First ever powerchain =:D

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#16 Post by mtbrncofn »

Regarding the chain under the wire: I had this when my braces were on, but I also had one on top. They were doubled. Do you have 2 on together? My ortho put those on to close all my big gaps relatively quickly. He originally put just one chain on, but when I went back he wasn't impressed with the progress. I must say, doubles hurt like hell, but they work quickly!
Full upper and lower metal braces put on May 12, 2005.

Braces free as of April 18, 2006!

Temporarily rebraced Nov. 21, 2006. ( I think I've moved past temporary. )

Brace free again - July 26, 2007.

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#17 Post by kirst1583 »

lol isn't it amazing how different everyone's teeth react. I've heard so many people comment on the fact that the power chains moved their teeth so quick. Mine took over 2 years for my extraction gaps to close ... and that was with power chains on the whole time!
I also had double power chains for part of my treatment. Both were on top of the wire though...


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#18 Post by CLAmom »

Hey Jump,

Just chiming in 'cause I got "chained" on the bottom today. Canines to canines. It's blue because I finally gave it up & went for all blue ligs per my daughter's request. I kind of like them but they are pretty bright after having silver for the last 2 1/2 months. Got new wires top & bottom, too. 16x22 NITI top & 16 stainless steel bottom (0.016", 0.022" I think). Man, was that tight at first but strangely can hardly feel the pressure 4 hours later. When the assistant was placing the top one it felt like she was threading steel cable through a the eye of a needle--it scraped through! Weird. I do feel like this is progress now after waiting & waiting for some noticeable change with my teeth. I'm also sure this is going to hurt like crazy later after the euphoria wears off! I've already got the achey feeling where the largest gap is. How are you faring? :HugeGrin:

Ceramic upper & lower 2/22/06--3M Clarity

"Ever notice how instant gratification takes too long?"

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#19 Post by ericab »

So I got my first power chain on today but I feel like something's not right... I have a four-holed one.. and it's on my two front teeth and the one next to them.. (ha.. sorry.. I'm no good with the actual teeth names)

My front teeth had been looking really straight and nice and the chain is to close a gap between the one of the front teeth and the next tooth. But, after feeling a lot of movement in my front teeth today (they're no longer even CLOSE to as straight as they had been), I looked in the mirror and noticed that the arch wire is underneath the bracket on one of my front teeth. Not locked in. Does this sound at all okay to anyone? I'm going to call tomorrow, but I am just really frustrated by so much movement between my teeth that have been straightening out so much.. arg. thanks for any help!

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