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Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:31 pm
by Flora2006
WiredNana wrote:
butterfly wrote:
So ...what is the reason for the use of wire ties versus ligs in treatment...didn't ask Tuesday...I couldn't believe the pain!
I am pretty sure they do just about the same thing...but maybe they apply just a bit more force. I also ready here once that wire ties allow the ortho to have just a bit more control in where to move the tooth. I think it's mainly because of the staining issue though.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 4:44 pm
by bckydgardnr
I live on tomato sauce, soup, etc. My powerchains usually don't look too bad; however, this go around my ortho used zinc string to tighten up the powerchains. The zinc string pratically turns yellow as soon as you breathe on it...yuk. :roll: to make matters worse, my length between adjustments has to be 7 weeks instead of 6 because I am out of town for work when I am supposed to go in.
Oh well, it's all worth it!

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 5:03 pm
by lionfish
I've had clear ligs on my lowers for a week now and, thus far, they still look pretty pristine. I do two cups of ceylon tea in the morning, eat heaps of tomatoes and have been into the red wine the last two nights. I clean and brush after every meal; I don't know if this helps.

The ortho office has offered lig changes any time I like, which is nice, but I sort of can't see myself taking too much advantage of this. I might have changed my mind in a week's time! LOL!

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 5:39 am
by vanilla
Pepsi, black tea, tomato sauce and red wine (I've left out beer because I'm really hoping it's not a culprit, too!) does it for me. I don't eat curry so it's a gradual staining.

I know it's festy but if my pearl ligs become discoloured I just wait 'til my next appointment :FeelSick:

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 7:59 pm
by lionfish
Last night I got stuck into a chicken curry with turmeric in it. Guess what? My pristine pearl ligatures are now.....yellow.

Urgh. :cry: