Any of you teased about your teeth when you were younger??

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#31 Post by MuleNag »

I heard the occassional comments when I was a kid in school. I'm super sensitive and it always hurt to hear it. What's really bad is that my hubby's niece and nephew were constantly commenting on my teeth! These children are being raised by very superficial parents and don't understand why my teeth are crooked. That almost hurt worse than the comments when I was in school. :(

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#32 Post by TuZZi »

I was constantly bugged all throughout elementary and high school.... not just because of my teeth, but because I was fat, much taller than everyone, AND had screwed up teeth. Oh yeah.... growing up was fun! :roll:
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#33 Post by nimo »

I got teased for my teeth when I was younger. I was still getting teased for my teeth as an adult. The thing I hate the most about braces is that I'm acknowledging the fact that I had a problem and displaying it to the whole world.
Braced on 17 Feb. 2006.
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#34 Post by Gennel »

Nimo , actually it's a good thing because you are telling the world that you know you have problem teeth but you are correcting the situation. Most people admire that and teasing will not be a problem. There are always a few immature A$$holes that make fun of anything. For the most part I can tell you that 99.9% of the people I've told are 100% supportive and are so happy for me. The only person I know that says I shouldnt get braces is my oldest brother. He said " For what? Your in your late 30's by the time you get them off, you should use that money for something you really want" I told him I am using this money for something I really want ,most of all something I really NEED which is different!"


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#35 Post by nahky »

i got teased about my appearance because of my underbite
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#36 Post by rockexrolloh »

I got teased all the time. My teeth aren't bad at all except for the 3mm gap between my two front teeth. Being teased all the time is one of the reasons I never smile or cover my mouth. I don't think I've ever seen a picture of me smiling.
Someone once told me they "didn't know whether to listen to me when I talked or kick a field goal between my teeth." I remember going inside and just crying all night.
It's really sad when people are that immature/incompetent. I can't help how my teeth are but I'm definitely on my way to changing them.

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#37 Post by Gennel »

I don't know how I feel about braces yet since I will be getting them in a few weeks but my attitude is that I don't care about other people. I'm inmy 30's and at this age very little bothers me and when something bothers me I just say it. I know someone will joke about my braces and I can't wait to tell them "My teeth are totally fixable,ugly isn't"
Then I bet they will tell me " OMG you sure are touchy" lol
The bottom line is I'm doing something really good for myself and the health of my mouth! I will feel better about myself even with the braces on ...


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#38 Post by Seesa_In_Braces »

I know that i am only 14 but i was teased in 6th grade by my boyfriend philip. :FeelSick: I used call him dimples because he had cute little dimples when he smiled and he called me Bucky the Beaver. Being mean I guess he didnt realize that he was hurting my feelings, when i was 8 kids made fun of me because when i was little, i had my four front teeth removed because they were rotting. (which probably was the reason that I "had" buck teeth in the first place) they used to call me vampire. But i dont care because there the ones gonna be jealous when my teeth are perfect and theirs are crooked! so keep smiling :lol: and keep thinking how much more beautiful your smile will be once your torture chamber is off!
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Re:Teased About Braces & Teeth

#39 Post by sharrsharrsheesheiya »

Hey Seesa in Braces, Hi and Hello, I'm Sharrsharrsheesheiya. 17 and got braces, hg , the lot, but my bfriend Simon is soooooo supportive and ever-so-caring. He does real nice things like arrange pillows and sleeping to make it more comfy for me, and instead of being put off by kissing my 'metal-mouth' he seems to get really into it and enjoys as much as me. I was so nervous about wearing the hg at school for the first time, and I did get comments on my 'rabbit teeth' when I was younger, but I found that people only poke fun if they get a reaction, so best thing is blank them, ignore it, and soon they'll find something else. Also having support like my bfriend and my sisters does ease away the little tummy knot I sometimes get when I meet new people or go somewhere different. I guess I'm still not confident with strangers when I'm on my own, but hey, I'm well into my treatment now, so I'm used to the stares really. Wish my teachers were as understanding, though, cos several say things which could be hurtful, and my French teacher is just awful !!! Love your name, is it short for something really different? Are you still with your bfriend, as I'm not sure about his attitude? Keep in touch, good luck, so nice there's other teens on here, love Sharrsharrsheesheiya
Sharrsharrsheesheiya,17yearsold,UK BracedTop&Bottom-13March2000 ElasicBands-22August2002 HeadGear-8January2004

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#40 Post by jaxxie118 »

I've definitely been teased in the past because of my teeth. I remember in school that people would stare, and say things like "Why are your teeth so crooked?" or "You know your teeth are messed up?" That made me mad because uh duh, don't you think I already know!? Then I would always get little kids staring and pointing if I smiled at them or talked to them. And once, when I was in the hospital, this one patient said "Jackie's teeth are f***ing ugly" as I walked by. She was saying it loud enough so it was obvious that I heard. And my sister would sometimes use it against me in the past, when we would fight like normal siblings. That's probably the one that hurt the most. But it's terrible how kids treat each other these days. There's absolutely no reason to put someone down. No reason whatsoever.
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#41 Post by Gennel »

I've been in your situation many times when I was in my early teens. It was awful. I had some really bad times and no one to turn to for help. If I told a teacher ,then everyone would hear about it and make it worse. The great thing is that you are doing something about it and whatever discomfort you might go through in the end it will be so worth it!


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