How much have your teeth cost you?

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Joined: Tue Apr 25, 2006 2:50 pm

#31 Post by johnnyboy519 »

So far i paid for all my record and analyzing and that costed my 350 plus a down payment of 840 and monthly payments of 200 dollars

Posts: 56
Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2005 7:59 pm

#32 Post by braceface69 »

My total will be $5500. Today I was in seeing my ortho and it was suggested that I get whitening after they come off next week. My parents had their teeth whitened by this guy and it was $300! So I asked how much I would need to pay to get it done and he said he wouldn't charge me a penny! AWESOME!

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Location: Manila, Philippines

#33 Post by phoenix »

wow! all of you seem to have spent loads of $$$! :shock:

Luckily in my part of the world, braces don't cost as much.

Before i got mine, i asked friends how much their braces cost and it was between USD1000-1500.

But I looked around for a good deal and got referred to a really good orthodontist by a friend who charges only about USD400, and that already includes any extractions needed, wax and elastics for your entire treatment and the retainers after the braces come off. the only extra charges are if you need fillings and cleanings.

she offers a really good payment plan too. you give her around 80 dollars as initial payment, and 20 dollars everytime you come in for a monthly adjustment. only 3 more payments to go and i'm fully paid! :D

if you add all my dental hygiene thingies and my regular dental cleaning to that, i'd probably spend only USD500.00 after my treatment.

I live in the Philippines by the way. [i'm sure you're wondering]. :)
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.


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