Still not really used to these braces...

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Still not really used to these braces...

#1 Post by eaglesoaring »

Hi, all!

I've, literally, had NO pain, no terrible discomfort, and I've seen a good amount of movement (very encouraging for me!). It's been almost 4 weeks since I got braced.

Here's my concern...I STILL don't feel like I'll ever get used to having braces! Honostly, it's not painful, or's just odd, to me. With these 'buildups', I can only chew on ONE area, on either side of my mouth. And when I talk, well...let's just say that it doesn't seem natural. It seems like work, just talking. And when I laugh, I have to readjust, to get my lips around these braces. I can't take a bite of anything with my front, they don't hurt, they just feel squishy...not really strong enough to take a regular bite of food.

I read about ONE person on here that NEVER got used to her braces (I think it was a female? And I think she recently completed her treatment). How many people feel really "USED TO" their braces???? And how long have you been in them?

Don't get me wrong...I'm doing great! I'm so happy that I have braces, and have started the journey to a better smile, oral's just...well, I think I feel discouraged. I thought I'd be used to these puppies by now, and I still feel like I have a strange arrangement of metal in my mouth.

All input is sincerely appreciated :wink: .

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#2 Post by fitchick »

Hi Eagle,

I'm sorry you feel discouraged. I can relate in part, my lower brace (top to be fitted in 6mths) since day 1 I can honestly say I haven't given a 2nd thought to. It must be the position of these teeth that it doesn't affect anything. However, I have an anterior bite plane and TPA and I don't think I'll ever get used to those. Like you, I can only chew on 2 teeth, but due to a 13mm overjet, that's normal to me. Somedays my speech is better than others, but I tell myself all the time that this will make the whole process worthwhile, taking the good with the not so good.

I'm glad you ended your post on a positive. Although you might not get used to the brace altogether, just knowing that you have good movement in such a short space of time is very encouraging. And knowing that this is all without pain and discomfort is a real bonus.

I hope for lots more quick, painfree movement for you.

Best Wishes,

Jun06 Lower brace on
Aug06 Root Canals completed
Mar07 Upper Brace on
July08 Braces off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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#3 Post by Kimber »

Hi Eaglesoaring -- They are strange, huh? I'm at about the same place where you are, no real pain, but squishy teeth that do hurt a bit if I bite down too hard, and it seems like I'm always aware of them. I know what you mean by smiling, too. I feel like I'm baring my front teeth at people when I smile, but my lips just dig into them if I don't expose the whole upper row!

I have gotten to the point where they aren't rubbing sores on my tongue anymore, so I see that as a sign of real progress that I'm adjusting. And I do actually experience moments where I forget they're there.

Like you say, it is just a reminder that we're doing something good for ourselves! Hang in there and I hope it gets better for you!
Spacers June 1, 2006
Braces on top June 8, 2006
Braces on bottom August 21, 2006
Only two years to go!

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#4 Post by eaglesoaring »


Hey...thanks for the encouragement! Maybe I need to give it a little more time? I just thought I'd have moments where I'd forget that they were there. And that hasn't happened just yet. Patience, right?? I am very thankful I've had no pain. So very thankful! Again, thank you for your reply! :D Glad you haven't had any problems with adjusting to your lowers!! Excellent!


It's funny, you described my smile exactly! If I don't bare ALL of my teeth and braces, they just smush into my upper gums!! I've never used so much lip balm in my life! I feel like I'm constantly adjusting my cheeks, and lips. Honostly, it feels like I'm walking around, saying the letter "O" after every time I laugh!! And my mouth gets so dry if I talk too much. And I drink a TON of water!
I'm glad to hear that you're not having sores anymore!! YEAH!!!

I'll try to be more patient. My husband has been out of town for a couple of weeks, and I won't see him for about 6 more weeks, so my main cheer guy isn't here to give me encouragement and support, so I appreciate your encouraging words and kindness! Thanks a heap! :D

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#5 Post by lionfish »

Hi eagle,

I'm 5 months in (linguals on top, ceramics on the bottom). Like you, I don't have much discomfort or pain, but I have had movement.

