Waterpic or Floss?

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Waterpic or Floss?

#1 Post by braces4me »

Just curious who on the board uses their waterpic instead of floss without any problems with cavities and such? I have only been using my waterpic lately because my teeth are still too sore. I tried to floss last night and I though I was going to jump out of my skin due to the pain. I am worried the waterpic wouldnt get everything between the teeth. Thoughts?

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#2 Post by tkais »

I usually try to floss in the mornings and water pic in the evenings. Seems to be working for me.

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#3 Post by Joanna20 »

I'd say do both if you can! The first time I got braces I was really irresponsible with them and didn't really care (12 years old), has a result I formed a few cavities :oops: BIG MISTAKE!
This time I've decided to be EXTRA careful so I'm following this mega operation everynight in order to make sure everything will be alright.
I swear to God if it depends on me I won't ever have cavities again.
Good luck,


Next Ortho. consultations: Dec. 26 & January 16
Next Higienist consultation: February

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#4 Post by fins »

I personally can't imagine anyone with braces NOT using a waterpik, I have to use it but I also floss as well. I think the waterpik does get rid of most of the food but I find I can use it two or three times before it really seems to clean out every spot around the braces.

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#5 Post by tootsipink »

I'm a big fan of the Waterpik. It won't remove all plaque but it's great for overall gum health, especially if you're not consistent w/flossing.

Way Too Old For This
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#6 Post by Way Too Old For This »

braces4me, I'm not advocating not flossing, but I am bad at flossing and do use the waterpik. I just had a really good 6 month report from my hygenist saying to 'keep up the good work'. I do try to floss once or twice a week, but I use the waterpik at least twice a day.

Kiwi, that is too bad that you can't buy them in AUS.. It is so refreshing. You can add mouthwash to the water or hydrogen peroxide. I can't do the mouthwash because it makes too much foam and I have a low gag threshold.... Anyway, I know you would find it a great addition to your already OTT oral hygene routine. :)

Everyone I know who gets used to using a Waterpik everyday braces or naked, just don't feel clean without using it. I think the massaging action is helpful to the gums when teeth are sore.
Wired on Sep 16, 2005, left canine exposed on Oct 5, 2005, at 52 years old.

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