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Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 2:29 am
by JumpTheDitch
Wow Chris, good luck with the dreaded E-tools!

Powerchain as well sounds a bit harsh! I got my first powerchain last week. I'm still trying to figure out if it's the powerchain that's made my teeth so sore or the new metal rods my ortho calls archwires (they're kinda thick, they're twice as wide as they are thick, and they fill up the whole space in each bracket! :soremouth: They almost didn't fit in the archwire hole :shock: ). I know elastics will be part of my treatment, I just don't know when...

Good luck with your elastics, hang in there!

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 4:12 am
by fins
I have 1/4 inch elastics. It must be throwing my bite off at night cause today I woke up with a sore jaw on one side. Can't wait till my bite is finally corrected.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 6:15 pm
by Chris
You know what I find is that my bite is PERFECT in the morning, but as the day progresses its worse, with my back teeth not touching any longer. I can't figure that one out.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 8:27 pm
by BraceMD
Has anyone ever had an elastic from top canine to "way in the back" bottom molar?
Oh yes. I've had that on both sides for over a week... very painful. It feels like the bottom back molars are twisting out, though the elastics are supposed to be correcting my overbite. I really hope the overbite gets fixed quickly- these elastics are by far the worst thing I've had with my braces in a year.

I did have an elastic from the inside top molar, to the outside bottom molar, for three months. I constantly bit through them... but I'd gladly go back to that, from these torturous things. :evil:

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 8:04 pm
by Chris
Has anyone ever had an elastic from top canine to "way in the back" bottom molar?
Oh yes. I've had that on both sides for over a week... very painful. It feels like the bottom back molars are twisting out, though the elastics are supposed to be correcting my overbite. I really hope the overbite gets fixed quickly- these elastics are by far the worst thing I've had with my braces in a year.

I did have an elastic from the inside top molar, to the outside bottom molar, for three months. I constantly bit through them... but I'd gladly go back to that, from these torturous things. :evil:
Mine on that side doesn't feel as much tension. I wonder how it will work moving the canine back towards the premolar. Normally they put the elastic on the 1st molar at the bottom, but since thats missing on me, they had to use the last molar. Seems like quite a stretch to really work.

I'm using 1/4" elastic, what did you use?

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 8:19 pm
by BraceMD
I'm using 1/4" elastic, what did you use?
I'm using 1/4" elastic, as well. I made the mistake of accidentally using my 5/16" "HEAVY" elastics that I had been using for the inside-outside configuration... PAIN! Although, the thought has crossed my mind that using the heavier ones might make my teeth move faster, so the teeth move quicker... maybe? I'm going to ask the ortho next time.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 8:23 pm
by Chris
Thats strange, I started out with the 5/16" (heavy) and was told to go on with the 1/4" (heavy) if I could tolerate it. The 1/4" are smaller hence I figured more "torque". At first the tension and pulling sensation was miserable, but in just a few days, I didn't notice them as much so I went on to the 1/4". Did the ortho say which one was better for you?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 9:46 am
by mia_cro
I have a medium pull ones,6.4mm or 1/4 inch ones.
Just got them yesterday along with the powerchains.Aaauuchhh..
Is it OK to wear them just during the night? I really can't stand the pain and discomfort..... They go from top canine to the bottom back molar!!!!
I cannot believe how that tiny little rubber can strech all the way back...
My upper jaw hurts like hell,I guess with a major overjet (12 mm) that's the way it's should be.... :cry:

My orho gave me a bag of it saying I should change it every 2-3 days, when I feel that they got loose...
How long are we supoosed to wear this? 2,3 months???

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 10:38 am
by Paparazzi
Chris believe me I know what you are going through. The last two months before I got my braces off my ortho wanted "go for the kill". So he had me wear Heavy finishing elastics 24/7 for 2 months. I basically couldn't speak from May till July of 04. Wonder if I still have the pics so you could get a better idea. Just remember your smile will be beautiful after all this pain. Best of luck.

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 4:37 pm
by Chris
They go from top canine to the bottom back molar!!!!
I cannot believe how that tiny little rubber can strech all the way back...
My upper jaw hurts like hell,I guess with a major overjet (12 mm) that's the way it's should be.... :cry: How long are we supoosed to wear this? 2,3 months???
How come he didn't put it on the 1st molar instead of the very back?
I always thought that was the norm and that mine having it to the last molar was an unusual stretch...nice knowing someone else is having it too.

Keep wearing the elastics, it does get better. When I first posted I was in pain, not jaw pain so much but tooth pain. Now I really don't mind them at all, the pain subsided and its been 1 1/2 weeks.

If you have alot of jaw pain, tell the ortho. I was told to ease off a bit with the elastics if the pain did not subside. But I've been fortunate.

You have to wear the elastics until they do their job. :roll: I wear them all day and all night accept when I eat. Sure does curb the outside snacking (I skip the donut now when I order coffee). Funny thing is we went to a restaurant the other night and I took off my elastics and left them on the plate and forgot all about them after we left. I wonder what the bus boy thought. :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 4:45 pm
by BraceMD
Funny thing is we went to a restaurant the other night and I took off my elastics and left them on the plate and forgot all about them after we left.
I do the same thing... except I leave them on purpose, wanting the busboys to wonder "What the hell are these little circle things?" My husband and I joke that I am spreading rubber bands all over Ohio because I leave them in restaurants EVERYWHERE. Then, we were in Europe and I left them on plates in London, Sweden, and Amsterdam. I never reuse them and change them at each meal, so I always have a fresh pair to confuse the table bussers.

I NEVER saw anyone, young or old, with braces in Europe. And I was really looking.

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 4:50 pm
by Chris

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 1:38 pm
by t3knophile
Chris wrote:
They go from top canine to the bottom back molar!!!!
I cannot believe how that tiny little rubber can strech all the way back...
My upper jaw hurts like hell,I guess with a major overjet (12 mm) that's the way it's should be.... :cry: How long are we supoosed to wear this? 2,3 months???
I just got elastics last wednesday, and my ortho instructed me to wear them in the same configuration as you mentioned, from bottom back molar to top fron canine, but only one one side. I dont' seem to really have any pain or discomfort from wearing it. He gave me the "Fox" kind, not sure what size they are but it doesn't seem like that bad of a stretch to me. Should I be expecting them to get more snug as time goes by?

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 6:03 pm
by Chris
Wow, you got both my quotes in there. At first I thought I was reading your comments. :lol:

The bag of elastics has the size on them. Mine is 1/4" heavy. Actually, all my pain has subsided and the stretch doesn't even feel like anything. The other side is from 1st molar upper to lower canine and that feels more of a pull. Since I don't have the 1st molar on the other side they had to use the last molar but I can't imagine how that will tilt my canine back as it should be. Time will tell.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 6:23 pm
by t3knophile
You were right, it says on the bag. They are 1/4" 3-1/2oz from ORMCO Z-pak. Does anyone else have these?

(thanks for the comments on the quote, i've edited my previous reply)