I am aware of the braces when I speak, as I have to work at not lisping. I'm not always successful. Yesterday my OH, when pressed, said my speech was different and that was why he kept asking me to repeat things. In all fairness, I think he's going a bit deaf!

I am also aware of them when I eat, because I can feel food getting stuck. Sometimes it can be irritating, particularly when you're out with friends, but mostly it's manageable.

I think we all go through highs and lows during this process. I've hit a bit of a roadblock in my treatment and have to get a wisdom tooth pulled before my ortho can work on closing my bite - the primary reason I started treatment. This will happen in 2 weeks time.

For what it's worth, I was able to start biting into most foods after about 6 weeks. I had pizza on Friday night and was able to bite into the soft and crusty bits quite easily. Some things do get easier, so take some comfort from that.

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#6 Post by stephy79 »

Eaglesoaring, I feel the same way. It has only been 2 1/2 weeks for me, and I haven't had any pain either. I am having a hard time smiling and talking too. It's different when I go out in public. When I'm just at home talking to my son or talking on the phone, I seem to talk pretty normal. But when I go out in public and have to talk to people, I feel like my lips won't move the right way. And when I have to smile or laugh, I feel like I can't get my lips to come up high enough over the braces to where it actually looks like I'm smiling. I am not seeing much movement either, which is pretty discouraging. Not to mention the fact that I still can't chew.
Hopefully we will get used to this mouth full of metal soon! :D


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#7 Post by jennandtonic »

I have days where I don't think about them once, and other days where I can feel every single piece of hardware in my mouth!

Smiling is always a bit weird, because I tend to have a huge smile, so my upper lip gets caught on my braces. And when I purse my lips I definitely know they're there.

The first month, however, it was entirely different. I didn't have much pain, more pressure than anything, but I felt every single movement my mouth made, every single piece of metal, everything. It was very annoying!

Give it time, maybe you'll get used to it. If not, you certainly have people who can sympathize with you on this site!

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#8 Post by eaglesoaring »


Hey, there! 5 months in, huh? Go, you! Go, you! I just wanted to tell you that I had my wisdom teeth out (all four of them) a few years back. I wish you luck with that!!! My Surgeon actually charged me LESS than the original quote, because they came out so easily!! Are you having an upper, or lower wisdom tooth out? Thanks for the hope of taking a REAL bite of something in a couple/few weeks. I'm hoping. It's so strange, not being able to close my bite. Oh, well, time will show me that it will be better. And you're right, we all go through ups and downs through this process. I must just be in a 'down' mode right now. It'll come back around, though...I'm sure of it!

What's an OH? Not sure, but I AM sure that it's not TOTALLY because of your braces that he can't understand you! A bit deaf...yeah, go with that. :lol: And, thanks...words of encouragement mean a lot to me right now.

Stephy-That is so true for me, too! When I'm home, talking to my son, or on the phone, everything seems fine. Then I'm out in public, and suddenly, my mouth is so dry...and suddenly I have a lisp, and then, I feel like I have saliva (only) in my front brackets that I just can't seem to get rid of!!

I really can't chew either. Build-ups, (or are they officially called bite turbo's?), are a pain, for me...otherwise, I think I'd be able to chew just fine.

Not much movement, huh? Yes, very discouraging. My first two weeks were super-great...filled with movement. Then between my 2nd and 3rd weeks, things slowed. I was bummed. Now, they've started shifting again. I can tell because my floss almost got LOST between my teeth, and they used to be PACKED together, where I could barely get floss in there! So, hang in there!!

I really wish I'd see ANOTHER adult in braces...I think that would help me lots! (I STILL haven't seen another adult in braces...only younglings).

We'll get used to it. Time will show us that it's going to be okay!! I just have to be more patient. Thank you for your encouragement!! :D It really helps to hear that others can relate to my feelings! This is a great we're all here for each other!

