2nd molar removal???

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2nd molar removal???

#1 Post by sportsgrl97 »

Last October I chipped my 2nd molar and had to have it removed (which made me so pissed!) Anyways the dentist that told me I needed to have it removed said that he had spoken to my ortho and that they would just use wires and brakets to pull down my wisdom tooth when it comes in (which I don't even think it is close). My ortho hasn't said anything to me about having my braces on longer or anything about me missing a tooth in the back except marking it on my chart. I was wondering if anyone else had this problem? or is it necessary to my bite for him to move my wisdom tooth into the correct spot? because when it comes in they wont remove it.

Posts: 195
Joined: Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:33 pm

#2 Post by sportsgrl97 »

here is a picture of what my teeth look like right now... i forget to tell you that I' supposed to have them off in december

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#3 Post by missingu »

I had to have a first molar removed and both the dentist and ortho said I should get an implant (no wisdom teeth so not an option). How far "up" is your wisdom tooth and would an implant be a less invasive solution if ultimately they are going to remove it. I have been told I need to get the implant as soon as the braces come off as the upper tooth (had lower extracted) will start to "supererupt" when it has nothing to hit below when I bite down.

Again, not knowing the positioning of the wisdom tooth, it's hard to guess but if there is "room" for an implant, I'd go that route rather than pulling down the wisdom tooth, only to remove it, and what, wind up with an implant?

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#4 Post by Joanna20 »

Hey I'm missing both second molars and wisdom teeth in my lower jaw and my ortho is thinking about using that space to releif crownding in the front... Dunno if that helped. Ur teeth seem pretty straight already!


Next Ortho. consultations: Dec. 26 & January 16
Next Higienist consultation: February

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#5 Post by Idislikebraces »

I got my second to last molars removed..(Sorry i dont kno the "lingo" lol) but my ortho moved my last molars a little bit forward nd is now gonna move all my front teeth back (1st week of June) nd when my wisdom teeth come in she's replacing the last ones with my wisdom teeth nd the ones i got taken out with the last ones...yea i kno confusing...but u should do what u feel..i mean..ur paying nd what not..lol :o
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