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Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:05 am
by oktobergoud
fatty1403 wrote:Love this thread! I had light blue for the first time, and I have decided against it again mainly because it gradually changes colour to green due to eatin! Right now I've got dark purple on :D
Lol yes, I had the same thing! I liked the mint green it turned into though :P My favourite is pink! I have been wearing power chains for the last few months though, but I actually like those better than normal elastics! (Well, the look of it, that is ;))

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:32 am
by fatty1403
oktobergoud wrote:
fatty1403 wrote:Love this thread! I had light blue for the first time, and I have decided against it again mainly because it gradually changes colour to green due to eatin! Right now I've got dark purple on :D
Lol yes, I had the same thing! I liked the mint green it turned into though :P My favourite is pink! I have been wearing power chains for the last few months though, but I actually like those better than normal elastics! (Well, the look of it, that is ;))
Haha, but the problem with the blue-turned-mint green was that it was just green on random brackets, not all! It seemed a little... accidental? :P

Right now i've got dark purple for halloween too! Didn't want to go with the regular orange/black combo, so dark purple felt magicky :P

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:31 pm
by BetsyBug
my current aqua and pink combo
bright blue from before
teal from day one
bubblegum pink

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 9:18 pm
by GillyWeed
This is my favorite thread! Loving all the colours Betsy, especially the pink/aqua combo!

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:34 am
by AltoRose
Got my Christmas colors on today! (A little early but this is my last adjustment in 2012.)

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:35 pm
by coda
I love the aqua and pink combo!

I want to get hot pink for my first ones. Only 7 weeks to go!

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:13 am
by kiwibug
Braces going on in 12 hours from now! Haven't had time to read through the whole thread :(
What are some colour do's and dont's? Or suggestions for the first ones? :)

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:45 pm
by oldfart
How about colors for guys? Gals can get away with anything (and the different combos look awesome.) But I can just see what my wife would say if I can home with red and blue or green alternating on the top, or some other combo. She already shot down ceramic, although I don't think the ortho that it was a good idea either.

Still a month away.. (probably).. but it may take me that long to make up my mind. Probably just clear on top and dark blue on the bottom.

Since top mostly shows when I talk, I like the reflection of the metal of the brackets and think the clearer ones make the brackets look a bit smaller. And think the generic grey/silver ties make them look dirty. And really not into anything bright and obnoxious either. For the bottom can splurge a bit as for the most part it is unseen.

What other non bright colors look decent on guys? What was the best combination you have ever seen or done?

It's the catch 22 between not getting silly with them and wanting to remain professional in my appearance. But also you have to try to have fun with them a bit, or you go insane.


Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 2:34 pm
by Ellabelle
My honey has blue ligs on his top and bottom metal brackets, like this shade, and I think it looks awesome.

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 6:28 am
by HKFandora
Hi, newbie here. Can I order my own color bands if the ortho doesn't have them? Btw, does anyone have a picture of pink bands after eating curry? I want to get the soft pink/rose depending on the color chart, and I don't eat curry alot but I do like a Roti from time to time. Just curious as to what a soft pink would look like after a battle with curry.

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:12 pm
by Mary Crawley
I haven't had soft pink ligs but I'd venture a guess that they probably won't stand up very well to curry. I have lavender right now and after one curry meal, they're less vibrant than before. Going forward, I think I'll just have curry a day or two before my adjustments to avoid my ligs looking very dingy.

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 11:08 pm
by melanie
I'm getting my braces put on Wednesday (5/22/13), and have been planning to get the ceramics with clear ligs, but after this awesome thread I'm seriously considering colors.

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 9:00 pm
by xanidu2012
I've been changing lig colors since I've been wearing braces. It was nice to know that elastics come in colors too so having a.little fun with them too.

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 5:16 am
by Lizzie365
I've had my braces for 6 months and I only ever have the 'tooth' colour to blend in with the ceramic brackets. I'm scared if I have colours ligs they may look strange due to the ceramic-ness.

Are there any good colours for ceramics? I only have my top braces on at the moment, when I get my bottoms (metal) there will be an explosion of colour in my mouth :D

Re: Lig colours (colors)

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 4:35 pm
by debinator
Why is everyone so afraid of colors? It's not like even the ceramic braces are invisible. most people don't even notice my colored ligs (except the kids I teach, and you can't get ANYTHING past them!) I do the colored ligs for me- the colors make me happy- I have to have professional customer contact with clients daily and never once has a customer had anything to say about my braces or even indicate that they noticed, with the exception of a regular customer that has braces, and she wanted to exchange braces stories :) . Other than that, a few of the regulars have noticed, but have only said positive things and with those customers no one has ever mentioned my wild lig colors.

Embrace colors if it will make you happy!!