First-Kiss Foibles and Braces Blues (Gah!)

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#1 Post by Traffic »

It's probably not the braces as much as it is your (and mabey his) inexperience. I would suggest starting a little slower, with closed lips and getting comfortable with each other. No need to try to eat each others faces (right off the bat atleast).

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#2 Post by jaswi »

You're not alone.. I'm a 20 y/o guy and I've not kissed a girl. I've had several girlfriends, and I'm not a virgin, but somehow I've avoided kissing any of them-mainly due to self conciousness about my teeth. I am sort of experiencing a love at first sight thing right now though, should be interesting-hopefully get a few good smooches in before braces. peace.

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#3 Post by JumpTheDitch »

Its hard to say cos everyone's so different, but I can only say that I've never had any trouble kissing with braces. I don't have a regular bf @ the moment but have snogged one or two fellas since bday about 6 mths ago (gee, hope that doesn't make me sound like too much of a slapper! :oops: :lol:).

I agree with KK and Traffic; although you can't say for sure since you've no pre-braces experiences to compare it to, I think it's more likely to be related to inexperience rather than orthodontia. Kissing is something that does come naturally, but it's also something that evolves with time and practice (IMHO, anyway). Who doesn't have a few cringe-worthy memories of moments from their first experiences? Like anything, you get better with practice, both at being a little more deft (and maybe less drooly!), and more in-tune with what you like. Remember, (just like what sports he likes and his favourite foods, etc) you'll also become more attuned to what he likes the more you get to know him.

Don't stress, and don't give up on it either! Once you guys relax with each other and start to explore what you like, it'll all fall into place. Remember there's no 'right' or 'wrong' way to do these things, just what's right for you guys. You don't want to put too much pressure on yourselves by over-focussing on the physical side of things.

Enjoy getting to know your new friend :thumbsup:

BTW, I wouldn't be overly concerned about age either; although we see young teenagers very experienced and comfortable with themselves and their sexuality on TV all the time, I think the reality is very different. You can only do what feels right for you and no one should feel pressured into doing something just because 'everyone else is doing it'. I didn't snog my first fella til I was in first year at uni (I think that translates to 'college' for our american friends :wink:) and I haven't noticed any negative effects :D.

Go with what feels right for you :thumbsup:

(END LECTURE :roll:)




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#4 Post by Delag »

Just because this guy says he has kissed a few girls does not mean he is a good kisser! Way way way back when....I went out with ´The Guy´(you know him, the one who everyone wants to go out with -very smooth and popular) and he was the world's worst kisser. We are talking saint bernard slobber here. Don't give up and don't take the blame - it takes two (or four if you are counting lips).

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#5 Post by PnkPrincess024 »

ive kissed a few guys and bf's before my braces lol, im 21 now.

i got my braces on when i was 20...sept 2005.

now the first guy i kissed WITH my braces ON i asked him if he felt them while kissing me and he said no. i have ceramic on top and metal on bottom.

there was one man tho that our heads went onto eachother so fast to kiss that he hit my braces with his teeth...we didnt say anything tho-i guess we were too into it LOL. acctually hes never said anything about my braces. not even 'OHH U GOT BRACES" i acctually thought that was weird that he wouldnt say anything...maybe its because he knew id be embarrassed or annoyed.

all in all, dont worry. you'll learn how to kiss when u get more experience but it has nothing to do with the braces. plus, when you start going out more and something more than kissing might occur...dont worry, his member wont get caught onto your braces LoL

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#6 Post by jaswi »

Well, I kinda just had my first litlte kiss. Actually, was kind of like we couldn't keep our mouths apart after that first rather short, shy kiss.(took me quite a few minutes when I was ready to actually work up the nerves to go for it--haven't even known her 2 weeks) Was really good for me, she kept giggling which I told her I knew was cause I was a bad kisser, she just said 'not really, but practice makes perfect' and then attacked my lips again. I'd say if you're into a guy/girl and they're into you, it can only be good. I know for me, it just felt *right*.

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#7 Post by nvcarissa »

Kissing, braces or not, really is an art...takes practice and patience...and a willingness to learn and to teach.

I think the mistake that many make is trying to "go for it" too much right out the gate. That is, going for the big passionate kiss right off. Slow down, be gentle and let things build. If all you are doing is <ahem> "swapping spit" where is the sensuousness in that? Be playful. Be attentive. Oh... and go easy on the tongue...better too little than too much.

Okay...I've said enough.

Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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#8 Post by alexa »

I agree with most that it probably isn't the braces. It was probably just inexperience, nerves...or maybe he's just a poor kisser (the horror!)! :wink:

I haven't had the opportunity to kiss anyone since I got braces. :cry: However, I've kissed people before braces. My first kiss (and the next several...) were all horrible experiences. The first time I was in sixth grade and this guy I had known since I was five who was in seventh grade decided to kiss me and essentially, he did it out in public in the middle of the afternoon and just sort of stopped me in the middle of the sidewalk and rammed his tongue down my throat! I mean, I was young and mortified! I was so ashamed because afterwards I had an intense urge to spit! :lol: He became my first boyfriend...and let me tell you...his kissing never got any better. I finally had to tell him, "Gee, you know, you don't have to jam your tongue in my mouth everytime we kiss...besides, the sidewalk is really not the best place for a make-out session!" Embarassing!

The next person I kissed was so much better. In fact, it was so good that I usually tell it as my "first kiss" story, seeing as how the other one was so miserable. I was hanging out in my really good friend's room. I had a huge crush on said friend, had told the person and got shot down, so I just tried to keep it all inside. On this day, we were fighting what to order on a pizza that we were ordering to eat while watching a movie. My friend was laying up on the top bunk of a bunk bed set and I was pacing around. Finally I came over to the edge of the bed, said something snotty about wanting sausage and made a face...said friend kissed me.

I turned bright red went to the other side of the room and stared at the wall for about ten seconds before saying, "That does not mean we're going to order what you want!"


Don't worry about the kissing thing too much....if you're with the right person, then it'll get better on its own.
Spacers: 1/26/05; 2/6/06; 3/15/06; 4/24/06
4 First Bicuspids removed: 2/2005
Metal Braces, top and bottom: 3/1/05; Debanded 7/26/07
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#9 Post by flesh-was-sweet »

I remember I kissed this guy in a club...and...he did not have a sorry clue!!

Lend him an orange to practice on!


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#10 Post by jaws »

I agree that it probably isn't the braces. I am in a long-term relationship, and my boyfriend was with me both before and during braces. He said that he didn't notice a single difference in how we kissed once I got the braces. He might have been lying, but even once I got the braces he still 'made the first move' and kissed me quite often, so it couldn't have been that bad! And trust me, I had A LOT of junk in my mouth. Check it out:



I agree with other posts that first kissers often tend to go full speed, with their mouths wide open and tongues down each others' throats. Slowing down a little and starting with a few closed-mouth kisses can be helpful. :D
Braces are Now Off!
Metal Braces Top and Bottom
Expanders Top and Bottom
April 11th 2005-June 27th 2006

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