getting 2 lower teeth long to close gaps?

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#16 Post by sjsarre »

Had my first adjustment today. 5 weeks in braces. I asked the question about closing up the gaps. At my next adjustment in 4 weeks time he said he was going to fit springs to start to close them.


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#17 Post by Henna_the_braceface »

im getting springs to close my 4 extraction gaps on my 4th adjustment on july the 4th.

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Gap Closure

#18 Post by JenB »

I had my teeth pulled 3.5 years ago and my ortho is still trying to close my top two gaps, which are closing slowly but surely... My ortho only ever used powerchains - not sure why she never used springs or other alternatives???

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#19 Post by JumpTheDitch »

To bump an old post back up, but...

.. Really JenB??? 3.5 years?? :cry: :cry: :cry:

That's pretty scary; my ortho is using powerchains only to close my extraction gaps, and 6 mths after both (upper) second bicuspids came out the gaps are almost the same size. I read about other peoples' gaps closing in 4 mths etc, and I get very jealous! My treatment time is only meant to be 14mths in total, and my ortho is concentrating on closing these gaps before anything else can happen to sort out my deep bite. 3.5 years is very disturbing news... :shock:

Anyone else out there care to share their extraction gap closure experiences? How long? What tools used?




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#20 Post by Stich »

I had four teeth pulled in October 2005 and my braces on Nov. 2005. My ortho has been working on aligning teeth and has not started working on closing gaps, though the bottom gaps have gotten abit smaller. My gaps seem very large, also, and I am not sure when we will work on closing them. I have had braces for 7 months and so far what I feel has been the worse part has been pulling those 4 teeth (and in second place is the TPA device). I'll be very glad when they start to close up. JenB's post that she is still working to close gaps after 3.5 years is abit discouraging.


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Gap Closure

#21 Post by JenB »

Hi Guys:

Sorry my post has discouraged you. I chop it up partly due to my teeth being difficult to move. Everyone is different i'm sure.

I also chop it up to my Ortho not having alot of experience working on adult teeth because i'm sure there's a difference! I have to ask her if I should wear my elastics at every visit (and alot of times she says yes and sometimes no) but she never initiates the discussion. I think there are lots of times I should have been wearing them (or not) which has delayed my treatment.

She keeps telling me that my teeth are the most difficult she's ever had to move (again - my guess - little experience with adults!).

Don't be discouraged, but do ask lot's of questions! I wish I had sooner!

Good Luck!

Jen (3.5 years and counting!!!!!) :roll:

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#22 Post by JumpTheDitch »

Thanks for your input, Stich, I agree JenB's experience sounds a little disconcerting!

Thanks for the background JenB, I guess that's part of the whole individuality of orthodontia and progress being so different for everyone. Still a bit concerning it's taking so long for your gaps to close up, you must be getting so frustrated!

My ortho is concentrating on closing gaps only @ this stage, which is annoying cos my first molars don't touch when I bite down (I can fit my tongue between the upper and lowers on both sides when I bite down hard! Makes eating very tedious :roll:). I want the extraction gaps to hurry up and close up so he can sort out my molars so I can eat again. Sounds like springs and elastics are the way to go but my ortho seems to only be using powerchains *sigh* :cry:.

Good luck with your treatment :thumbsup:




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#23 Post by JenB »

Thanks, Jump The Ditch...! Good luck to you too!

My ortho has only ever used power chains. I had an appointment this morning and there has been little movement! It is so frustrating sometimes I want to cry!!! The other frustrating part of this whole process is that every time she tries to close a space (at the top front) another opens!!! My teeth are not (and never have been) where they should be (and it's been 3.5 years!). Are my teeth not suppose to be in the final position for a certain amount of time before I get them off?

I don't understand why she won't use anything else to help close the gaps. Why not springs???? does anyone know???? ARE there any other ways?????

Sorry, I'm having a "poor me" :( moment - thanks for listenting!

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#24 Post by OnMyWay »

JenB, sorry about your luck. I really hope things get better for you!

I had four extractions in December. Two months ago my ortho started using closing wires to close my extraction gaps (2nd bicuspids) on top. I don't have any power chains or springs. I had pretty big gaps, but one side has closed probably about 70%. The other side hasn't been keeping up as well, but over all I'd say it's been working well. Be warned though if your ortho tells you he's going to use closing wires. It hurts like **** when they are yanking on the ends of the wires to tighten them, and, especially, when the tool slips. :shock:

I think it's important to remember that sometimes other work needs to be done before closing can take place. This closing wire I have is very stiff. I couldn't imagine how painful it would be if it was used before all my teeth were pretty darn straight.

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#25 Post by JumpTheDitch »

Geez JenB, I hope things improve for you soon! I think you've been amazingly patient to have so this far without going postal!

I know what you mean about other gaps opening up, that's about the only change I've seen too; I have a lovely 3mm gap between my upper #2 and #3 that never used to be there, but the frustrating thing for me is that movement seems to have stopped once this new gap appeared. Grr! :x

I think KK is right, maybe it's time to book a consult with your ortho and discuss your next options officially. Explain that you're not with the (lack of) progress so far. S/he surely can't see this as unreasonable, you've given it a go their way for 3.5 years now, I think you've earnt the right to put your own $0.02 worth in.

All the best Jen! :thumbsup:




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#26 Post by tictac »

I think it took about 9 months for my extraction gaps to completely close. Like some of you have said, she was concentrating on other things first. When she finally put the closing loops on in December, they really starting closing fast. I think it took 3 months for them to completely close after those wires were put on. But boy did they hurt! That was the most painful aspect of my treatment so far, but very much worth it!

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#27 Post by JenB »

2 appointments ago I asked the assistant to leave the room so I could speak to my ortho.

I told her how frustrated I was with the amount of time treatment was taking and the lack of progress with gap closure. (Keep in mind - I had my teeth pulled the very first week I got my braces on - so I figure she's had ample time to close gaps while addressing other areas of my treatment!). So my orthos response was
"ooohhhh, I understand... I don't blame you for being frustrated". and when I asked her if there was anything else she could do for gap closure - she nodded her head no! so needless to say this confrontation was useless!

Now, I had an appointment this past Monday and she said that she has thought about making a retainer for me (because I want them off so bad - huh, I guess!) that has springs on it to encourage gap closure. Of course she's telling me this when I'm vulnerable (with her fingers in my mouth) and it doesn't register until after - why the hell can't she put springs on with my braces on!!!!!?????

The difficult thing is that my ortho works in another part of the province and is only in my town on Mondays. It's difficult to get squeezed in for an appointment. As my husband says, I need to be persistent.

Wow, i'm doing alot of **tch'in lately! Thanks again for listening guys!!! It's great to vent to people who understand my frustration!!!!


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#28 Post by JenB »

I've even gone so far as to make an appointment for a consultation with another ortho. I cancelled because I realized that I can't afford to pay for further treatment.

I think I'm just going to have to ride the wave and hope for the best! :shock:

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