please help. major canker sore issues.

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please help. major canker sore issues.

#1 Post by 2hOtT2HaNdLe01 »

ive been having some problems with canker sores. they never seem to go away. actually right now i have 8. but just a couple of weeks ago i had 14, give or take a little. WOAH i know. i now use rembrant for canker sores, and that worked on some, but it doesnt seem to work on everything. then i rinsed with straight hyrdogen peroxide, then i began diluting it. neither of those worked. then i just started rinsing with warm salt water. that has not helped so far. then my dad (who's a doctor) put me on antibiotics, and ive been on them for a week, still not working! and then i found this old mouthwash my denstist prescribed for me, when i first noticed this problem, so i started using that again. and it has steriods or whatever. so we'll see how this works. now my nightly routine is: take antibiotics, brush teeth with canker sore toothpaste, warm salt water rinse, hydrogen peroxide rinse and then prescription steroid rinse. so hopefully this will help somewhat. NOT TO MENTION i take 500mg of vitamin c daily, and i eat relatively healthy! does anyone have any suggestions? because my dentist, orthodontist, doctor, mom and dad are all baffled as to why i always have mouth sores.because even after some heal, i always get more, and instead of healing, most just get bigger. so i'm very confused. and im in ALOT of pain. eating is such a task for me,and it's also my favorite thing to do. ahh i envy those who can eat with no pain. i always have to go through this whole process of numbing my mouth before i can touch any type of food to my lips. my mouth starts burning at the mere sight of food. UGH. when will the madness STOP! oh and im sure one of you is thinking it might herpes or std's. trust me NO SORRY thats NOT how i roll. im a good girl :-9 lol. so does anyone have any suggestions? PLEASEE && THANKSS :D
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#2 Post by sjsarre »

Hi 2hOtT2HaNdLe01

It could be something medical. I used to suffer from alot of mouth ulcers. Tried lots of different treatment. In the end I went to the doctor and found out I was lacking in Vitamin B12 and iron. So i've been taking that every since including it in my diet and if I ever do get a ulcer (last time was over a year ago) they always go very quickly.

Might be wise to check this out...

Hope you feel better soon. :( :)


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#3 Post by jcdamon3 »

Have you tried Antacids?
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#4 Post by jaswi »

Try malox mixxed with a liquid benadryl and swabbing it on the sores.. that combination is a godsend.

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#5 Post by 2hOtT2HaNdLe01 »

thanks everyone for all the replies. my doctor never tried to take blood tests when i mentioned my canker sores. However, for the longest time i took b6 and zinc on a daily basis. and ive tried antiacids. ha nothing seems to work long term for me. i will definately talk to my doctor more about this. THANKS SO MUCH EVERYONE :D
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#6 Post by fyrelight »

Vitamin C is acidic.... can make them worse... I'd lay off that a while. Also avoid anything else acidic-- like anything made from tomatoes, etc. And make sure your tooth paste does not have Sodium Laurel Sulfate... Try Biotene maybe. Just some ideas that help mine.

For the pain, try Kanka.. it lasts a long time.
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#7 Post by Seesa_In_Braces »

SAME HERE!! I have like 4 canker sores in my mouth right now! It sucks BADLY! What I do is put tooth paste on them leave it on until the "stinging" sensation goes away, and then I rinse. It doesnt make them go away all in one night but it does hasten the process.. With this procedure, it only takes like 2-3 days for them to go away.. Hope that this helps.. :D
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#8 Post by Henna_the_braceface »

hang in there all of you. those canker sores will get better!


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#9 Post by Betty Bat »

I'll second Fyrelight on the Sodium Lauryl Sulfate! Check your toothpaste and mouthwash to see if there is SLS in them. It was the only thing that gave me canker sores with my braces.

You may have a different problem, but I think avoiding SLS can't hurt!

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#10 Post by braceface1230 »

I can't believe that none of you have mentioned to use wax. Try using that wax! It really does help... A LOT. Good luck. :)

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#11 Post by Raspberry »

I know you said you eat pretty healthy, but do you eat a lot of sugary things? I get them pretty bad when I eat too much sugar.

Hope you get this to clear up soon! Sores really suck!

Maybe try some numbing stuff for now to take the pain away. I use cephacil(spelling?) losenges for soar throats, they really numb the sores, and make it feel better.

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#12 Post by Betty Bat »

None of us mentioned wax because that's KK's job - "warm salt water and wax"!

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#13 Post by bbsadmin »

There is an article on the main ArchWired site about canker sores:

BTW, I realized that a LOT of the links on that page had changed, so I just updated it with working links and new information.

Rincinol PRN is supposed to work well for canker sores. Here's where you can get a free sample!

Here's the product page from Butler, but note that you can get it cheaper on other websites or in your local drugstore: ... FIndex%3D1
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#14 Post by April »



I, too, suffered and still do suffer from canker sores. As soon as my braces went on a year ago to this day, i still have them! I always have at least one in my mouth. I suffered from them before the braces but not this bad. I have tried EVERYTHING: Peroxyl rinse, Canka, L-Lysine, etc. In fact, you mention some things that I have not tried! I use wax whenever I get a sore so that the bracket isn't rubbing up against the sore directly and that helps. The one thing that has helped more than anything else is Durham's Canker Rid. Its made with bee pollen and I found it while researching canker sores on the web. The link for ordering is The bottle lasts about six months and based on my experience with the product, it reduces the amount of time that the canker sore lasts. It does help with the pain, too. I hope that this helps!
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#15 Post by texasangel »

Hopefully by now your canker sores have gotten better.
Everyone has suggested most everything. Take L-Lysine every day, and also I have researched online about foods that trigger canker sores and chocolate is in the top 3. The others are nuts and wheat products. I guess it's just what you are allergic to, so you might have to experiment.
Try and remember what you have eaten ALOT of lately - like if you love chocolate - that might be one of the problems.
Good Luck - hope you feel better soon !
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