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Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 6:37 pm
by Skinny
Thanks you me too, Tonight I ate Spetti O's and Canned Carrotts it went very well so Im feeling a bit better now with some food in my belly! My bottom teeth are still bothering me a bit though, Top dont hurt or bother me at all. Isnt that somthing when they pop off! :shock: WoW!
I wish you fast progress! Take care all

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 8:05 am
by Skinny
Well I think I can go Pain med free today, I have the general preasure but no pain.
Do you have to use wax during the whole treatment?
I can no longer wear my Aplience for my TMJ my teeth have out grown it already.
I feel a bit better today. :roll:
I still wonder how on earth my bottom teeth will ever strighten out? Its like there working against eachother

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 11:34 am
by butterfly
Skinny don't worry. What you experience now sounds a lot like I did in the beginning. Seems to be common. I had crowded teeth as well, tops and bottom. You will be amazed how fast they will align. After they removed the expander my bottoms straightened out in only 2 weeks! I could almost see the movement.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 2:16 pm
by new boy james
Hiya Skinny, hope you're feeling better again today.

I got braced 2 weeks ago and had the same problem as you with my top teeth hitting the brackets on the bottom - ouch! I went back to my ortho and he put some funny bonding stuff on one of my molars on either side so that I cant bite down fully and it's really helped. I haven't been bashing my teeth and eating has been MUCH easier. Perhaps talk to your ortho??

Hang in there, the pain will subside and i'm sure it'll all be worth it.