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Moms in braces

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:25 pm
Hello how about Dads with Braces,
Iam 42 Dad with full metal brackets on upper and lower teeth, I wear 2 rubberband on each side and a headgear about 16 hrs a day. My 3 children think its cool that there dad is a wire mouth and they tell me Don't go out side in a electric storm, ha ha.
I dont mind, I am getting use to all the wire looks and conversations about braces. Good luck it does get easier

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:42 pm
by Ravishing
I nanny for an 11 month old (I've been taking care of him since he was 8 weeks). His mom and I thought he would notice my braces right away and want to grab at them or something but he really didn't care at all. If he noticed them he never let on to it.
Since that first day there have been a couple of days when he has stuck his hand in my mouth and poked at my bottom brackets. They are metal and I have bright blue ligs so I guess they're more attractive to him than my ceramic uppers with clear ligs.

I can also relate to the head butt to the mouth. Ouch :soremouth:
I love the little guy to death but I'm never very happy when he does that! I always carry a little bottle of ibuprofin with me for days like that (or for those days when the screaming never stops)!!

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:11 pm
by Granola
I haven't had much to cope with. My son was excited when I got my braces put on, and asks me all sorts of questions like what elastics are for. I definitely am more careful about getting bumped in the mouth by his head when I carry him, but it's been all good here.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:03 am
by bip
Me too on the head butt - only it was my DOG! Just last night and jeez it hurt! My stepson is in braces at the same time as me. He got his a week before I did. It is cool to know what he is experiencing and I too think that it helps my attitude because i HAVE to be positive and not a whiner so that he will get the drift that it is just a part of life and not a big ordeal. So far he has been a real trooper too. He eats with less worries than i do!

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:17 am
by Delag
I have been putting a very positive spin on things for my kids. They will not escape braces in their future so I am trying to make it eaiser for them. They think my braces (metal) are very cool and can't wait to get their own :lol: I have taken my 8 year old with me to appointments so she will have an idea of what they are going to do to her someday. Of course I do tell them that they are a bit uncomfortable and take some getting used to -only time will tell if this will help make their braces experience eaiser.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:19 am
by Ravishing
Hate to get off topic but whats the braces dream?

The only dream I've had about braces is that my husband was getting them and he was really upset. I kept trying to tell him that its not that bad but he wouldn't listen to me. He kept acting like it was the end of the world!!