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One Week

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:41 pm
by Dramagyrl
Today is officially one week for me since I got mine on. I think I kind of regret doing the clear brackets on the top because they look so mismatched with the metal bottom (I think pink elastics on the bottom kind of add to the odd look). I also found it much easier to adjust to the metal on the bottom, it's still challenging to speak with the top as my lip rubs and I worry my lip will get stuck on the top. Surprisingly, not many have noticed them when I am talking, I think I'm more self-conscious than anything.
Today was the first time a co-worker decided to make a comment about it, and that was pretty offensive.
As much as a lot of the initial frusterations from getting them on are passing, I find the wires in the back corners are still poking and causing deep cuts. Most of the other wounds have healed thanks to salt-water and Amosam rinses.
I just wish the punctures and tears would stop and wonder if they will. Each time I have an adjustment, will they continue to return?

Re: One Week

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:09 pm
by LP
Dramagyrl wrote:Today is officially one week for me since I got mine on. I think I kind of regret doing the clear brackets on the top because they look so mismatched with the metal bottom (I think pink elastics on the bottom kind of add to the odd look). I also found it much easier to adjust to the metal on the bottom, it's still challenging to speak with the top as my lip rubs and I worry my lip will get stuck on the top. Surprisingly, not many have noticed them when I am talking, I think I'm more self-conscious than anything.
Today was the first time a co-worker decided to make a comment about it, and that was pretty offensive.
As much as a lot of the initial frusterations from getting them on are passing, I find the wires in the back corners are still poking and causing deep cuts. Most of the other wounds have healed thanks to salt-water and Amosam rinses.
I just wish the punctures and tears would stop and wonder if they will. Each time I have an adjustment, will they continue to return?
Hey Dramagyrl,

Apparantly we were braced on exactly the same day. Cool. It'll be so great to watch as all of us newbies progress together, and we are so lucky to have the knoweldge and experience of the verterans to guide us! :lol:

And I was wondering the same thing about the mouth 'readjusting' after each adjustment.


Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:54 pm
by Dramagyrl
Hi LP,
It is cool to find someone else who got them on the same day, and a fellow Canadian I notice.
How long are you looking at for treatment?
I am looking at 20 months they said, so that's why I hope my cheeks build up strength like my gums and lips did, because I sure don't want to deal with the punctures any longer than I actually have to.
My ortho and his assistant had both said if they were poking to call them and come in, they would fix it so it didn't. Someone else said the poking is an indication the teeth are moving, which is good. I just don't want to be a major pain to my ortho every time I get a poke, I hope it passes or the cheeks just toughen up.

Re: Hi

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:24 am
by LP
Dramagyrl wrote:Hi LP,
It is cool to find someone else who got them on the same day, and a fellow Canadian I notice.
How long are you looking at for treatment?
I am looking at 20 months they said, so that's why I hope my cheeks build up strength like my gums and lips did, because I sure don't want to deal with the punctures any longer than I actually have to.
My ortho and his assistant had both said if they were poking to call them and come in, they would fix it so it didn't. Someone else said the poking is an indication the teeth are moving, which is good. I just don't want to be a major pain to my ortho every time I get a poke, I hope it passes or the cheeks just toughen up.
Hey again,

Not only am I a fellow Canadian, I used to live in Alberta too (for about 3ish years).

I'm looking at 18-24 months of treatment. Of course I'm hoping it's closer to the 18 then the 24 :lol:

I was going to go in for the poking wires, but I have an apt next week anyways so I'll just wax it for now. I had teeth pulled AFTER having them put on so my wires don't go all the way back yet, so next Tuesday I'll have a new wire poking me in an all new spot :roll:

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 11:43 am
by fitchick
Hi Rebecca,

Congrats on getting your braces on. The countdown starts now. The salt water rinses will certainly help your mouth toughen up and keep the wax handy.

But best of all you get to see the movie!

Good Luck.


Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:11 pm
by Joanna20
Join the club! Have fun in this new experience. We are here to help!


All better

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:27 pm
by Dramagyrl
Oh, it's so much better now!!!!
I called my ortho this morning because the cuts in my cheeks were just driving me crazy. Sure enough, they got me in for the afternoon and fixed it all up. I dislike the wire cutting in the back and the discomfort as they round out the wire - so I hope I get used to that - but the instant relief was certainly there!!!
They said I cut my cheeks pretty bad, so I'm back on the salt water and stuff like that. I wouldn't suggest waiting, it's so worth going in. My ortho totally wasn't a problem either, it was just me finding the time to do it. (I also had this theory the cutting would stop).

