13 days till off day

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13 days till off day

#1 Post by jay »

Had an appoiment yesterday got moulds taken for retainers(did not go to well had a few gags and felt like i was going to chuck up,assistant had to rush to get me a bowl just incase i did, laugh about it now though).

Im going to get hawleys upper and lower and maybe a bonded at a later stage.

But hey they coming off which is good news 13 days and counting.

Im sure kinda going to miss them when they come off as they feel part of me now, which may sound funny im sure

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#2 Post by JumpTheDitch »

Hey Jay, that's great news! :thumbsup:

But I'm curious, they did moulds for your retainers with your braces still on? How does that work? I don't know much about the whole retainer business, I thought they did the moulds when they took your braces off; no? It seems from other people's de-bracing posts that they have to wait some time after getting debanded before receiving their retainers which always surprised me cos wouldn't teeth start to move almost immediately?

Just curious, good luck with the de-bracing! :D




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#3 Post by kirst1583 »

Hey Jay, that's great news! :thumbsup:

But I'm curious, they did moulds for your retainers with your braces still on? How does that work? I don't know much about the whole retainer business, I thought they did the moulds when they took your braces off; no? It seems from other people's de-bracing posts that they have to wait some time after getting debanded before receiving their retainers which always surprised me cos wouldn't teeth start to move almost immediately?

Just curious, good luck with the de-bracing! :D
My moulds will be done the same day the braces are removed and i'll pick up my retainer exactly a week later.
I have heard of them being done with braces on before though... but i'm not sure how that works exactly!


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#4 Post by Dark_angel »

My boyfriend had his moulds done with his braces on that way when he had the braces off the retainers were there to give to him. He even has a copy of the moulds.


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#5 Post by jay »

When they took the molds ortho had to take out the arch wire and she took off my molar brackets aswell. all i can think off is this is so i get my retainers the same day as i get the braces off.

im getting hawleys which take about 2 weeks for my ortho to get where as if i was to get essix then she would have took the moulds the same day as my braces come off because they only take a few days to make.

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#6 Post by JumpTheDitch »

Thanks Jay, I wondered if removing the archwire might have made it possible. It's great your ortho's making sure you get into retainers ASAP after braces. Kirst1583, won't your teeth move being without braces or retainer for a week? I'm not having a go at your ortho or anything, this is just something I've been wondering about.

I'm the first to confess my lack of orthodontic knowledge or experience, but I'm surprised at least some ortho's let you go a week (or any time at all really) without a retainer once the braces are taken off. I'd be paranoid that my teeth would be moving in that week. Surely the ideal scenario is to get your retainer as soon as the braces are removed? How many people have reported huge amounts of movement in the first day or so of a new powerchain or spring, etc? While I realise there's a lot of pressure involved there to induce the movement, it still surely shows that teeth can move pretty darn fast.

I don't mean to get you worried Kirst1583, I'm just a bit confused about the whole retainer thing, especially since everyone says how important retention is, especially in the initial stages. Just seems weird, or is it only me? Maybe I should be asking this in the Doc's page or naked tooth....




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#7 Post by kirst1583 »

JumpTheDitch - I'm actually not sure, but i'd say the teeth must move back slow enough for 1 week without retainers to not be such a big deal.
Also, from what i've read on this website minor tweaking can be done with Hawleys. So if issues do arise then they'll be fixed pretty much straight away.

From what i've read and friends i've spoken to, it does seem fairly common to not receive retainers till a week after debanding.


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#8 Post by JumpTheDitch »

Thanks Kirst1583, interesting. Yet another question for my ortho I guess!

I really should have asked more questions (or some questions!) at my initial consult :oops:.

Good luck with the debanding coming up! :thumbsup:




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