how many lbs u can lose since you brace????

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#16 Post by JoeMama »

Zero for me too. And I was hoping to shed a couple. I thought that would be a little extra bonus for all the unpleasant parts, but no luck. I am sorry to hear that some of you are in so much discomfort though. That must really stink.

I think that if you're really into food you can always find something soft and delicious to eat (like me). I wish I was more impartial to food, but I definitely a "live to eat" person as opposed to an "eat to live".
Damon 3s. On 2/15/2006. Off 2/21/2007!
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#17 Post by lionfish »

I'm down about 7lbs. I was wanting to ditch some weight, because I'd stacked it on over Christmas and couldn't shake it off.

I've managed to keep it off and wouldn't mind dumping another 5-7lbs, but I expect it ain't gonna happen. I love my food too much and there's very little I can't eat with braces.

I've pretty much cut out snacking - too much additional cleaning work. Mind you, I'll be stepping out for a coffee soon and I know a chocolate slice will be beckoning.....

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#18 Post by Lin »

I lost about 15 lbs when my braces went on... I have regained maybe half of that. Which is good, because I felt so low on energy! I was the proper weight for my height to begin with, before braces. But after getting used to braces I started finding ways to eat most of my favorite yummy foods again. I'm on a liquid diet again now, though, after my extractions/exposure surgery. But now I can even manage to find high calorie liquid/mushy foods!

I recently heard of someone who got so hungry for "real" food after her oral surgery that she actually made an omelette and blended it up to drink. Yikes. I'd rather lose the weight, I think :)
-- Lin | Braced on 1/31/06 | 5 extractions + Canine Exposed 4/19/06

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#19 Post by sydsmom »

It's you and me, Lucyloop! I can hardly believe it but I've put on about 4 pounds in the 3 months that I've had braces :oops:

I don't mind terribly because I'm pretty darn thin anyway (I wasn't always, believe me!). But I chalk it up to having to eat so much dang soft food! I can't eat my super-crunchy, hard-to-digest nuts and veggies as much anymore. I'm definitely not getting as much fiber as before, and I think my body's a little in shock.

And, admittedly, I've been using the braces as something of an excuse to indulge a little....It's all part of the journey, I guess :wink:
Lower bicuspids extracted 1/11/06
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Another 10 pounds and then I'm good for a while.

#20 Post by tofino »


I'm 10 pounds heavier than when I started. Working out, big dinners, and Molson Canadian have done wonders. When I hit 190 lbs, I'll choose that as my target weight for the next few years.


P.S. Unless I get seriously back into hiking/climbing, or if my orthognathic surgery turns me into a skinny rail again!

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#21 Post by Missingorigin »

he he he he, about that, . . . I have GAINED 6 Lbs . lol. its true. :shock:

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#22 Post by noppi »

My weight fluctuates, but I think I lost about 7-8 lbs. It was killer when I got spacers, because that hurt when it made my teeth even more crowded. I'm petite though so this weight loss was kind of significant...about a 6-7% weight loss. My mom kind of freaked out and said I need to eat more. But it's nice that my tummy is flatter. =) My clothes are too big now...hmmm...excuse to go shopping. I wonder though if I will start to pig out once these braces are off. I don't know if my weight loss was all because of braces though. But it's definitely more difficult to eat certain foods. sucks, my teeth hurt and I am craving all kinds of food. Currently pizza.
11/11/05~8 Spacers
11/21/05~Spacers off, 8 metal bands
04/13/06~4 extract
04/18/06~1st adjust after extract

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#23 Post by JumpTheDitch »

I don't know how much I've lost (I don't own scales) but my jeans are all now pull on! :lol: In fact, my work pants have become quite embarrasing. I realised just today I actually don't have any pants that fit properly. Need to go shopping now! :roll:

I was a bit overweight though, now I'm a more healthy size. I still eat, it's just far less often (cos I hate brushing my teeth every 5 minutes!), far less sugar, plus it takes me so long to eat anything now! My portion sizes have cut in quarter at least, due to time factor and I guess not eating a lot when they first went on. Probably not really having much occlusion to chew with plays a part too. (Top molars hit the bottom molar band metal ledges so I don't bite my bottom brackets off, and getting food unwrapped from the eight hooks drives me crazy :-+ )

All in all, it's a lot easier not to overeat anymore!




