Gum Removal - Gingivectomy

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Posts: 22
Joined: Fri May 20, 2005 1:33 pm
Location: Texas

Gum Removal - Gingivectomy

#1 Post by scrubalinda »

I have a molar that has had to move a long way. In the process, it has moved my gums with it. I now have a bunch-up of gums and have to see a periodontist for a Gingivectomy. Anyone ever had this? How did it go?
Upper Ceramics on July 20, 2005
Lower Metals on November 17, 2005
Estimated Treatment Time - 30+ months

Posts: 190
Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2005 12:54 pm
Location: Louisiana

#2 Post by Samantha08 »

I had it done! Here is my post with pictures. If you have any questions just ask!

Estimated Time: 15-18 months


Posts: 22
Joined: Fri May 20, 2005 1:33 pm
Location: Texas

#3 Post by scrubalinda »

Well... I had it done... and it wasn't as bad as I thought.

He put that stuff stuff on the gums first to numb it a little. Then he did some shots of what I assume were novacaine. Then he just started cutting away. It just sounded like he was scratching on my brackets... which is what I thought he was doing until he said "Done". So, it was no big deal. It looked pretty gross afterwards, but he put this Silly Putty like stuff over the area. When I went back in 4 days, he took it off, cleaned it a little bit... and it looked completly normal. I was very surprised. It never hurt once.
Upper Ceramics on July 20, 2005
Lower Metals on November 17, 2005
Estimated Treatment Time - 30+ months

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