How did you choose which type of braces to get?

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#16 Post by jaswi »

Well, my ortho really didn't mention any other brackets to me-and I didn't ask him. I asked my girlfriend what she thought I should get and she said straight up metal. So thats what I did, and glad I did- these things are tiny.

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Location: Minnesota

#17 Post by CLAmom »

My ortho said we'll use ceramics and I said o.k. That's about all there was to it. :lol:

Ceramic upper & lower 2/22/06--3M Clarity

"Ever notice how instant gratification takes too long?"

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#18 Post by Crensmeyer1 »

I opted for ceramic top & bottom for the "less visible" look. Paid a little extra for it, but I have been very pleased so far. I drink quite a bit of coffee & diet coke, I have only noticed staining of the ligs after about four weeks, which usually coincides with my next adjustment.
Braced 05/02/06
Ceramic uppers & lowers


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