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#24 Post by Nothingface »

Braced on 4/17 and I'm down about 4 lbs already. I've been working out though and stopping the soda and candy on a daily basis has certainly helped.

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#25 Post by ebjones1 »

I've lost about 10 lbs since being braced in January.. I've noticed that although I can eat the same foods as before and feel just as full, I'm not eating as much. I think I'm just eat so incredibly slow and carefully that my body has more time to recognize being full.. does that make sense? For instance, I went to a mexican restaurant last night (where I would usually stuff myself - it's my weakness!) and left feeling very full.. But thought back and realized that I had eaten very little!


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#26 Post by susieq182 »

poloaa I dont mind at all you asking my weight. I am still in my normal weight range i just started out at the high end and ended up at the low end. I was about 157 when I got braced in December. I am now down to a slim but healthy 133. I have been having problems with wild weight dips and spikes for the last 2 years since I had my gall bladder out. I have to be careful what i eat to begin with then the added diet restrictions with the braces have actually balanced my weight. I have also had a regained interest in my personal apperance since I keep thinking ahead to the day when i will have my new smile so i have been walking more which has helped me drop a few lbs. It was not unhealthy weight loss is the bottom line I am not starving well now i am pretty hungry it being close to lunch time, but i digress I eat well and cutting out soda pop and breads has made alot of difference. I hate eating breads they get all stuck to my bite plate ICK!!!!! At anyrate i wouldnt say braces caused all the weight loss but they gave me a good start the first month or so when all i ate was smoothies and over cooked pasta.
Extract #3 6/07 implant 10/07
Upper Molar bands
Bite Plate 12/12/05-5/20/06
spacers all lower arch first 10 weeks
Braced 12/12/05
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#27 Post by KathleenH »

Hard to say - I was pregnant when I got braced, so I gained weight anyway. I drank a lot of Ensure to make sure that I was gaining, though. I'd have probably lost weight otherwise.

I have been braced for over 2 years now, and I weighed the same before my surgery as I did pre-pregnancy and braces. After surgery is when I lost about 20 pounds. I would be keeping it off as I eat better now, but I'm pregnant again, so I have to gain.

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#28 Post by sjsarre »

I've lost 4 lbs since being braced two weeks ago. I'm 5ft 6inch and up until 5 years ago I used to weigh 189lbs. I just put it down to delayed puppy fat!!!

Mind you I did have a child when I was 20 and then went through a period of food food food..

When I had my brace on two weeks ago I was 141lbs and now like I said i've dropped 4lbs. Its not so bad as I really want to be around 128 - 130lbs anyway.

You really do have to be careful as someone rightly mentioned. Alot of soft food is bad for you. puddings / cakes etc.

So I have to be a bit careful. Think the thing is for me, is that I don't want to have to brush my teeth all the time and as I am a natural born muncher I've had to cut back on the inbetweens!


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#29 Post by TuZZi »

I lost about 20 lbs in the first month and a half of being braced, simply for the fact I couldn't chew a damn thing, and I never had the time to ear on the job and clean up afterwards.

8 months later, and I'm still down the 20 lbs, but I could have lost a lot more.... but working in a small mall doesn't exactly have the greatest dietary choices nearby, and I usually end up having fries or chinese food a lot of the time. I'm still not eating the way I should be.... I get up at 8am for work, and if I'm lucky, I'll have a small meal around 5pm when I finally can get away for a break, but if not, I don't eat until I get home from work around 7 or 8pm. My usual sustinence before that is usually a can or 2 of Boost, and a cup or 2 of coffee or tea. Not the greatest diet I know. :oops:
Full On Metal! Aug 31, 2005
4 Bicuspids extracted Sept 26-27 2005
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#30 Post by pk_girl »

I haven't lost any, but I don't need to, and I can't really lose any more, as if I did I would look anorexic, LITERALLY.

I eat just as much as I did before, Just softer foods now are on my list (I was a sucker for Preztels and Corn Chips, I still eat them occasionally, but they hurt.


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