First ever powerchain =:D

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First ever powerchain =:D

#1 Post by JumpTheDitch »

Hi fellow bracees, just thought I'd share with your my first powerchain experience! :-)o

Had my second adjustment today and found myself leaving the office sporting a 10-loop powerchain up top :shock: . Almost scored one on the bottom arch as well but the medicine-man decided on 'singles' instead. Next time, maybe. In the meantime, I have two new wires to get to know as well ("fairly hefty" ones, according to Mr Ortho-Man). He seemed to have a little trouble fitting them into the archwire-holes on the molar bands so I guess they are a little thick :soremouth: . The poor assistant tried to speak to him while he was trying to get em in there and he told her to be quiet cos he needed to concentrate with that type/size wire :!:. Mine was the last appointment before lunch so I guess they were in a hurry to get it done. Sadly no colours though. Was all primed to ask for purple on the bottom arch but didn't quite get there. D'oh!

Having read others' post re 'powerchain pain' I was expecting some discomfort (though the actual chain itself was a surprise) but man-oh-man you can definitely feel em working their magic! I was expecting the teeth that are being retracted to hurt but not the molars! I guess I associated 'pain' with movement only, rather than pressure. Back to a liquid diet for me! It's a good hurt though; pain=progress :dance: I was getting a little frustrated by the lack of discernable progress.

Here's to getting rid of extraction gaps and hopefully the overjet! :-88

Thanks for listening, good luck to all bracees! :thumbsup:




Betty Bat
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#2 Post by Betty Bat »

I had my first powerchain last month - across my bottom front teeth to keep them from separating. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised because they did their job and they really weren't a problem. Hope you find it the same way. The only issue is that it's a little harder to clean/brush because the powerchains cover the brackets a little.

Now, I only hope the same is true for elastics if/when I get them. My ortho mentioned that I might get them next time.

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#3 Post by Leslie022 »

I've had my powerchain a little over a month and a half...I love it! Hope your powerchain works its magic fast!
Braced: Jan. 17, 2006
Removed: Oct. 26, 2006
Fixed bottom retainer
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#4 Post by JumpTheDitch »

Thanks for your replies! Lucyloop, the chain is silver, same as the bottom ligs. I was a bit worried when I first heard him ask the assistant for the chain that it may be clear/tooth-coloured - I'm a caffeine addict, it would be brown very shortly! :?.

KK, I read your post when you got your powerchains, you must have been so annoyed when you found out they were clear when you have blue ligs on the non-chained teeth! I'd be happy for the 'progress doesn't have to mean pain' to apply to my treatment but sadly so far there's been a lot of soft foods and meals via the blender :roll:. I think it's maybe the archwires which've been changed each 6 wks so far. The current ones are so thick they had trouble getting them in :shock:. I just can't wait to see some movement now :twisted:. Good luck with yours!

Good luck with the elastics when they come Betty Bat!

Thanks Leslie022, I can't wait to things start to change!




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#5 Post by fins »

Congrats on your powerchains. I've had them in the past and some hurt like mad and one never bothered me at all. I think it has to do with how much work they are doing for you (mine were pulling teeth together).

I had one clear (now I have wire) and it did get really gross after a few weeks. I've read that smoke is a good color for masking stains but I never tried it.

I've got the heavy wires as well. Good luck with your progress, powerchains work so fast!

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#6 Post by Anticipator »

I just got my first powerchain experience at my appointment on Tuesday.

Four chains of four on all my back teeth to allow my overlapping front teeth to get into the arch.

I had a little tenderness but nothing a little time on the bite wafer didn't seem to solve.

Hope your experience continues to be as pleasant.
Upper and lower metal braces
Estimated treatment time: 20 months

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#7 Post by bckydgardnr »

At my adjustment Tuesday I got powerchains top and bottom on the fronts and on the sides to pull my molars toward the front. And, zinc string "just to tie it up nice and tight" according to the ortho assistant. This is the first adjustment in a long time that there has been any pain. Today is the first day I have been able to bite into something without cringing. Must be working! :-#)
I also got silver power chains this time instead of the clear, because I am so sick of yellow power chains. I think they look really nice!

