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Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:05 pm
by Kimber
This board has been awesome for learning everything about braces. I talked yesterday with a woman who just got her braces off a few months ago and I was explaining to her how the archwires do the work. She wore braces for 2 1/2 years and had no idea how they worked! And I certainly wouldn't either if it wasn't for here. I know I can ask my ortho anything, but I actually find I haven't needed to yet because I haven't had any questions that haven't been answered by just reading through the posts -- mostly in answer to questions I never would have thought to ask!

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 7:20 am
by hidngat39
I learn from both sources.

Since my ortho's practice is mostly kids who just sit there and take it, I think he was initially surprised when I had so many questions about my treatment.

He was curious as to where I got my information and has since checked into Metal Mouth. I have made some comments on a few issues I was having and he was terrific to explain why things would/would not work for me. I totally appreciate both places-you guys ROCK!!! :lol:

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:19 am
by Chris
He was curious as to where I got my information and has since checked into Metal Mouth. :
Don't you wonder sometimes how many orthos actually visit this site, just "lurking" without posting for fear they may be inundated with questions! :lol: