Biting a Bracket!

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Biting a Bracket!

#1 Post by CreedAngel81 »

Has anyone experienced this....I've finally realized why it hurts so much to chew! My teeth are no longer sore except for my upper right molar and while looking at my mouth today I noticed the bottom bracket on the molar is right at the border of the top of the tooth causing me to bite it when my jaw closes, if that makes any sense?!! I was wondering if I should visit my ortho to see if he could either move it down or place a smaller bracket on it. Otherwise I'm going to be on a liquid diet for a year because chewing isn't an option. It feels like if someone has a filling and either bites on foil or a fork and it sends a shock of pain throughout their mouth...never knew what people were talking about until now. I'm so jealous of people who can eat! I'm starving!!!
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#2 Post by afrederick »

You should call them and let them know what's going on so they can get you a bite plate or something. You can actually bite off the bracket (although it's unlikely since it hurts so much) but biting off a bracket - according to my ortho can set back the treatment.

They should get you in fairly quickly if that is the case.
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#3 Post by pucca26 »

I have a similar problem!!! And the bracket took off al leats three times in one month, my ortho said that the bracket must be in that place and she can't move it a little upper, I'm getting mad about that. :-(*
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#4 Post by Skinny »

You poor thing, I would call 1st this monday am.
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#5 Post by missingu »

Maybe this is overstating the obvious, but why can't you get a different set of brackets, for the entire arch. Saying the bracket must be in place, to me, is a cop out and dismissive of your complaint. If you aren't happy with the treatment, you may need to ask for a consultation and have her explain why, specifically and in detail, she cannot move it or go for another style of bracket.

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#6 Post by Caralyn »

I have had the same thing happen with the molars in the very back of my mouth and for the first few days after they put them on i couldnt bite down all the way and actually bite one off..but that happen at the othro's office so it was no big deal but after a little while my teeth began to move or i just got used to just takes time


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#7 Post by stacey07 »

I have the same braces (inspire ICE) on top and metals on bottom (was braced a week ago) and my upper molar hits my bottom bracket whenever i chew!! it sort of stops you in your tracks with a huge jolt!! :x

I know your pain! all i've been doing is chewing sort of lopsided & on the opposite side of my mouth. i also found that with some foods if you only use the two problem teeth to chew they don't hit each other! :?

I thought about getting it moved at the ortho but i reasoned that it wouldn't be there in the first place if it didn't need to be. I will be asking him however, at my first adjustment.
Good luck and i hope you avoid further pain!! :)

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#8 Post by CreedAngel81 »

Well I went to the ortho today and he just sanded down the bracket just slightly and it made a little difference. I might ask him to sand it alittle more when I go in for my first adjustment. Hopefully there will be some movement to correct the problem soon. Overall I haven't had any pain or soreness except for the bracket hitting my top molar....and thats even with starting my elastics!!!
Inspire Ice Sapphire braces top
Metal bottom
Treatment Estimate: 1 yr
Results=Beautiful Smile for Wedding!


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