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Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 12:37 pm
by braced4asmile
Thanks for all of the advice. I am adjusting to the wax thing and actually starting to use less of it. Also getting used to having a mouthful of saliva!

Sorry if this has been in another post, but I am not feeling that great right now to do a search. Wondering about sinus headaches. I started having headaches last night (terrible ones) and over the counter drugs don't seem to work. I can tell my teeth are starting to loosen. Do the headaches last the whole time or are they something that subside as well?

Thanks everyone for your encouragement!!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 4:13 pm
by lionfish
I've not suffered headaches, but I would expect yours to subside. If they don't, check with your ortho and if necessary, your GP.

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 11:06 pm
by JumpTheDitch
My $0.02 worth on the wax thing....

Don't be so quick to discount wax usage..

.. I thought after about 3-4 mths into braces I was done with the whole wax thing; I figured my mouth was fairly well toughened and had even taken the extreme step of no longer purchasing wax every week. "Ah good", I thought, "I'm through the toughening bit". Then a powerchain was installed to begin the extraction gap closure/overjet retraction.

"Come in and have the wires clipped if they start to poke you", Mr Ortho-Man said. "Hmm", I thought, "I guess sometime in the 6 weeks til my next appointment that could become necessary, but probably not. My mouth is pretty d*mn tough these days!". Within the first week I started getting pokey wires. Fully intending to make the trek all the way out to the Ortho-Man as soon as convenient, I tried to alleviate the problem by pushing the ends of the wires inwards using my toothbrush head, as suggested by KK. Only succeeded in making divots in my toothbrush head! :oops:

"I will go and get these wires trimmed", I said. Uh-huh. 5 weeks and innumerous cases of wax later at my next appointment, Mr Ortho-Man said, "Now make sure you come in and have these wires trimmed if they poke you". "Oh yes", I said, " this time I definitely will."

Five days later the wires are starting to poke again. Bring on the wax... :roll:

As for unneccesary buckets of saliva... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: