5 months to go and need some help getting through this!

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5 months to go and need some help getting through this!

#1 Post by ren »

Hello everyone!

I asked my orth a few months ago how my treatment was going according to my estimate of 2yrs and he said that it was going "along schedule." 8) I've read here that many times the orth says "can you wait another ____ months?" and I fear that this will happen to me also...because you never know how it's going to go from month to month.

I'm pretty much at my limit right now and don't know that I can take the minimum of 5 more months of doing the same routine day in and day out....it's been a constant uphill battle for me. Surgery, more dr visits than I cared to ever go to-the eventual sentence of headgear which hasn't happened yet. Right now I've had my palate expander in for 18 months-which is not the norm for many (very lucky) people. Plus I have to wear 4 elastics all the time-2 of those elastics are the behind the teeth ones that snap off and I have to take them all off to change the one that snapped. I've cut down on how many times a day I because I have to brush after every meal & snack....I've even had to cut 10 min. off of my lunch because that's how long it takes to get my mouth clean, proxy brush, elastics, etc. I've had to dramatically change my diet because of the foods we can't eat due to the braces. I've lost 10 more pounds after already losing 60 thru WW. I'm so tired from all of this constant maintenance 24/7. I've even had to put off teaching exercise classes because I still don't feel comfortable talking to people-even though they say that they don't notice any difference in the way I talk. I notice the difference and I have to feel comfortable talking in order to motivate my students!

I really would appreciate any help, words of encouragement...etc
Renee :cry: :cry:

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#2 Post by Teigyr »


I am so sorry that things have been difficult for you. As far as time goes, my orthodontist was about the same way. I know I have it fairly easy, I am just in braces only and had an original surgery estimate of a year from being braced. Last December, my orthodontist wasn't willing to commit to a 2006 surgery. Two weeks ago, he said I was ready for surgery NOW. I think sometimes they aren't really sure or maybe they don't want to get your hopes up but things are moving better than you think.

Have you asked him and explained your frustrations? Maybe some encouragement from him would help.

Congrats on your weight loss! I'm sorry that some of it is from the braces but the rest of it is really impressive! Teaching exercise class is impressive also.

I know this is rough on you but maybe it's good not to focus on the braces. Yeah, I know! Not easy to do. If other people aren't noticing, that is a good thing. I think once you try to put it out of your mind (once again, difficult!), I think the time will go by faster. I've heard it described as "once you are used to the braces, it is time for them to come off".

Do you have a waterpik? Maybe if you got a portable one, that would help a lot. I didn't have one until about three weeks ago and it makes a HUGE difference. I can actually eat and not brush! I know I should brush but sometimes it isn't easy to do. With the waterpik, I can do a quick run-through and remove all the food in a matter of less than a minute. It has made my life much easier!

Good luck and let us know how it is going.


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#3 Post by August1 »

I'm sorry to hear you're having such a hard time. As someone who just got braces on, I can only offer so much advice. You just have to remember that in the end you'll have straighter and healthier teeth for the rest of your life. I totally understand being uncomfortable in public. Even though my friends and coworkers have been very supportive and encouraging, I can't help but feel self conscious around them. It's even worse when I go out to restaurants or bars. I feel like everyone is staring at my teeth, when in reality no one probably even cares. Hopefully this is something I'll get over.

I, too, am frustrated by constantly brushing, flossing, rinsing, picking, etc all the little bits of food out of my braces, but again, I just keep telling myself that it will be worth it when it's all over. A couple years of inconvenience for a lifetime of straight and healthy teeth is totally worth it!

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#4 Post by ren »

Hi xenbu & Teigyr,

I haven't written b/c I've been pondering this since I read the posts. Thanks for the kudos on the weight loss & wanting to teach exercise classes :)

Alot of my frustration stems from the fact my orth deals with children mostly and he is used to treating patients a certain way. I actually went to the vet last night, who is right down the street from my orth, and she said, "you go to him-I thought he only did braces for kids?" This kinda sheds some light to this!

I have explained my frustrations about the expander etc...I think I might just bring up that I'm still frustrated with it at my next appt. I think Teigyr has good advice about trying to put them out of your mind-kind of ignore them. Yeah, they're there-but I just have to kind of deal with them. I've kinda been making the braces the center of my life-so to speak-but it's just not working for me to focus soo much on this. I need to focus on other things in my life-like auditioning and actually teaching those exercise classes! I think the speech impediment is only heard by me now-people really don't notice, even when I bring it up! I tend to make things harder for myself than they really are! I think I might get a portable waterpic just to cut down the time in the bathroom brushing. Thanks for that. This is a temporary thing and the end result will be well worth it-especially knowing the fact that my orth is a perfectionist and I will have that hollywood smile!!

Thanks again for your thoughts,

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#5 Post by paw655 »

I hope I can give a few words of support.