And I'll have to try that tip to get coloured elastics on the top. My clear ones are already looking dingy, so I think I'll have to start exploring the world of fun colours.
The ceramics aren't necessarily that bad, it's just the positioning in my mouth. I've got an overbite so I feel it a lot more rubbing on my top lip. There's enough space between the metal brackets and my bottom lip that I'm not getting too much friction. They are for sure sharper than the ceramics. I think in the long run I will adjust.


Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:31 pm
by Dramagyrl
Oh yeah, KK, any suggestions for some good lip stuff? Mine have a tendancy to peel or get dry so suggestions would help lots.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 8:26 am
by mamabracito
Hey everyone so sorry it's been a while I was getting better lol. It has now been 4 days since the braces went on. The first 2 days were a little rough but not so much pain on my teeth but my jaw. I guess because of the problem I have with my jaw it put extra strain on it. I can't wait for the surgery so I can be rid of it lol.

I am finally eating solids. My fiance made me sausage and patatos the second night I had braces and boy that didn't go well. He cut it up really small into baby pieces but I just couldn't do it. It was to sore to bite down. Then last night I had Chicken fingers and Fries, I cut them up really small and chewed in the back but it worked and I fianlly had a good meal lol. As for cranker sores I have to say I haven't had any yet. Now lets hope that because I said that I don't get any lol. My ortho said that if I don't usually get cranker sores that I shouldn't get too many. So hears hoping, so far so good.

Brushing is a task, espically flossing :lol: It takes me quite a while to clean at night. I find myself always brushing though. My mouth feels soooo dirty even when I'm not eating.

I have found that my teeth are very sore in the morning and I think it's because I clench my teeth at night. :shock: Before I got braces I was wearing a mouth graud to help my clenching but I can't use it anymore.

Well I think I just write a story :lol: Sorry it's so long.

It's nice to hear that there are other newbies out there like me.


Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 8:28 am
by mamabracito
Ohhh yeah and I haven't had to use any wax yet lol. Sorry I forgot to add that. Also I don't get to have fun with changing colour of elestics as I have Speed Braces on and don't require elestics. :lol:


Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 1:24 pm
by Katiari
Congrats on getting braced! Hope your pain has passed now with your millionth salt water rinse, hehe!

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 7:28 am
by mamabracito
Okay today is much better then the other days. I finally woke up to no pain in my teeth. The sore I was developing yesterday...yes I know I got a sore because I told you I hadn't had one yet gone. I haven't had to use wax yet because I said to myself I am going to try and get though all this without using wax. Although I know that if it gets really bad I will be using it.

On Monday I go to see my sugery doctor for a consultation. I wonder how that's going to go :lol: . Not sure if I'm nervous or not. Can't wait to meet him though. My ortho is Dr. Tocchio and guess what? The surgeon is Dr. Tocchio as well. Yep you guessed it there brothers :shock: . What's the odds of that? I guess it's true what they say...keep it in the family... :lol: . I'll let you all know how it goes.


Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:12 am
by eva0614
Hello everybody, this is Eva from Hong Kong. I'm really grateful to have found this website and the message board - they give me loads of info to prepare for the (hopefully) 18-month work.

This is the third day since I put on my braces. There's no pain, but the little hooks from the canine braces rub my inner cheek. Fortunately, sores have not been developed. There's only a light scar when i feel with my tongue.

The issue that irritates me the most is EATING. It seems that my teeth don't have any strength. I even can't bite on a little piece of soft bread. I just SWALLOW the food without chewing/biting them. Besides, I'm afraid of sticking any debris in the braces. Hence, I only take food like ice-cream, sponge cake, porridge. They can barely keep my stomach full and I'm starving all the time, and my mind is full of yummy food even when I'm working.

Just hope that I can learn how to eat normally soon.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:44 am
by Dramagyrl
Eva, I had the same problem too when it came to learning how to eat with the braces. It reached the point where I lightly grinded the food or just swallowed without properly chewing. But then I had a really bad choking experience with each some noodles and a big piece of onion and I realized that's not the best route either.
I suggest eating everything with a fork and knife to start. Cut everything into bite sized pieces, put them right in the back of your mouth and gently chew. Eventually that method will get easier and you will be able to try others too.
Anything is better than choking full food down, I don't suggest that!! :)