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Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:50 pm
by nimo
I wouldn't say I Looooove him...but he's pretty cool. The assistants are really nice, too. Everyone takes their time with me, and I don't feel like they're trying to just get me in and out.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 7:17 pm
by Granola
I love my orthos and so far my experience with them has been very positive. They were definitely the best choice for me out of the four practices I interviewed. They are extremely friendly, professional, had the credentials I was looking for, are relaxed and down to earth, have a great staff, are accessible, have good hours, and treat me with respect. Their assistants seem much more knowledgable than the assistants at the other practices I looked at.

All in all I'm very satisfied, and hope that feeling remains throughout my treatment.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 7:41 pm
by Flora2006
I love my ortho as well. He doesn't have any assistants so he always is the one treating me and he is the greatest. He knows I hate my braces so he always tries to cheer me up and always makes sure that I am fine...He always tells me to come by if something is bothering me or to give him a call...Both my dentist and ortho have been the nicest doctors I've ever met.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:19 pm
by paw655
Clearly I need to move! It's so nice to hear such positive comments, but frustrating when not to be able to find that level of service where I live.

To let you know the level of over-saturation of orthos in my part of suburban Washington, DC, I counted 24 ortho practices (not individual orthos, I mean just practices) in a 10-mile radius from my house. I would have thought this would make for enhanced service, but the truth is they primarily serve children so the person doing the catering is the business manager when it comes to financial contracting with mom or dad. Or reputation, being able to say "my child is going to Dr. So and So for his braces".

I'd love to hear more about different offices.


Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 5:25 am
by rockexrolloh
I love my ortho! He is so nice and down to earth. I know a lot of people tend to get big heads and have a snobby attitude when they have their own practice. My ortho is not like that at all. He seems to really know what he's doing and care for his patients.
I've only met one assistant and the appointment/treatment coordinator. Both of them were so nice! The assistant made me feel very comfortable and was joking around with me and the other girls that work there. The appointment/treatment coordinator was really nice too. She went into great depth about my treatment and payment options. We ended up talking for about an hour about all kinds of stuff. The office seems to know what they are doing and are serious about treatment but also love to enjoy their work and just have fun!
I wouldn't think of going anywhere else!

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:32 pm
by Lucifina
My ortho rocks! :D His whole staff rocks too. The billing folks were a bit odd at first...I was trying to pay them in full and they were not going for it they wanted payments. :shock: I was like "HELLO!?!?!? I am trying to pay you IN FULL!" :roll: Finally they came around I don't have time to be inconvenienced with monthly payments 8) Once they came around though everyone is just wonderful! I have read about a lot of weird or rude orthos that others have here on this board and it makes me so grateful for mine! Lots of people I work with ask me who my ortho is because they have kiddos who are about brace age and want to know who I go to and what he is like and I always recommend him. :thumbsup:

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:43 am
by snowbunny
My ortho and his assistant are both really nice. Always pleasant and cheerful. My boyfriend jokily asked me whether I fancied him and I said 'oh, don't be daft, he's about 90!'. Then I realised he'd actually been to my ortho several times with his teenage daughter! Ha ha! My ortho is definitely not 90!!! He's not bad looking with a cute Irish accent!

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 1:33 pm
by Brandyleigh35
I dont' love my ortho! But I definitely like him and feel like I'm getting very good treatment from him. I really like his staff too! They are all very nice and very warm and welcoming. I'm in there constantly between my son and I so we are on a first name basis now.....which given the number of clients he has is pretty good I think. The assistants are all really nice and friendly too! So I guess I could say ortho is great!


Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 10:25 am
by camusx
I dont love my ortho
I love my mom 8)

The orthos are nice because they are getting your money.
hehe well most of them.


Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 11:22 am
by KathleenH
I love my orthos! There are two doctors in the practice, and they alternate each visit. Or sometimes they both come check on me. One is about 50, the other about 30. They both know my name, my son's name, and my husband's name (whom they've met only a couple of times), so they're very personable.

I love the staff, too. All of the assistants are great, along with the office staff.

After my surgery, they sent me a gift certificate to a local bookstore, which was even better than the flowers sent by my oral surgeon (which was still really nice).

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 11:37 am
by JoeMama
I'm very happy with my ortho - love is a strong word for me and dentists/orthos. :wink: She and her staff are great. She also has a beautiful and clean office which I appreciate. It looks nothing like your usual medical/dental office, it's warm and inviting with lots of natural light. Almost like a swanky spa or something.

I had to shop around and ask for referrals to find her though. So in my opinion, spending the extra time to find an ortho you like is worth it (if you have that option). Surprisingly, she wasn't more expensive.

Couldn't love my ortho more

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 3:41 pm
by nero54
It has taken 8 long years to solve my ortho situation, many problems along the way. Braces came off yesterday!! But despite the difficulties I feel like I've made a whole new family of friends. Love my ortho, and love his staff. In fact, I found this site searching for ideas for a special thank you gift for him. If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them. Thanks, and best wishes to everyone still counting down!

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:54 pm
by Flora2006
Congratulation Nero on getting your braces off!! That must be one of the happiest days ever ;) I can't wait to get mine off (still a looonnnggg way from now!)

I don't really know what you can get your ortho but anything will make him/her happy. It's the thought that counts. You could maybe even just bake cookies...or something like that...

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 6:50 pm
by celiviel
I'm really really happy with my ortho and her assistants. They are all really willing to answer my questions and address my concerns. In fact, the entire dental office (I use the in-house ortho) is excellent that way.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:38 pm
by hannah164
I like my ortho. He's a very nice guy who cares about me and wants to give me the best smile possible! :D I'm not really particuarly crazy about his staff, although lately I haven't had much contact with them. I think most of his assistants avoid working on me because I'm such a complicated case so they leave me mostly to the ortho! :roll:

The only thing that makes me kind of uneasy is how my ortho tells me that he's really struggling with my case and what to do with me! :shock: He says I'm probably his most complicated case! :? I don't really like being told this but I guess I should give him points for his honesty! :lol:

~HAnnah :frogbraces:



Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05