Spacers tomorrow and BRACES thursday!! AHHH

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Spacers tomorrow and BRACES thursday!! AHHH

#1 Post by stacey07 »

ok so i get braced thursday with clear top and normal bottoms... i'm pretty freaked. my teeth aren't very crooked but i have a crossbite so that my left canine is wearing away a couple of lower teeth.. also my front 4 teeth at the top are very narrow because the canines are sort of rotated.... the bottom is straight just a little crowded. I'm already getting annoyed with people asking why i'm even getting braces! :roll:
i went out and bought everything i could possibly need (new toothbrush, wax, etc.) to convince myself not to chicken out again!
anyone got any suggestions for answers when people can't see why i'm going to have braces? i guess i shouldn't have to explain myself!
This site has been awesome and any advice and words of wisdom would be gold to me!! thanks guys.
xox :D

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#2 Post by missingu »

Yup, know that one intimately.

Assuming you want to give a polite reply (believe me, I have thought of a few that aren't), the answer of:

"it was recommended by my dentist/orthodontist because of structural concerns with my jaw/bite/occlusion/appropriate word"

Most people don't feel the need to know after that, since that tends to 'creep' people out just enough to drop the matter.

Just remember to give the answer with confidence as if "of course I need braces" and don't let any hint of self-doubt (which we all have now and then) seep through. Pretty soon the novelty should wear off, at least for those who you see frequently. However, there's always going to be that oddball months down the road...

Posts: 14
Joined: Mon Aug 29, 2005 3:38 am


#3 Post by stacey07 »

thanks heaps for that! Haha, yeh it was finding a polite response i was having trouble with!
I guess i'll quickly get comfortable with the idea that it only really matters that i know i need them! cheers again. :)

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