how can you afford braces?

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how can you afford braces?

#1 Post by Dimples »

I am in desperate need of braces. It really takes a toll on me emotionally and mentally. It's a huge weight on my self esteem. I consider myself attractive, I recently lost 50 pounds and am currently working on losing 25 more. I just can't afford braces right now. I've lived with this since I was 6 years old. I find myself getting angry at my mom for not fixing this problem when I was kid. Now i'm 26 years old with the same problem. This issue is so mental. I wish this treatment didn't cost so much. I get tired of hiding my smile or not talking to people face to face, because I'm afraid they'll notice. Teeth are the first thing I notice when I talk to someone. Sorry to rant. I just needed someone to talk to. This issue is taking it's toll.


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#2 Post by juf_84 »

Hi Dimples,

I'm sorry to hear about how you're feeling.

I think many of us have been there. Before I made the decision to go ahead with braces I did feel resentment towards my parents for not taking care of this 10 years ago. I would get quite upset and was actually getting a bit depressed.

I can't really tell you how to get past this feeling. I just somehow came to terms with the fact that I didn't have braces when I was a teenager. I just kept telling myself "the past is past, what's done is done, you can't change it but you can do something about it today."

Unfortunately, the thing that has really helped me feel better is the fact that I am going ahead and getting braces. It seems this is not possible in your case just yet, and I do feel for you.

I'm not sure where you are, but is there anyway you could go to a school or wherever orthos get trained? I have read on the net that this option is cheaper and the orthos are under the supervision of their teachers. I suppose the only other options are to start saving and look into getting health cover. I know this is difficult though and you may not be in a situation to do this.

Well done on losing 50 pounds by the way! I know how hard it is to lose weight and it's a huge achievement!

I hope you do feel better about yourself :heart:
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#3 Post by Bluemoonjo »

Ditto on the parents, not wanting to talk to people, and noticeing everyone elses "perfect" teeth. (I'm 27)

I've been doing online programs for the last few months to earn some of the money for my dental care and braces treatment. I get braces in Aug ... that long till I could get the appt.
I'm making enough to pay the monthly payments.

I gave it all to God, and trusting he will provide for everything. Things have been going very well in life since then. Prayed up before and during all consults. We did have a talk about if he wanted me ministering/teaching to people, it might be a good idea if I wasn't trying to hide my teeth .... ok lol so I did all the talking :)

I'm able to pay $950 down and $115 a month for 20 months. (dentists terms) Includes everything .. consult, records visit, everything to do with the braces.
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#4 Post by M1k3y »

I just got my braces 5 days ago and I'm 27 yrs old. Trust me I know exactly how you feel. I was angry at my parents for never taking care of my teeth but then I realized how we struggled together as a family not knowing if we were going to eat dinner on certain days. Now I've graduated college and have medical, visual, and dental insurance so I utilize all of them since I've never had insurance in my life. I certainly don't take anything for granted since I earn everything I have. Do you work full-time? Have a lot of debt? Maybe work a 2nd job? I'm not sure what else you can do but just hang in there and don't give up on your goal to have braces. Just save little by little when you can. Good luck.

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#5 Post by Flora2006 »

The best advice I can give you is to just go and get some consultations with orthos. It will give you an idea of how much it will cost for your particular case.

Also, speak with the ortho about the can find a great ortho that will consider different methods of payment...usually there is a downpayment of about 25% but that could maybe get worked out with an ortho...and then its all monthly payments which again might be worked out differently with an ortho...

Good luck :)


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#6 Post by drazda »

Most orthos have payment plans, and do not charge interest. You won't have to pay everything at once, I suggest finding an ortho that will do a free consultation and go from there. Good luck!
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#7 Post by lemonlyme »

I'm a college student..I saved $1000 and have insurance that covers $1500 or something, so that's how i'm doing it..right now i'm picking out an's so exciting. Maybe you can find an ortho to work with you, that's what i'm looking for, good luck!

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#8 Post by alexa »

Cost was/is a big issue with me, which is why I was forced to go with a chain ortho instead of with a private one. I wound up at Western Dental, which is pretty present here in the San Francisco Bay Area, though I'm not sure where else they have practices, or whether they exist elsewhere at all. The deal with Western Dental is that you pay somewhere around $200 or $250 down (It's been practically a year and a half since I started the process, so I don't remember which it was) and then it's $100/month until the balance is paid. You also have to pay like $80 to join up with their "plan", but if you do, they take $1,000 off and the whole price was like $3,800 or so.

