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What would you say?

#1 Post by Cultureicons »

What would you say if you saw my teeth? Do you think I desperately need braces to close that gaping gap between the top and bottom teeth?
Sometimes I think I should get them and sometimes I don't! I figure I should get it done because I'm pretty young right now so it would be better, but on the other hand I don't wanna go through wearing them and such!
Any tips?


P.S. There's a gap between my two front teeth. It's been filled at the moment. When I'm older it will cost me over 1k to get it done properly, whilst I can get braces sort it for free at the moment. I say yes to the braces, well at this current moment in time, by tomorrow I'll be saying no again! Haha. Thanks.[/url]

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#2 Post by SapphireJen »

Hi Cultureicons,

I went through exactly the same thing as you....my teeth weren't as good as yours, but a lot of my friends and family were saying that I didn't need them. I was in two minds about it as well - sometimes I thought that I could live with my crooked teeth, and other times I hated them and felt really ugly!!

In the end it was what I felt about my teeth that mattered so I did it for myself.

Does the gap that you mentioned bother you at all? If so, I would do it sooner rather than later. It sound like you will get a pretty good deal if you go for them now.

I thought about mine for about it for a long long time before actually getting them, and I always think I should have done them when I was younger, so hopefully if you decide not to go through with it, you won't have the same regrets.

Anyway, not sure that I have helped, but good luck with whatever you decide.

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#3 Post by pucca26 »

Hi, I think your teeth look nice but I'm sure that you can't use your front teeth to cut. Your problem doesn't seem serious, so maybe you only need some months wearing braces, go for them! If you do, you'll forget about it in some time, but if you don't you'll be all your life thinking 'Do I need orthodontic?'
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#4 Post by shinyam »

Your teeth are almost perfect, but your bite is way off, so I think it may be a good idea to get a consultation.

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#5 Post by Joanna20 »

Hey, I was pretty reluctant in getting braces too, but after visiting an ortho. I figured I had to do this in order to improve my bite and my oral health in general, oh and also my appearance.
Anyway, I think you have an "open-bite", which means that your upper jaw doesn't close in the right place, ur upper incisors are supposed to go in front (almost touching) your bottom incisors. So even though your teeth look beautiful to me, your bite isn't really healthy. I'm no doctor it's just what seems to me, from what I've read. It all depends if they bother you while you are eating, or if you don't like your smile. Make sure you are ready for this big step, because there's no point in starting an orthodontic treatment if you are not going all the way. Maybe you should do it a couple of years from now, when you get to be 100% sure you want it.
At the end, it's ur decision, but you came to the right place to get advice and tons of support!
Good luck,


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#6 Post by jennielee81 »

Ya, it looks like you've got an open bite. While you're young this may only be annoying to look at but as you get older, this could (notice that is could, not will) cause you problems.

I would definately get a consult to see what is what. Only an ortho can sort this one for you.

Let us know what happens!
"Life is an occasion; RISE TO IT!" --Mr. Magorium
I wore Damon 3's and Opals for 20 months at age 42. Braces off January 2007
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#7 Post by missingu »

An ortho is the best one to advise on whether braces would be clinically necessary, or primarily aesthetic.

Most people get at least 2 or 3 consultations because orthos are very different in how they perceive problems and try/try not to pressure you.

Anyway, most othos do consults for free so it can't hurt, as long as you have the time in your day.

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#8 Post by Flora2006 »

I agree with what everyone else has pretty much said.

The only person who can really give you an accurate answer is an orthodontist. Consultations are free so just go and see what he/she says.

Also, it's important that you do what you want to do...your teeth are looking pretty good already so if you decide to get braces, I really hope it's not just because you get influenced by others, but that this is what you really want.:)

Good luck with your decision.


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#9 Post by Cultureicons »

Thank you everyone!

I really, really do not want braces but I figure I should because there is no point going through my life not liking my teeth and such.

I'm gonna go for a consult on may 1st, I'll be happy only having braces for 8 months or something.

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#10 Post by kirst1583 »

I was like this for over 20 years ... many ortho appointments ... and they're not free in New Zealand, Fiji or Australia.
Kind of going off on a tangent here, but glad you mentioned this.
After the comment about free consultations I thought I must've been going crazy thinking that I had paid for mine.
I only went to one for that reason. My ortho came highly recommended and his treatment plan made sense. I'm really happy with how things are going.

If initial consultations were free there'd be no reason not to have at least 3 though! :wink:


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#11 Post by Evelyn »

It it's bothering you enough to post on here if you need them or not, I think you should go ahead and get them.

They're not just about cosmetics either...an open bite can cause serious problems later on.

You're young, and you don't want to be self conscious of your smile for your whole life. I say do it!

Braced September 9, 2002
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#12 Post by ScottR »

I agree with Evelyn. That fact you posted the question here indicates you aren't happy with your teeth. Why settle for "not to bad" teeth when you can have great looking teeth. See the ortho, get braces and be happy. :roll:

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#13 Post by ingyandbert »

I'd get the braces now and get it over with.

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