How many "emergency" appointments have you made?

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How many "emergency" appointments have you made?

#1 Post by josephine »

In answering another post I found myself advising that someone make an emergency appointment anytime they were in pain or just annoyed by a poking wire. I've felt kind of guilty at times for how often I have gone in to the ortho's for things out of whack or poking, or brackets coming loose, etc. But I bet this is pretty normal. How about you? How often have you had to make non-adjustment ortho appointments?

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#2 Post by ssfw »

I have had my braces on for only 2 weeks and had to make one appt. for a wire that was extending out of my end bracket. It wasn't poking me but my concern was that it was caused by it coming off of the bracket. The receptionist said even if it didn't come off the bracket, they didn't want the wire to begin poking me since we had a holiday weekend. They encouraged me to schedule an appt. which I got on the same day. The excess wire was due to my teeth moving so they just clipped the wire. They told me never to hesitate to call about any concerns. I feel that my ortho's office wants their patients not to have pain/discomfort that could have been avoided by getting a wire clipped, regluing a bracket, etc. With the kindness and care that my ortho's office gives, it sure does make ortho treatment more pleasant.

Quad-Helix expander: 1/20/06 - 1/16/07
Upper braces: 5/19/06; lower braces: 9/7/06

Braces removed: 8/19/08
Received retainer: 8/26/08 - wearing retainer 24 hours/day

Next appt.: 11/18/08

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#3 Post by KittyW »

In my 17.5 months in braces? At least 6-8 times...poking wires, broken brackets. My ortho's office encourages it as well. Better to fix the problem immediately than be in discomfort or set back treatment time with a broken bracket. No extra charge for it...included in the treatment cost. :D
Damon 3 - Dec. 7th, 2004
17.5 month duration
Debanded, gorgeous smile on May 16, 2006

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#4 Post by TechChick »

None for me yet, I've had my braces since Aug 2004

If its not smoking then its a software problem

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#5 Post by jcdamon3 »

Two to three times in ten months. Once for a pokey wire, once to have them push down these darn hooks because they were killing me. If there was a third time, I can't remember.

They are always happy to see me. :-)
Braced on 8/05 - Braces off 12/06
Mid Forties!

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#6 Post by Anticipator »

I've gone in once in my five months so far, and that was for a poking archwire in the back that was tearing a hole in my cheek.

Knock on wood that the rest of my treatment will be as uneventful.
Upper and lower metal braces
Estimated treatment time: 20 months

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#7 Post by adollface »

More than I can count. Poking wires (which means teeth are moving), springs coming off, tiebacks coming off, and than last week for a gap appearing that wasn't supposed to. My ortho is great and always tells me to come right in when I call with something like that. Last week when I took my daughter in or her adjustment, the ortho came over to me and asked to take a look and than he put a power chain on. That was cool!!

Damon 2's top and bottom
braced 12/16/04

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#8 Post by alexa »

Once...actually, it was before braces. When I had spacers (the first time... :roll: ), one fell out before I went back to have the braces put on, so I went back in to have it repositioned between my molars.
Spacers: 1/26/05; 2/6/06; 3/15/06; 4/24/06
4 First Bicuspids removed: 2/2005
Metal Braces, top and bottom: 3/1/05; Debanded 7/26/07
Hawley retainers top and bottom

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#9 Post by lionfish »

Funny that you should ask that question today, because I decided that three weeks of pokey wires jamming the back of my mouth was enough and went and got the buggers trimmed an hour ago. My ortho decided it was a good time also to remove a very stained powerchain (yay), give me a longer one on my lower arch and tie in the rotated tooth where the first powerchain had been. Something tells me I'm going to be chewing on the right side for the next few days. So much for going in for a wire trim - :evil:

Other than that, I've been in for two unscheduled visits in 4 months; one to reattach a bracket that had come unstuck, and another to attach a new bracket where the previous one had disappeared (most likely down my gullet). I would have toughed out the pokey wires til my next scheduled appointment except that I'm going to Adelaide for the weekend (Hi kk and all you other Adelaideans) where there's going to be lots of eating and drinking and I don't want to have to deal with food speared on the end of pokey wires.

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#10 Post by Missingorigin »

1 - lig came off bracket.

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#11 Post by missing_tooth »

Just once. Though I may need to go again soon.

- Missing Tooth -

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#12 Post by JumpTheDitch »

In six months of braces; none.

I meant to go get these pokey upper wires trimmed about 5 weeks ago before they started to protrude out of my cheek :roll:. Since my next appointment is now only a week away I don't suppose I'll be making it before then :oops:.

I tried to do what KK suggested but only succeeded in making divots in my toothbrush head :!:. Oh well..




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#13 Post by katmc_tx »

I have lost count!! :oops: I am not a strong person when it comes to pain and/or discomfort. When I first got my braces put on I had to go back the next week because the hooks were bothering me so much. I’ve had a flimsy wire come out of a band, poking wires in back, a bracket fall off(but I don’t think I caused this that bracket happens to be on a porcelain cap and I went into have that hook bent back so it wouldn’t bother me and I think that caused the bracket to come lose.)
Also had to get a bite plate because I was unable to close my mouth, had to change stained bumpers that were placed so that I wouldn’t hit two top teeth on bottom brackets. I think there a few more but wow :oops: that is already a lot.
This last time I called in about a poking wire I told the ortho’s receptionist I felt bad because I call in all the time. She said not to worry that they would rather I be pain free and comfortable and to come in as many times as I need to. After she said that I made me feel a lot better and not so embarrassed. :wink:
Got my braces off 9/20/07 after 19 months and 3 weeks. WOOOOOOHOOOOO!!

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#14 Post by IndyBraceFace »

I haven't had to go in for a non-adjustment appointment since getting my braces on in January (knock on wood), but I agree that it's better to go and get the problem fixed than to suffer or risk delaying treatment.

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#15 Post by BraceFace12 »

I've had mine since August of 2004 and have probably had about 6 or so non-adjustment appointments. I've had loose brackets, brackets broken, and for a while I had a few extra appointments for jaw problems.
Top Braces-8-12-04
Oral Surgery-6-3-05
Bottom Braces-11-15-05
Braces Off-8-22-06!

No smile is as beautiful as the one that struggles through the tears.

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