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Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:02 pm
by raleighsmile

I don't think you are overreacting at all. That is a very strange experience.

I remember at my consultation with my Orthodontist, after he reviewed my treatment plan with me.....he looked at me very seriously and said "I want you to understand that this is going to take commitment," he said, "you are going to have to want to do this to be able to finish."

I didn't take that remark personally. I think he probably picked up that I was nervous and was preparing me that it was not going to be pleasant all the time. From having the braces on now just over 3 months, I now know exactly what he was talking about. I have days when I really don't like having braces on....but I want I'm sticking with it.

He also sent a letter to my dentist and he mailed me a "cc" letter of it also. I thought it was interesting because there was a short paragraph in the letter that described me personality. He described me as "pleasant, professional, and commited." I found that to be interesting, especially since my dentist has known me for 9 years.

Oh well.....who knows why orthodontist do everything they do...every appointment I have is always a mystery about what is coming up next.


Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:16 pm
by Leslie022
If that had been me, I probably would have walked out and found a different orthodontist. You are the patient (customer) and you have the right to feel however you wish. It is only natural for someone to be nervous or apprehensive about making such a big commitment. You are paying him for his dental services not psychological services.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 3:07 pm
by payoki
If you feel that the ortho is competent and he knows your treatment history it's better that you stay with him. Don't take anything too personal as long as he offers you good service and thorough treatment and cutious to all your concerns and inquiry than i don't see what the problem as usual.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 4:50 pm
by paw655
payoki wrote:If you feel that the ortho is competent and he knows your treatment history it's better that you stay with him. Don't take anything too personal as long as he offers you good service and thorough treatment and cutious to all your concerns and inquiry than i don't see what the problem as usual.
Competence is not enough. There has to be mutual respect. If an ortho, or an MD, or any other provider disrespects me, unless they are the sole provider in the county, I'll go elsewhere.


Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:08 am
by nimo
WOW! I would switch orthos immediately based on the first post of this thread! Nowhere does it say you have to be the happiest person on Earth for any reason. Who wants to actually go through with braces? Not really anyone. It's a long process, and I don't know about the rest of the planet, but I'm doing this purely for the end result. Not for the experience.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:01 pm
by Traffic
I would tell your oprtho that you are very happy with the treatment, but that you find his assistant to have a very negative attitude towards the patients and you would prefer not to see the assistant anymore. Then glower right back at the assistant the way she/he glared at you.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:54 pm
by ssfw
When I am choosing a medical professional, as KK indicated, mutual respect is very important. In addition to mutual respect, the person has to be competent, kind and compassionate. In fact, I feel the same about the doctors' support staff. I'm not saying a person has to be great friends with everybody but I want to feel comfortable calling or coming in for an appointment.

As indicated in another post, with that ortho's attitude, a patient may hesitate to mention minor imperfections or ask questions. There are times when a person may have to see a doctor/dentist several times and it really helps if you have a good relationship. As for orthodontic treatment, although a person may see their orthodontist every 6-8 weeks, you want to be comfortable at your appts. and ask any questions that you have. Personally, I would have found another orthodontist. But, mominbraces, the important thing is if you're happy with your decision then great!

There are lots of people that don't care about personality of a medical profession, they just want to get the medical services they need. I know that I don't fall into that category. I know that my 2 orthodontists are such wonderful people and from reading other posts there are other good ones out there too so if you have the ability to make a choice, keep looking until you find one that meets your needs and you agree with the treatment plan. I find it a bit frustrating that a person would not proceed with orthodontic treatment or delay it due to an unfortuante incident as mominbraces and NotBob1 had.
