Help.....Damon or not?

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Help.....Damon or not?

#1 Post by jbjalways »

Ok, I've posted on here before and have been to 4 orthos for consults. Today I went to the 5th one specifically to check out Damon Braces since I've heard that they can widen your smile without surgery and do it in less months than typical braces.

Now I'm torn. I was all set to start up with Ortho #4 who said 24 to 30 months and use an expander, but Ortho #5 says 12 to 18 months in Damons and it will give me a wider smile without an expander.

Are there any downsides with Damons? I liked both Ortho offices, but leaning towards #5 since it's less time and no expander.

Unfortunately just got xrays & molds at ortho #4 and final consultation 6/28. Ortho #5 can do xrays, molds and banding 6/28.

Yikes!!! Not sure what to do, of course will lose money on the molds I did with #4 if I don't go to him.

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#2 Post by ingyandbert »

I have Damons and I love them. They're really comfortable and I've had no problems with them at all. I only have to go in for adjustments every couple of months, so I'm not running to the ortho all the time. Plus, my arches have widened beyond my expectations and it's only been 5 months. The ortho says they'll widen even more; can't wait to see the end result! Before Damons, I was told I'd need extractions but with Damons I've had NO extractions. Even though you'd lose the money you put down on the other treatment, I think it's worth it to switch to Damons if it means keeping your natural teeth. JMHO.

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#3 Post by JoeMama »

ingyandbert - I can only share what I've experienced, I'm not saying do one thing or another. I had/have a narrow upper arch, which was causing crowding and making my front teeth stick out. I was told that Damons would be good for me for the same reason. The alternative for me was surgery and regular braces. I too have been very pleased with my results so far (with Damons). I'm sure there's someone out there who will claim this is BS, but according to my ortho and the Damon people, it has something to do with the difference in pressure. The difference in my teeth is so noticable that I get comments about it. Can you get your molds transferred?
Damon 3s. On 2/15/2006. Off 2/21/2007!
Essix on uppers, Hawley on lowers.

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#4 Post by Kazan »

I also wear Damons (Damon 3s) and have been braced for just over 3 months. I would echo the other contributors sentiments in that they have successfully widened my arches (top and bottom) and seem to be working well. I also, instinctively, prefer the approach of straightening teeth without extractions. (I had 4 extractions including two wisdom teeth as a teenager so would not like futher extractions.) In fact, when I went for my first consult and had never heard of Damons one proviso I had was that I would not be be proceeding if it meant extractions.

I think the potential downside of Damons is that to maintain the fuller arch you do need a great degree of retention e.g. bonded retainers which may be permanent. Also, as KK rightly often says its not just the technology its the skill of the individuals behind the technology. So this is just my personal experience.

Could you posibly ask Ortho No.4 what he thinks about Ortho No.5s approach. Ultimately it might be that either Ortho will do a good job and there is no wrong answer.

Best of luck


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#5 Post by jbjalways »

Ortho #5 uses Damons for 4 years now almost exclusively. They don't do regular braces unless they have to. Ortho #4's office will probably be upset since I'm not moving forward with them. Problem is I paid for the xrays, but not for the molds yet (but had molds done already). The new office will do their own. So I guess I just wasted $260, but if Damons can widen the arches without surgery or expander it should be worth it.

The only problem I had is that they can do xrays, molds and banding same day. So it makes me wonder why they don't have to study those before proceeding. Though since I don't need an expander with those maybe they don't need to. ????

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#6 Post by mostro »

I have damon 3's for like a week now and I realy like them and feel comfortable. the ortho said they will work well in creating a fuller arch and straight teeth in lss time than what would be expected from regular braces.

good luck with your decision.

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I loved my Damons

#7 Post by BracesAt42 »

I had Damon 2's and absolutely loved them. They were extremely comfortable and worked quickly. I rarely had to use wax over the 22 months that I was braced. I did notice that my arches opened up quite a bit; however, an expander was never mentioned as part of my treatment plan, so I don't know if I would have had to have one if I didn't go with Damon's.

I loved that I only had to go for adjustments every 8 weeks, rather than every 4 with traditional braces. This was a HUGE win for me, since I am a busy professional.

The other advantage of the Damon's was how easy they were to keep clean...the brackets are smaller than traditional metal braces, and no ligs to get stained.

My original treatment time was estimated at 18 months; I ended up going for 22 months, no big deal for me. I noticed teeth movement in just 3 weeks.

I never had any pain after an adjustment; once I had a bit of tightness when my archwire was changed to a more powerful one...but that was very slight. The Damons never hurt! I felt so spoiled after reading posts here about others having pain after adjustments...

The only problem I had with my Damons was when the door of one of the brackets broke (it would not re-lock) and had to be wired shut. No big issue, but it happened toward the end of treatment.

Another advantage is how quickly you can get ready for a hygeine appt - the ortho can pop out your archwire in just 5 minutes and send you off to have your teeth cleaned, come back afterward, and in another 5 minutes your archwire is back!

I highly recommend Damon's!
Last edited by BracesAt42 on Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Yep, Braces at Age 42!
Damon 2's
Braces On: 9-18-2003
Braces Off: 7-13-2005


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#8 Post by Kimber »

Hi jbjalways -- I don't have Damons, but I was struck by your last comment:
"The only problem I had is that they can do xrays, molds and banding same day. So it makes me wonder why they don't have to study those before proceeding. Though since I don't need an expander with those maybe they don't need to. ????"
My ortho came back with a different approach after he looked at the xrays and molds, so for me I'd say they were important to look at! It was kinda cool because they took two molds, then played with one by removing teeth to see what would happen in different scenarios.

I'm curious if other people have been xray'd, molded and banded the same day. Does it matter how you're banded?

Good luck with the decision, jbjalways!
Spacers June 1, 2006
Braces on top June 8, 2006
Braces on bottom August 21, 2006
Only two years to go!

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#9 Post by ingyandbert »

I was photographed, x-rayed and moulded on one day and then banded on a different day.

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#10 Post by adollface »

I was photographed, x-rayed, and moulded one day and banded the next. I think they already have a pretty good idea of what they want to do from the consult. At least mine did. All kinds of notes were taken then and that's what my treatment was based on.

Damon 2's top and bottom
braced 12/16/04

ps I loved my Damons but can't wait to get them off in 2 1/2 weeks!!!

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#11 Post by ingyandbert »

adollface wrote:I loved my Damons but can't wait to get them off in 2 1/2 weeks!!!
Good for you! I don't mind my braces but I am looking forward to seeing my new smile without them someday! I'm hoping to get them off in another 12 months, though it may be longer.

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#12 Post by Anticipator »

I'm curious if other people have been xray'd, molded and banded the same day. Does it matter how you're banded?
I had photos and x-rays taken one day and molding and banding the next appointment.
Upper and lower metal braces
Estimated treatment time: 20 months

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