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Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:30 am
by ingyandbert
Yes, it's entirely normal to have to move aligned teeth out of line temporarily.

Re: Why do teeth move so fast/why do we need them on so long

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:15 pm
by Tunkabean
gypsyinamorata wrote:I just had my braces put on about 6 weeks ago - I've noticed that my teeth have moved and they almost look perfect already! I've noticed from peoples' pictures that theirs seem to move quickly into almost perfect place too. So why do we have to have them on so long? Is it because all the little adjustments take awhile? I went to my dentist for adjusments and I had the exact same question. Ive been braced about 7 weeks as well and my teeth are straightening fast. The dentist himself was really pleased and a bit amazed at the quick progress. I just have my canine (rider) to bring down now that enuff space has been created & one premolar to align.

This is just for the top jaw...the bottom jaw will remain braceless.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:28 am
by Kazan
Thanks for your reply KK. Appreciated.

And -amazingly for England - the sun is actually shining today and it's almost the weekend so my mardy mood has lifted!
