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Narrow arch, no expander

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:59 pm
by Julie08
Rasberry, I'm in suspense . . . what did you find out at your appt? Can your arch be widened without an expander?

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 11:25 pm
by SamanthaClavier
what do you mean by gumby?on my teeth (two front the gum on on tooth is higher than the other.)When the one that is high was coming in as a child it hurt so of course i tootk my nail and pushed on the gum. :oops: i have a small mouth also (i want mine as wide as possible,i have an expander in,he locked it two visits ago but the wire he locked it with was rubbing me toung BAD,so he took it out (the wire not expander.)How is your ortho widning your smile?I have very small lips also :(With a pig nose ROFL.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 7:10 am
by Raspberry
I just re-read this posting! I haven't asked my ortho yet, but I have an appointment on August 14th so I will make sure to ask him then... I get a little overwhelmed to ask questions cause they are very busy.

Rasberry's question

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 8:09 pm
by Julie08
Rasberry -

Thanks for responding so quickly. Keep us posted on what happens on the 14th!

You sound like a sweet person. I guess I'm kind of pushy - I have a list of 6 questions for the ortho already stashed in my purse for next Thurs when I get my braces on - that list will probably be three times as long by the time Thurs gets here!

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:51 pm
by ingyandbert
SamanthaClavier wrote:what do you mean by gumby?on my teeth (two front the gum on on tooth is higher than the other.)When the one that is high was coming in as a child it hurt so of course i tootk my nail and pushed on the gum. :oops: i have a small mouth also (i want mine as wide as possible,i have an expander in,he locked it two visits ago but the wire he locked it with was rubbing me toung BAD,so he took it out (the wire not expander.)How is your ortho widning your smile?I have very small lips also :(With a pig nose ROFL.
What I meant by Gumby teeth has nothing to do with the gums; because my teeth weren't straight, two of the lower incisors showed uneven wear once they were standing up straight. They resembled the shape of the top of Gumby's head, i.e., they each had one corner that stuck up high. So the ortho sanded those corners down and it looks and feels so much better. As far as widening my arches, I'm in Damons. I didn't need extractions or an expander or anything else. The braces themselves are widening my arches.