And, the best news of all, My ortho said things are moving so quickly that he thinks I will be out of braces before the estimated time! Yea!!!!
braced 1/18/05


Pirate Wench
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#8 Post by Pirate Wench »

I am happy for sounds like you are very excited to have moved on to the next step.


Good luck to all with powerchains and elastics :-*

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#9 Post by jcdamon3 »

Hi there!

I had the same adjustment - two new wires and a powerchain on Monday. Today, Thursday, things are settling! I really believe I had to have more advil then when I got my braces on.

Good luck on your movement. My gaps that were created by the braces are closed and my teeth look sooo much better. I would say that there were two that were 1 - 1.5 mm each.

I got clear powerchains (wasn't asked) and just realized I have been drinking red wine in the evenings. Uh? Forgot all about it. Well - we'll see what they look like in a few weeks. I will probably go in there crying about it. Problem is they put them *under* the wire so he would have to remove the wire to replace the power chain. Maybe he can cut them out and put one on top.

Anyway, best of luck!
Braced on 8/05 - Braces off 12/06
Mid Forties!

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#10 Post by kirst1583 »

Problem is they put them *under* the wire so he would have to remove the wire to replace the power chain. Maybe he can cut them out and put one on top.
This statement got me really curious. I've never heard of power chains being placed under the wire.
Do you have any pics? I'd be interested to see how this looks!


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#11 Post by JumpTheDitch »

Thanks everyone for your replies!

Cheers fins, I'm glad to hear at least some of your chains were relatively painless. I think my discomfort was a combination of the thick wire and powerchain but I guess it's hard to tell :roll:. Thankfully back on solid food now (albeit tentatively!) but I can't wait for movement! Good luck with your treatment :D.

Thanks Anticipator, same to you! Good luck with the errant front teeth.

That's great news bckydgardnr, you must be thrilled!

Thanks Pirate Wench I guess I am excited to be making progress! Good luck with your banding :thumbsup:.

Jcdamon3 good to hear your gaps were closed. Not so good about the stainable chain, maybe try silver chains? I think they look pretty good and should be red wine-resistant!

Kirst1583, I'm curious about the same thing! Maybe powerchains work differently with damons? Your debanding must be coming up soon Kirst, good luck! :thumbsup:




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#12 Post by kirst1583 »

Kirst1583, I'm curious about the same thing! Maybe powerchains work differently with damons? Your debanding must be coming up soon Kirst, good luck! :thumbsup:
Thanks heaps!!! It sure is - Monday week. I can't believe it. 3 years seems like ages. I can't remember what it's like to brush without anything in the way or to bite into an apple...
I'm nervous but real excited all the same.
Thanks again :wink:


metalmouth moi
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power chains

#13 Post by metalmouth moi »

Hi All,
I've just joined the power chain club :lol: . 2 new archwires, power chains on top, new elastic config. Was a good adjustment ! All is going well, my top teeth seem a bit creaky, and loose feeling since the power chains. Anyone else have that feeling? Hoping to see my midline changing soon :dance:
PS blue power chains , they r really pretty !
metal braces upper and lower May 12/05


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#14 Post by mtbrncofn »

Regarding the chain under the wire: I had this when my braces were on, but I also had one on top. They were doubled. Do you have 2 on together? My ortho put those on to close all my big gaps relatively quickly. He originally put just one chain on, but when I went back he wasn't impressed with the progress. I must say, doubles hurt like hell, but they work quickly!
Full upper and lower metal braces put on May 12, 2005.

Braces free as of April 18, 2006!

Temporarily rebraced Nov. 21, 2006. ( I think I've moved past temporary. )

Brace free again - July 26, 2007.

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#15 Post by kirst1583 »

lol isn't it amazing how different everyone's teeth react. I've heard so many people comment on the fact that the power chains moved their teeth so quick. Mine took over 2 years for my extraction gaps to close ... and that was with power chains on the whole time!
I also had double power chains for part of my treatment. Both were on top of the wire though...


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