Need some advice!!!!

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Need some advice!!!!

#1 Post by monkey10 »

Hello all,
I'm new here... Firstly, I guess I have relatively nice teeth... I am 20 years old now and I had them when I was about 13 or so. My main problems then were an overjet, my fangs coming in crooked and my bottom teeth crowding up.
Well, now I am 20 and I have been having clicking, popping, ripping in my jaw for a while now (tmj?) and it's really bothering me. I've had my retainers adjusted quite a few times and even replaced but I still feel unhappy about several things:
1) My overjet is coming back
2) My midlines don't match up
3) The clicking, popping and ripping from my jaw sometimes
4) The way how my fangs are starting to move out again
5) and my bottom teeth are seeming to get a little more crooked.
Because the retainers are not really fixing these things, I'm looking at getting a mouth full of metal again!
The only thing is my teeth don't *look* that bad, but I am starting to feel unhappy about them and the tmj symptoms are really getting to me.
I will post some photos so you can see what I'm talking about... but has anyone got braces for tmj or for somewhat minor crowding and such? Does it sound to you like I need em again?

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#2 Post by LynnHowell »

Your teeth have moved this much and you've worn your retainer as instructed? I've heard of people having to be re-braced, but it's because they were irresponsible in wearing their retainer. Also, TMJ disorder is cause by a bad bite. I am on the last stretch here with my braces (and due to have the removed in 3 months) and they have corrected my TMJ completely (no more bad headaches and jaw aches)!

What has your ortho said about what's going on?
Upper Ceramic: 8/13/04
Lower Metal: 01/13/05
Removed: 4/19/07 (finally!)

Upper Clear Hawley
Lower fixed & Essix
Lower fixed removed 7/06/07 (due to a small space). Lower Fuschia Hawley 7/18/07

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#3 Post by KathleenH »

LynnHowell wrote: Also, TMJ disorder is caused by a bad bite.
Not necessarily. My TMJ was exacerbated by a bad bite, but even after surgery to correct my bite (which is now nearly perfect), I have been told I will always suffer from TMJ. This is because my upper jaw socket is too narrow for the lower jaw bone, and I have difficulty moving it. Sometimes, it just gets stuck. That has nothing to do with my bite, but everything to do with my bone structure.

Anyway, in response to the OP, it sounds as if you may need braces again, with the possibility of jaw surgery to correct the overjet and to help with the TMJ symptoms. What does your ortho think?

Surgery survivor


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#4 Post by monkey10 »


So there's pics of my teeth. Some of the pictures are high contrast, I found it difficult to take a good picture. As I said, my teeth really don't look too bad, right?... but I wonder if getting braces would be a good choice.
A few months back, my ortho gave up readjusting my retainers, and made new ones- the top one was of a soft plastic, he said that would stop grinding at night which could be causing by jaw noises.
Well, like a moron I haven't worn them quite as much as I should have, a few nights a week, but I can feel they're already getting worse a fit. If I have to get new ones made, well I may just beg for braces and see what the ortho says. I don't think he wants me to have braces again, which is good, because I don't really either, but I don't feel like the retainers are helping a whole lot- then again I should wear them more!
I don't know what to do! I'm not scheduled to see the ortho for many more months, but I may go back just to get some more advice.
Thanks for your help everybody!

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#5 Post by Duffle »

Your teeth look like mine and I've only only been out of braces for 4 days!!!

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Location: Lisbon, Portugal

#6 Post by Joanna20 »

Hey I think ur teeth look pretty good! You should go see a doctor about those TJM symptoms!!!
Good luck,


Next Ortho. consultations: Dec. 26 & January 16
Next Higienist consultation: February

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Joined: Sat May 20, 2006 7:34 am

#7 Post by monkey10 »

Thank you for your comments! I guess I'll consult with an ortho to see if braces or something else would help.

Posts: 27
Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2006 6:37 pm

#8 Post by mandaluv »

this is mostly directed to a few posts up where they were talking about TMJ.

my case is different. everytime i open my jaw, my left joint cracks loudly.. very classic of tmjd. but i don't have the problem because of my bite. in fact, i've had pretty much the same bite my whole life and i never had a problem with my jaw until i got my lower wisdom tooth removed on my left side. (i had to have oral surgery cause it was growing in sideways and it was a partial bony impaction) this, combined with stress, are what i believe caused my problems. (i began planning my wedding right after having the tooth removed) after my wedding, i remember suddenly waking up every morning with my jaw locked shut where i could barely open it. but now its been 2 years since i have been married and i don't have the lock jaw problem anymore. just the loud popping on the left side when i open my jaw all the way.

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#9 Post by Flora2006 »

mandaluv wrote: my case is different. everytime i open my jaw, my left joint cracks loudly.. very classic of tmjd. but i don't have the problem because of my bite. in fact, i've had pretty much the same bite my whole life and i never had a problem with my jaw
I'm in a similar situation...I think :roll:

My right side cracks when I open my mouth...but that started when I got my braces...there is no pain involved or anything like that...but I am still planning on talking about this with my ortho on my next adjustment because I don't want this thing to possibly lead to a more serious thing...


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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