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#9 Post by lionfish »

eaglesoaring wrote: Lionfish-

Are you having an upper, or lower wisdom tooth out?
I'm having a lower right tooth out. And I'm pleased to hear that yours came out nicely, because I'm hoping it will be the same for me!
eaglesoaring wrote:What's an OH?
He is my Other Half (husband). Sorry about that, we tend to talk in acronyms down under.
eaglesoaring wrote:Not sure, but I AM sure that it's not TOTALLY because of your braces that he can't understand you! A bit deaf...yeah, go with that. :lol:
I think you are absolutely right on each count, eagle - :lol:
eaglesoaring wrote:I really wish I'd see ANOTHER adult in braces...I think that would help me lots! (I STILL haven't seen another adult in braces...only younglings).
I see very few adults in braces (and Sydney's not a small town; there are 4 million of us). I've seen 2 in the last few months and one of those is a friend. I'm sure they're out there, though, because the statistics show that more adults are getting braces than before.

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#10 Post by eaglesoaring »

jennandtonic- Hi! Yes, I feel like I can detect every single, solitary millimeter of movement in my mouth! (I'm sure I can't, but it sure feels that way!) Thanks for your encouragement, and understanding. I will give it time...and I'm sure I'll (at the very least) get more used to them than I am at this moment. :)

Kiwi-I work at home, so I've not had the chance to really get used to them in public. Maybe that's part of the problem? I have been out a couple of times, and after about 5 minutes, I didn't worry about them anymore (I was still AWARE of them though). I do keep a bottle of "swish-water" with me, for my meals. It's not great to "swish" with diet coke! Too much carbonation! T-hee! I do travel, and work in our offices, but I haven't as yet. I'll be going to Colorado to see my brothers and family, so I'll have a chance to really try them out! That will help alot, I think. The more I talk with them, the better I get!
I'm glad to hear that you are at a point of NOT thinking about them, except when eating, or being on this forum.
It's great that you have a positive attitude! I've been upbeat about braces since I got them, and I think that has made a HUGE difference in my potential for pain (I've had none, as I've stated). I've just had a bit of a 'down' spell, which seems to be changing! Thank you, as always, Kiwi!

Lionfish- A lower, right, huh? I wish you the best of luck! Please post afterward, and let us know how you're doing!! I'm curious to see how it goes for you.
I usually use the acronym "SO"...significant I should have caught on to what you were saying!! Sorry! Oh, and maybe he just has "selective hearing", where he hears ONLY what he wants to hear! Ha! Ha! I think my husband has that! I think I have that, at times, too!
I'm glad that you have seen some other adults in braces! Thanks again for the encouragement!

Have a beautiful day, all! I really appreciate the replies, and the encouragement...and the understanding! :D

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#11 Post by eaglesoaring »

jennandtonic- Hi! Yes, I feel like I can detect every single, solitary millimeter of movement in my mouth! (I'm sure I can't, but it sure feels that way!) Thanks for your encouragement, and understanding. I will give it time...and I'm sure I'll (at the very least) get more used to them than I am at this moment. :)

Kiwi-I work at home, so I've not had the chance to really get used to them in public. Maybe that's part of the problem? I have been out a couple of times, and after about 5 minutes, I didn't worry about them anymore (I was still AWARE of them though). I do keep a bottle of "swish-water" with me, for my meals. It's not great to "swish" with diet coke! Too much carbonation! T-hee! I do travel, and work in our offices, but I haven't as yet. I'll be going to Colorado to see my brothers and family, so I'll have a chance to really try them out! That will help alot, I think. The more I talk with them, the better I get!
I'm glad to hear that you are at a point of NOT thinking about them, except when eating, or being on this forum.
It's great that you have a positive attitude! I've been upbeat about braces since I got them, and I think that has made a HUGE difference in my potential for pain (I've had none, as I've stated). I've just had a bit of a 'down' spell, which seems to be changing! Thank you, as always, Kiwi!

Lionfish- A lower, right, huh? I wish you the best of luck! Please post afterward, and let us know how you're doing!! I'm curious to see how it goes for you.
I usually use the acronym "SO"...significant I should have caught on to what you were saying!! Sorry! Oh, and maybe he just has "selective hearing", where he hears ONLY what he wants to hear! Ha! Ha! I think my husband has that! I think I have that, at times, too!
I'm glad that you have seen some other adults in braces! Thanks again for the encouragement!