First, it does sound like the ortho is used to kids, so maybe you need to educate him (maybe a her, but assuming him). What about asking for a consultation, not on the floor but in an office, where he maps out your treatment plan. He, ethically, is expected to be able to do this. He cannot just say "we'll see as things go along". He is to have a written plan you can review with him, and if he balks, you may need to "flex a little muscle" in terms of his professional responsibilities, etc. It sounds to me, and this is only me, like he thinks he can "push you around" because you haven't been particularly assertive with him, so he just takes advantage of you. Maybe it's time for him to realize he's wrong.

Seriously, while I cannot tell you what to do, I can speak from my experiences working with my clients as a social worker. Unless you put a stop, somehow, to how he is treating you -- whether it is not giving you information, being vague, infantalizing you, or prescribing an unworkable orthodontic plan (i.e. 4 elastics!) -- he will continue doing the exact same thing from now til the end of treatment, retainers, and into the future.

It's clearly your choice if and how you let him know that how he is treating you is unacceptable, but I hope the decision you make is one that puts you at peace. After all you've been through, you deserve some peace.

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5 months to go and need some help getting through UPDATE

#6 Post by ren »

Hi All,

I just wanted to give an update on this post that I originally did back in March. I wanted to thank everyone for their words of encouragement.

I'm still living with this dreaded expander and will probably have it on for the whole 24 months of treatment time. I've learned to live with the expander-it's hard not to when I'm getting such great results on my smile! The elastics have tapered to 2 every other night when I sleep-and now I see why elastics were used in my treatment-because they work. Also, I don't cut 10 min off my lunch anymore :wink:

Last but not least-I have decided to stop putting off teaching spinning/exercise classes. I decided that I needed to get over my fear of talking infront of people-NOW! I started looking at this whole process as a challenge instead of a burden. I'm happy to tell you that I did pass my audition last week (teaching infront of 3 people!) and now I'm hired and ready to start teaching spinning classes! I cannot tell you the newfound confidence that this revelation has given me, especially when I decided that I HAD to teach with the braces on and not put it off any longer. I've already put it off for a year and decided that was long enough!

I want to offer words of encouragement to anybody who might see braces/palate expander/surgery/etc. as a burden-it's really a hidden challenge and if you can learn to overcome it then it will change your way of thinking about everything!

Thanks again & hang in there!!
Renee 8)

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#7 Post by nvcarissa »

So glad to hear everything is working out, that you are learning to 'go with the flow' and have embarked on something new!! Congratulations! And it looks like you are scheduled to be de-banded pretty soon! You made it!

Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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#8 Post by Chris »

Renee, glad to hear things are going better for you. Good luck on your new job.

I do know the longer we are in these braces the tougher it is, patience is very difficult. You've turned a challenge into something positive just with your attitude. My hats off to you, kiddo.

I've got 4 months to go, at least thats what he says right now, and I can't wait!!

I WANT TO BE "NAAAHHHHKED" !!! :gavel: :HugeGrin: :gavel:

oK, you all know what I mean by that. :wink:
Top Braces June 2004
Bottom Braces November 2004
Debanded January 2007

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#9 Post by Joanna20 »

Hey, you've come to the right place to vent. We all get a bit tired and unmotivated at times.
But just think that after a couple of months (if so) you'll be done and with the smile you've always wanted!!!
I know what you mean with the cleaning routine... it's stressing. And the appointments and everything... But it has an end and it will surely pay off!
We just have to be patient and strong! Right now I have my teeth flaring outwards (not to mention other things non dental related) and I cannot close my mouth, but I don't care because I know it will be fine.... one year, two years who cares? I just want them healthy & straight.

Hang in there! You done it for 21 months, you can hang on another 2.



Next Ortho. consultations: Dec. 26 & January 16
Next Higienist consultation: February

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#10 Post by jenfire »

Hi ren. Glad your treatment is working so well. Do you know why the expander has to stay in for so long? I'm curious b/c I got an RPE in March and am hoping that it will come out when I get my upper braces Aug. 1st or shortly thereafter.

It's not so bad talking in public. When I got my expander, it was the middle of the semester and I was teaching a course. The students were great about everything though.

Hang in there! :)


Pirate Wench
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#11 Post by Pirate Wench »

I know you have had your braces for along time already, but now that you have made it this far....you can definately make it through the rest! :thumbsup:

:-} YOU CAN DO IT :-}

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#12 Post by fitchick »


Your last post sounds so positive. Congratulations on the weight loss, that's a real achievement. And I am so pleased to hear that you now have the confidence and have started the classes too........an even bigger achievement! And if that's not enough already, you sound so focussed on the real goal, which is your challenge for the final stretch. You are a real inspiration to everyone and with your new confidence and attitude you'll be there in no time.

A very big 'well done' from me, you truly deserve it!

Jun06 Lower brace on
Aug06 Root Canals completed
Mar07 Upper Brace on
July08 Braces off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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