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Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:59 am
by VancouverJude
catgyrl wrote:Hi Jude

Did you happen to take a pic of your Smoke ligs? Either before or after the staining? Still shopping around for different color choices for when I don't want to be so "obvious".
Hey Cathy,

Our camera is so awful, especially with closeups, that it truly doesn't do the ligs justice. I'll try to take a pic this week tho.

I had my teeth cleaned this week -- first time without the wire -- and they feel like a million bucks. I've changed my dentist to someone just down the hall from my Ortho and if he's half as good as his hygienist, my teeth are in good hands.

-- Jude

PS. Zounds! Today is my six month anniversary.

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:14 pm
by VancouverJude
Here's a link to a pic of the smoke colour ligs I've been using lately. I like how discreet they are.

The pic was taken outside just today in (very bright) west light, they look much lighter in regular or indoor lighting. ... directlink

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:02 pm
by revelvia
Just wondering if any of you are being treated in NHS hospitals? I'm not sure if they have colours or not, I didn't see any and I felt a bit too old to be asking when the other patients in the room were 7 and 10 :lol:

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:11 pm
by catgyrl
revelvia- I'm not being treated at an NHS hospital, but I would say go ahead and ask about the colors. I'm willing to bet they wouldn't even bat an eye at the question. There are tons of us "older folk" here with colored ligs. (I'm wearing purple now, and after a month, they still look like new!)

Jude/Linda - The smoke ligs look really good with the silver brackets; they blend in very nicely. I checked out Lynn's pics with the smoke ligs/ceramic braces combo, too. Thanks for the info!

Funny thing happened this morning: The lady working at the drive-thru at Jack-in-the-Box commented, "Oh, you have braces now!" I've been going through that drive-thru at least once a week for the past year, and only NOW she notices I have braces? Then I remembered - I have the purple powerchain, which makes them more noticeable. She never noticed them with the clear or obscure ligs. :D


Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:34 pm
by bp88
My treatment is free through the NHS at my local hospital. My ortho asked me when I first got them put on if I wanted colours and has asked at each of my adjustments since. You should just go ahead and ask if they have colours available because you want to experiment to make it a little more fun, they won't judge you, they'll probably have fun with it themselves! :)

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:15 am
by catgyrl
Bumping thread, but also wanted to show the relative lack of staining of my Lavendar ligs. Sorry I can't say the same for the clear powerchain -- which WAS invisible when I first got it -- woven above and below my brackets. Four weeks worth of soda, ketchup... BLECH!


Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:40 pm
by ashesgap
Cat- I meant to comment a while back, but totally blanked. I think that power chain would be a lot of fun if it was a color. How often are you gonna get a zig zag like that? lol.
And, I'm wondering why a company hasn't attempted stain resisting clear ligs and chains. They have anti-microbial ligs, but we still can't eat curry. Just a thought.

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:49 pm
by catgyrl
ashesgap wrote:Cat- I meant to comment a while back, but totally blanked. I think that power chain would be a lot of fun if it was a color. How often are you gonna get a zig zag like that? lol.
And, I'm wondering why a company hasn't attempted stain resisting clear ligs and chains. They have anti-microbial ligs, but we still can't eat curry. Just a thought.
LOL!! :-* I have NO idea how long I'm gonna have that crazy rollercoaster powerchain. I didn't even know what the hell he was doing until after it was put on fist...then my wire...then the ligs on top of all that! I wonder if he was trying to get me used to having a powerchain AND ligs at the same time. I think she gave me ligs because she said "Since you already have a powerchain on..." Well... can't I have TWO? I'm seriously ready for these gaps to be closed up, and I've heard of people who had 2 chains on at once, and their gaps closed up LIKETHAT. Anyway, I see him again tomorrow so I'll have nice, clean teeth again. :D

As for the non-staining ligs and chains - that's a fabulous idea! I should dip my elastics in some ketchup, mustard, etc. and see how they stain. They've always looked the same color to me, even when I keep them in while eating.

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:09 pm
by britlee91
I love everyone's colours, i can't wait to get my braces on so i can experiment with crazy colours!! :-D

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:59 pm
by Mauvaise
I have self-ligating brackets, but my orthodontist keeps all different colors of ligs around "for the kids" because they like to have fun with colors. Well, I don't care that I'm 41, I wanted color ligs as well. They didn't recommend putting them on when I had them installed (double pain, they said). Today I had to go and get a wire reattached to a bracket and as long as I was there, I decided to throw in some hot pink ligs.

I am attending a black tie wedding in a couple weeks and my ligs will match my dress :)


My first adjustment is mid-October: I'm going to alternate orange and black.

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:01 pm
by kitsune
I just got baby blue! And I figured we could use more pictures of ceramic braces with colored ligs... :wink:


PS - please ignore the wax...

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:13 am
by BracedSurgeryStudent
I picked Pink for the first time I got my braces on. They have a TON of colors where I go. You can also option for no colour since it is the Damon self Ligating and the colour goes on before the and under the archwire.

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:27 am
by BracedSurgeryStudent
kitsune wrote:I just got baby blue! And I figured we could use more pictures of ceramic braces with colored ligs... :wink:


PS - please ignore the wax...

Those look very pretty on your braces. I was thinking of getting Aqua. i still use my wax dont worry about and I use gianter clumps lol


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:16 pm
by BracedSurgeryStudent
Emerald wrote:Can damon braces get ligaments?
yes mine do they go on under the wire

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:05 pm
by BracedSurgeryStudent
So Here are the Colours I chose my friend and pastor's daughter Chose Purple for me. I tried asking my ortho and she said nah because she'd pick the ugly colours. lol so I went to my friend's choice of Purple. This is my First Adjustment/second colour.