Have a beautiful day, all! I really appreciate the replies, and the encouragement...and the understanding! :D

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#12 Post by ssfw »

Hi eagle,

I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you. I'm sure you will adjust to your braces soon. I don't have buildups but I'm sure it is difficult to eat with them. How long do you have to have the buildups?

I am adjusting well with my braces. I have only had them for about 6 weeks. I don't really think about them, which is great. The only time I do think about them is when I eat and floss. I will be having my first adjustment in about 3 weeks and wonder what that appt. will be like. I'm sure I will have some discomfort sometime during treatment but I'm hoping the discomfort will only last for a short period of time. I am still a bit self conscious about wearing braces but I find being out in the public helps me get use to the visual aspect. At work, only 2 people have commented on my getting braces. I'm just wondering if others are just not bringing up the subject or just don't see them. I don't regret for a moment proceeding with orthodontic treatment. I can't believe it has already been about 5 months since my upper arch expander was placed and have had my upper arch braces for 6 weeks.

I hope your ortho treatment continues to go well. How long do you have to wear braces? What type of orthodontic correction needs to be done? Keep us posted.

Quad-Helix expander: 1/20/06 - 1/16/07
Upper braces: 5/19/06; lower braces: 9/7/06

Braces removed: 8/19/08
Received retainer: 8/26/08 - wearing retainer 24 hours/day

Next appt.: 11/18/08

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#13 Post by eaglesoaring »


Hello! I'm not sure how long I'll have these buildups. I'll be asking at my first adjustment, July 31st. Please tell us how your first adjustment goes, okay?
I'm glad to hear that you are adjusting well! Only two people at work have commented, huh? Well, I imagine that WE are the ones that think people notice, when in fact, they probably don't give too much thought to it. I showed a friend of mine, and he said, 'Yeah, so ...they're braces...", and then went on to tell me all about how he and his girlfriend are calling it quits, which told me that he didn't really notice and wasn't worried about them at all!
From what I remeber,
I have a 6mm overbite
2 mm overjet
Midlines 2mm to the right
Moderate crowing upper AND lower
I opted for NO extractions, and NO jaw surgery
Probably around 18 months of treatment, with elastics...but UNDERSTAND that I am NOT going for PERFECTION. If I wanted perfection, it would be around 30 months, with the Herbst Appliance.

I merely would like for my tongue to rest more easily in my mouth, and for my teeth to be straight so that their health will be better. It's pretty difficult to keep crooked teeth clean, flossed, etc... I'm hoping that my Ortho can correct as many of these as possible, but I'm really hoping for "better than they are now", kind of a thing. And, honostly, I'm okay with that. If I were 20 years old, I'd definitely go for perfection!! However, I'm not 20, and...I HATE that!! Ha! Ha!

Now, tell me about long are you in for? What type of treatment do you require? I think I've read a little about you...but remind me, please! :)

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#14 Post by drazda »

Well, I've had my braces for about 8 months, and unfortunately I do not feel that I am used to them. I eat normally, exactly the way I did before I had braces, and they don't hurt at all anymore. BUT, I was told in a few weeks I would forget that they were there, I'm not even close to that point. I always feel them, and they just feel unnatural and bulky.
Braces removed 10 months early on 1/23/07!

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#15 Post by Kimber »

Hi Eagle -- You wrote
I really wish I'd see ANOTHER adult in braces...I think that would help me lots! (I STILL haven't seen another adult in braces...only younglings).
I had to laugh. I saw someone in braces for the first time the other night -- someone I don't really know very well and only see maybe once or twice a year. But I greeted her like a long lost friend and just wanted to talk braces! It was so great to see another adult in person going through it, but she's had them for awhile and the newness has worn off for her and I think she thought I was nuts. LOL. Oh well!

I'm glad there are other people out there not going for "perfection" either. My bite has never been right and it would take way too much to try to fix it. I just want straight teeth so they don't get all stained and rot out because I can't get to them with a toothbrush.

How's it going? Are they feeling any better? I had a nasty thought the other day that maybe we should be thankful for this period of weirdness but no pain because after those adjustments and elastics start, we might be wishing for just weirdness and NOT pain! :D
Spacers June 1, 2006
Braces on top June 8, 2006
Braces on bottom August 21, 2006
Only two years to go!

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