I will let you know that the downside of this kind of thing is that the facility is VERY busy. I've had to wait up to 90 minutes past my appointment time just to be seen for a regular adjustment. It's pretty annoying, but the actual work that my ortho does is pretty good and the payment plan is what I can afford.

I'm not sure where you're located, or what sort of places are available in your area, but you can try dental schools, as someone else suggested. I had a couple of friends who went that route and got wonderful results.

Hope you find a way to make the braces thing work for you.

Spacers: 1/26/05; 2/6/06; 3/15/06; 4/24/06
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#9 Post by bbsadmin »

There are some lower-cost alternatives.

First of all, before you start any type of treatment, you could join a dental plan. These plans are not "insurance." Rather, they are discount plans. Dentists and orthodontists sign up with the company and agree to offer their services for set rates.
Advantages: lower cost
Disadvantages: You are limited to their list of dentists.

Secondly, see if there is a dental school near you. Often dentists who are training in orthodontics will do work in the school clinic for very low cost. This is usually under the watchful eye of a very experienced dental instructor.
Advantages: lower cost
Disadvantages: Clinic atmosphere

Thirdly, you could work out a payment plan with the orthodontist of your choice. Usually they are quite reasonable about working with you.

Forth, as Alexa mentioned, some dental chains may offer good lower cost alternatives.

And last but not least, some "regular dentists" do orthodontic work for lower fees than orthodontists. If you choose one of them, be sure that they are very experienced. This is usually a safe choice if your case is not very complicated.

I hope that helps.
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#10 Post by cookie »

My ortho has a system whereby you pay £200 at your first visit, then the balance (for me £2200) has to be paid before debanding. This is not charged interest, and you can pay as little or as much as you like whenever - if you don't want to pay anything one month then that's fine - as long as you can pay the balance of the account on debanding day.
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#11 Post by bbsadmin »

I was angry at my parents for never taking care of my teeth but then I realized how we struggled together as a family not knowing if we were going to eat dinner on certain days.
Yeah, same here when I was growing up.
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!

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#12 Post by missing_tooth »

I can certainly relate. I really need oral surgery and braces. My parents did have the money, they just chose not to have that done for me.

As for the cost, I don't think any of us can afford braces. If it makes you feel any better, insurance paid nothing.

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#13 Post by sjsarre »

I would say that I was also upset that my parents didn't try and remedy the problem when I was a child. BUT - I can't be upset with them as for many years my parents did live on the breadline. Having three children to look after and living where we do where cost of living is high.

Sometimes your parents don't always see your faults. Or they have a way of mentally blocking them because they often see their children as being beautiful regardless of whether they have a crooked tooth here and there.

In my case straightening teeth was high on the agenda of any dentist when I was 10 or 11 years old. That was 20 years ago. Most of the children my age who I see now as adults have slightly wonky teeth or have opted for Orthodontics over the past 5 - 10 years.

In the UK I believe that cosmetic dentistry (along with all other types of cosmetic surgery) up until recently was several years behind that of the US / Canada etc. Its only recently that its taken hold.

I don't blame my parents or get upset with them. They brought me up as best they could.

Luckily my Ortho has a form of payment plan. I paid a deposit up front and monthly payments for the duration of my treatment. Its still expensive and i'm considering a part time job as my son will need braces within the next six months.


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#14 Post by Dimples »

Hello everybody.

Thanks for responding. I feel better today. Sometimes I get in that mood. I'm sure you all know what I mean. I checked out a dental discount website, and a representative emailed me back with a price quote in my area. (chicago) He said the average price was around 3800, and with their plan I could make a 200-250 down payment and pay the rest off in a 24 month period,which averaged out at 140.00 a month. Now this is something I could afford. I just want to be sure before I enroll. It costs 6.00 a month for 1 person, plus a 10.00 application fee. It's called CIGNA DENTAL. Has anyone heard of them before? I don't want to make any mistakes.

When I was a kid, the thing was, with the insurance my mom had, I could've gotten braces and my mom wouldn't have had to pay a dime. I remember her taking me to the dentist for a referral for an ortho, but she didn't follow through. And then when I brought it up to her again, she said, Oh you don't need braces, your teeth are fine. I was around 9 yrs.
old. But I won't even get into that. I'll just work on fixing the problem now. Thanks again for listening. If anyone knows anything about cigna dental please let me know. I love to smile and I will be so glad when this problem is fixed.


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#15 Post by Dimples »

Oops! Ortho treatment with cigna dental would be 3379 not 3800.


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