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Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 6:59 pm
by jcdamon3
I am 47 and single. I have been contemplating internet dating for awhile now at the prodding (and I do mean prodding) of a friend (girl) of mine. She thinks I shouldn't wait until I have the braces off. I want to wait.

I am not self conscious about them in general. I just can't imagine being on a 2nd or 3rd date and ordering food and having to deal with wondering while I am fininshing my meal if I have some big piece of something or other hanging off one of my brackets. I mean dating is stressful enough and you are trying to impress the guy, right? Unless you decided half way through the date you don't like him.

So I am considering not waiting. I mean after all if the guy is not understanding he's not worth the time anyway.

But really, in general I am not that self conscious - just about the eating thing which I need to get over.

Well - I only have about six months to go anyway. ..... I hope.