and now I have excess wire poking out the end, shredding my gums again. It was pointing down and digging in, so I did a naughty thing and flicked it up. Instant relief ... until it started to gouge out that bit of gum.

I can't wax it, it's too long and it won't stay on, I can't clip it coz of the angle, and I can't deal with the pain and the irritation for much longer.

I want to make an appointment for ortho to trim it, but it's only 2 weeks until my next adjustment, so it doesnt feel worth it. Plus i'm worried i'll get in trouble for flicking the excess wire up.

Anyway. Im annoyed, frustrated and in pain. And no one else understands (poor me, etc etc etc).

Bad day, you ask? uh huh.
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#2 Post by Dark_angel »

You need to go have it trimmed, there is no point living in pain. Often you can just call in to your ortho as it only takes a few seconds, pick up the phone and call.


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#3 Post by kirst1583 »

I agree with Dark_angel. Call and see if you can go in to have it trimmed. There's no point putting up with the pain and discomfort!
Given that there is only 2 weeks till your next adjustment, you might find that your ortho will do that also when you go in. That's happened to me before.. quite handy!
Good luck. I hope your mouth makes a speedy recovery :D


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#4 Post by erica »

Ug, I feel for you SugarHiccup...I just unexpectedly had brackets put on my very back molars way into my treatment too! (But luckily no wire sticking out - yet) Like everyone has said, definitely call your ortho to get that wire taken care of, they might even be able to let you stop by quickly when it's convenient for you to simply have an assistant clip it for you. It's just not worth putting yourself through that kind of pain! Good luck! :)

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#5 Post by CLAmom »

I just called my Ortho yesterday and was in today to get a pesky wire clipped off. If your Ortho doesn't like you coming in for something like this he/she has no heart. It hurts! I have the canker sores to show for it. Go in and get some relief. :wink:

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#6 Post by jcdamon3 »


Did anyone have their ortho explain why the late decision on the back molars? Mine were planned all along but he didn't put the wire on the back molar until I graduated to a stronger wire (after almost 8 months). They probably figure the wire would just come out if it wasn't strong enough. Anyone?

BTW, once the back molars were attached I did get to feel some new pain, etc. The pain on one side where the teeth were the most crooked hurt quite a bit. The other side where the teeth are straight didn't hurt at all. The brackets were there from the beginning so my mouth at least didn't have to get used to any new brackets... just new stress of wires there.

My wire is sticking out too. It is not bad enough right now for me to go get it trimmed but as soon as it starts hurting enough - I will not hesitate to go in.
Braced on 8/05 - Braces off 12/06
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#7 Post by erica »

jcdamon3 - In my case, the brackets were put on the back molars after 18 months partly because, as my ortho put it, "he's a perfectionist," and he felt that they were slightly crooked. Also, I had quite large gaps between my back molars and my second-to-back molars. My ortho told me that gaps there are common and the rear molars naturally move forward over time in adults so he usually doesn't worry too much, but my gaps were slightly larger than is typical so he wanted to get that taken care of. I'd be curious to hear though if yours went on for a similar reason!

I hope that wire decides to leave you alone! :)

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#8 Post by Flora2006 »

Hi, I suggest you get the wire cut. My ortho gave me a friendly little lecture about how it is important for me to realize that its no big deal to come see him in-between adjustments to get the wire cut.

It taked them 5 seconds so he/she won't mind, i'm sure.


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#9 Post by mogwai »

hey, one thing you could ask your ortho to do is curl the edges round, as they will continue to move it will be a hassle for you to keep going back for such a minor adjustment.

thats what my ortho said he would do when the movement really started..

good luck, hope it gets better soon! and remember, pain means progress means your closer to finishing! :D

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#10 Post by Xcentric »

I didn't know that you can just wander into the office to get the excess wire trimmed. I thought I had to make an appointment. I ran out of wax and stopped by to get some more. The tech asked why and I showed her the excess wire and she said that she could just cut for me. My next appointment was only a week away, but having her clip those wires made a world of difference. So just go to the office and have them trim the wire.
Lady Xcentric


Braces on February 9, 2006
Two Extractions April 20, 2006
Tongue bar added December 19, 2006
Next Appt. February 1, 2007

Way Too Old For This
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#11 Post by Way Too Old For This »

I got bands put on my top back molars last time I was in. They had those hook things sticking out the sides and my cheeks were so sore from those things that I couldn't stand it so one day at work (I know this is terrible) I bent them in with my letter opener. Helped though. Now the wire is sticking out the back about 1/4" because my impacted canine has moved so much it made that much slack in the wire. It must be positioned just right so its not poking anything. I don't think there is as much cheek movement on the top as there is on the bottom though because when I have a pokey wire on the bottom I'm the first one at the ortho office in the morning, before any of the people that work there!

They put the bands on my back molars because they look like they are pointing to the sides. They didn't look that bad until they moved the other ones, now the back ones look like they are packing up and leaving the party. The bottom ones look pretty straight (to me anyway) so I'm hoping he doesn't surprise me with bands on those EVER.
Wired on Sep 16, 2005, left canine exposed on Oct 5, 2005, at 52 years old.

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#12 Post by Idislikebraces »

I always have excess wire poking out the back because of my extractions that she's trying to close! But a few adjustments back there was this piece that would get stuck on my I had like a line on my cheek on the inside..I would always be bending it and such until one day..snap! the little piece broke off...then I went to my adjustment nd she couldnt get the wire through the thingy that holds it..but she didnt say nuthing....they wont get mad...they 8)
August 10, 2005
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A few months later a Nance Appliance.
anddd nowwww:
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