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Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 8:45 pm
by JayC
i fyou brush thoroughly, it shouldnt be a problem. my teeth are actually whiter than they wre before.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 12:26 pm
by Saycheesenikki
I agree with KK.

PAYOKI- These whitening products will not make such a dramatic change in the actual tooth color. Especially the whitening mouthwash I suggested. Being that you only rinse for 30 seconds I highly doubt it will actually whiten the bare tooth. I suggested the mouthwash to those who had that dingy look & wanted to BRIGHTEN the teeth. Its just called Listerine whitening mouth rinse but it does not in anyway whiten teeth. Like I stated in my last post it does help brighten my ceramics that is until I drink or eat something.