Black triangle with pic

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Black triangle with pic

#1 Post by kirst1583 »

Hi everyone,
I'm due to get my braces off in 3 weeks. There's only one thing worrying me though and that's the gap (black triangle) between my bottom front 2 teeth.
I go back to the ortho next week for a review appointment so will ask if it can be fixed then. In the meantime I thought I'd post a pic and see whether anyone knows if it's possible to re-shape the tooth and then close the gap?
Thanks in advance and sorry if the pic isn't too clear - it was my 1st attempt!



Bass babe
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Black triangles

#2 Post by Bass babe »

Hi Kirst

I've got black triangles between most of my teeth because of their shape, narrow at the root, wide at the ends. My ortho said he can help to lessen the gap by shaving the sides, which he has done twice now (I'm in my 14th month), but only to an extent. If he does it too much, my teeth will look "ridiculously narrow" in his words. What he's done so far has lessened the triangles, but I guess I won't know how far he can go until the end of the treatment. I'm sure your triangle can be sorted out.

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#3 Post by kirst1583 »

thanks for posting your pic. I've got quite a few black triangles on my lowers ... none look quite as big as yours yet ... but I'm only 8 1/2 months in, so I'm guessing they could get bigger.

I'm looking forward to following what your ortho recommends. I hope he can fix them with some reshaping as that would seem like the easiest answer ... although it might mean a couple more weeks in braces ... but hopefully that won't worry you to get the finish you want!

Good luck! :banana:

PS ... your teeth look lovely! :thumbsup:
Thanks heaps for the response!
The extra time wouldn't bother me in the least. I'm excited to be getting them off in 3 weeks, but I also want them to be perfect ...

At my last adjustment I think he did detailing (i'm pretty sure that's what he told the assistant). He spent ages fiddling with the wire and putting little bends in it. I never asked about this triangle then because that's where one of the bends is so I figured it would be fixed.

I'll definitely keep you posted about what he says on Monday and whether or not my debanding date remains the same!


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Re: Black triangles

#4 Post by kirst1583 »

Hi Kirst

I've got black triangles between most of my teeth because of their shape, narrow at the root, wide at the ends. My ortho said he can help to lessen the gap by shaving the sides, which he has done twice now (I'm in my 14th month), but only to an extent. If he does it too much, my teeth will look "ridiculously narrow" in his words. What he's done so far has lessened the triangles, but I guess I won't know how far he can go until the end of the treatment. I'm sure your triangle can be sorted out.
Thanks for the reply. I haven't had any re-shaping done at all yet so i'm just hoping this might be something he has in mind for my appointment on Monday. It don't think it would leave that big a gap to close. But then again he changed me from power chains to ligs last adjustment so I don't know.
I just really can't wait to go on Monday and see what he can do!


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#5 Post by weird_wired »

Someone posted before and after pics of their black triangles some months ago: showing the triangles (1) at their worst and (2) a few months after their braces were removed. The gums grew beautifully into the gaps and the black triangles completely disappeared.

So I would suggest anyone who has them wait a few months after their orthodontic treatment is over, and go for shaving only if they're not getting any better.

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#6 Post by kirst1583 »

Someone posted before and after pics of their black triangles some months ago: showing the triangles (1) at their worst and (2) a few months after their braces were removed. The gums grew beautifully into the gaps and the black triangles completely disappeared.

So I would suggest anyone who has them wait a few months after their orthodontic treatment is over, and go for shaving only if they're not getting any better.
Thanks weird_wired. I found the exact post here... viewtopic.php?t=7949&highlight=black+triangle
I looked at the pics and it appears that Fyrelight's triangle was much smaller than mine (in height that is). I guess all I can do is speak to my ortho next week and express my concern. He should be able to tell what needs to be done to achieve the results I'm after.


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#7 Post by fyrelight »

Yep, it was mine.... they did go away a few months after the braces were off, but mine weren't as large. Your ortho may shave a mm off the laterals near the top of the tooth so that the tops fit together better and leave less of a gap. I'm sure the black triangles will go away after the braces stop irritating them, but maybe they wont' go away as much as you'd like, so yes, I'd ask.
Pamela W.

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#8 Post by kirst1583 »

Yep, it was mine.... they did go away a few months after the braces were off, but mine weren't as large. Your ortho may shave a mm off the laterals near the top of the tooth so that the tops fit together better and leave less of a gap. I'm sure the black triangles will go away after the braces stop irritating them, but maybe they wont' go away as much as you'd like, so yes, I'd ask.
Thanks for writing. I was hoping you would see my post and have some input :wink:
With me it's really just the one triangle that bothers me. It does look much larger than yours was though. I guess even if it could be reduced then that would be better than nothing!
I'll find out on Monday, so will be sure to keep everyone posted on how it goes...


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#9 Post by kirst1583 »

Ok well it's update time!

I saw the ortho today for my review appointment and things went well.

I asked about the black triangle and he looked and said he could fix it, then took the wire out and fiddled with it a bit and put it back in (it looks like there's a slight bend right between those 2 teeth).

So it appears that no re-shaping was needed after all. I'll take some pictures once I see things moving though so you can compare the difference.

I also had the impressions taken for the bonded retainer i'm getting on my lowers. I'm so glad I realised now that's what is in store for me. This way I have time to get used to the idea that I wont be totally "naked"...

So yeah, basically all is going according to plan and in 2 weeks from today i'll have nice, brace free teeth!!!


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