Braces on wisdom teeth

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Braces on wisdom teeth

#1 Post by HeavyMetal »


This is my first post here. I've had braces for a little over two years now and my orthodontist has just added brackets to the wisdom teeth on one side so as to have them raise up. I'm wondering if anybody here has had similar experiences and how long it usually takes.

At this point, I really feel like getting off the braces. (hey, I don't even care about the wisdom teeth). I know its not an uncommon practice to have them extracted.

Any comments are gratefully appreciated.

PS: I tried to take a picture of the bracket on my wisdom tooth, just couldn't get a shot with my camera :([/img]

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#2 Post by missingu »


Not that I have a wealth of knowledge on wisdom teeth, but I have never heard of bracing wisdom teeth. That seems to imply that the ortho thinks they will be staying in, and most people wind up having them removed because they start to mess up the alignment and cause problems with the permanent teeth.

If your dentist and ortho are separate providers, I would speak to the dentist about this, and if he sees removal of the wisdom teeth in your future (and, with luck, the removal of the braces).

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#3 Post by mtbrncofn »

My wisdom teeth are all in and in fine shape ( plus a few fillings ) and I'm keeping them. I didn't have my second or third set of molars bracketed. I did wonder why, but never asked. There was never really a problem with their positioning though.

I must say, having brackets back there would completely suck. Those of us that still have their wisdoms, know how tight it is back there!
Full upper and lower metal braces put on May 12, 2005.

Braces free as of April 18, 2006!

Temporarily rebraced Nov. 21, 2006. ( I think I've moved past temporary. )

Brace free again - July 26, 2007.

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#4 Post by lionfish »

I have three fully erupted wisdom teeth (all filled!) and none of them has been bracketed to date.

There was some vague talk about extracting two of them at my initial consult, but I've heard no more about this since. My preference would be to hang onto them if they can be accommodated.

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#5 Post by freya333 »


I had a wisdom tooth bracketed about a year into my treatment, as it was at a funny angle and not properly erupted. So far there have been no problems except that it seems to take an AGE to move compared to my other teeth (perhaps because it is bigger?)

My ortho has saidd that once it is place then my braces can come off so i wish it would hurry up and move!!! :D

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#6 Post by sjsarre »

I had four teeth out to try and make room for my wisdom teeth as I can't go under general anaesthetic and because of the way my mouth and jaw is aligned it would be impossible for me to be awake.

Since having the teeth out and the brace on i've noticed on one side especially that my wisdom tooth is more exposed and has more room to come into position. Indeed that is just whats happening. It does look like its on a slight angle and i'm concerned that they may stick a bracket on it....


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#7 Post by Kevin »

I never had any extractions and at some point in time I had braces on every single tooth. Getting the bracket on way back there wasn't a problem, but getting the wire to go through was.

I'd just as soon keep healthy teeth if I could. The braces didn't bother me.


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#8 Post by susieq182 »

i never had wisdom teeth, but i think if I had I would want to keep them if I could even if it ment longer treatment. I wonder how many people dont have wisdom teeth at all. My ortho asked me if I had had them removed when I told him no he seemed suprised, he would have preferred I had them, but they just arent there and never will be.
Extract #3 6/07 implant 10/07
Upper Molar bands
Bite Plate 12/12/05-5/20/06
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#9 Post by adollface »

I have all my teeth. About a month ago my ortho bracketed one of my wisdom teeth because it was at an odd angle. After one day I was having severe jaw and ear pain not to mention the whole the bracket was creating in my cheek. He took the bracket off two days later. He said it was worth a try but in the end was up to me whether I kept it or had it pulled. It's not effecting my bite or my alignment at all. I'm glad he took the bracket off because now I'm looking at getting the braces off in July!!!

Damon 2's top and bottom
braced 12-16-04

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#10 Post by HeavyMetal »

Thanks for your replies.

Like freya333 and adollface, my wisdom tooth also seems to be coming out at a funny angle. This one seems to be coming out angled towards the tongue and to a sllight extent towards the front lip.

Hmmmm quoting freya333 "took an AGE to come out"... That's not good news, but looks like its true. I've had the brace on that tooth for over a month and a half and I can't see any difference. With the others, the difference was noticeable...

I do plan to ask my dentist next week and I'll post any info he has here.

On an unrelated note, I have a couple of guys from France at work. (we work in the US.) And he tells me nearly every frickin kid in france has braces.. thanks to free healthcare :). Found it rather interesting.

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