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Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:52 pm
by susieq182
I guess we should give it a chance. Maybe it is a tale about how this girl teaches all the high fashion people what really counts.

I also agree with JoeMama They set the poor girl up to look rediculas. Like why does she have to have those ill fitting wrong for her face shape and coloration glasses? and a Hair cut that doesnt work for her face shape. I wear glasses and contacts a well fitted pair of glasses blend into your face not over power it. Also i swear the braces they have on that poor girl are extra big.

To watch or not to watch that is the question but i still vote unless it is better then CSI or they move CSI I wont be pulling myself out of my CBS viewing rut

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:17 pm
by jcdamon3
Jewel is a popular singer. I bet you'd recognize her songs if you heard's a picture of her.
Yes I know who Jewel is. I didn't know people referred to her as Jool or that she had braces. I guess I am more into Classic and Alternative rock now.
I also agree with JoeMama They set the poor girl up to look rediculas. Like why does she have to have those ill fitting wrong for her face shape and coloration glasses? and a Hair cut that doesnt work for her face shape. I wear glasses and contacts a well fitted pair of glasses blend into your face not over power it. Also i swear the braces they have on that poor girl are extra big.
Well if she looked great then they wouldn't have a story right?

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 6:10 pm
by ShinySmile
I think the stereotype is a big part of the show...they stereotype the other people too, if you noticed-- the receptionist in the fashion magazine office is a skinny, snobby-ish lady wearing a typical! :P

I like this quote from Selma Hayek...

Hayek sees the title as a sarcastic take on a classic fish-out-of-water series. "It's about how Betty is not ugly, but she is working in an ugly environment full of beautiful people," she says. "She has a sense of humor about who she is and a self-confidence that a lot of times pretty girls don't have."-- USA Today

I think the braces part is funny... she is supposed to be an awkward, lovable character and I think that's exactly what they portrayed.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 7:34 pm
by Gennel
I have seen that spanish soap opera for like 5 minutes. It's called " Betty La Fea" Which just means " Ugly Betty" The spanish soap opera's Betty character has really bulky braces and talks with a really bad slur like she has tons of saliva in her mouth,really exaggerated! I thought it was dumb.
This Ugly Betty reminds me alot of " The Devil Wears Prada" except I liked THe Devil Wears Prada! The braces didnt bother me.I guess anyone would stick out like a sore thumb working for Vogue wearing braces. Will this be a tv show or movie? I dont think it will last as a tv show.


Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:57 pm
by Kimber
It's too bad they can never use just a normal-looking actress for these things. They always take the beautiful girls and do all that stupid stuff to try to make them look ugly -- the wrong hair cut, the glasses and now the braces! I suppose normal-looking women never get hired as actresses. I wonder if her braces are real or fake?

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:51 pm
by Missingorigin
I am really anticipating this show.
the colubians made a soap opera. it was awesome. it even had a second part.

and recenly mexico made its own version.

its really funny.

it is not all about her braces.

its about this girl who is ugly. and she goes and works in this office. and she falls in love with her boss. she is really smart. then her boss falls in love with her too, even though she is ugly. then there is some confusions and she leaves to another country, then they do a makeover and she is hottt.
lol, just told kinda of all the story.
i think it might be only one season. not cuz its gonna suck but because the story doesnt go on forever.

you guys should watch it. if i watch it, this would be my fourth time watching this. well, i watched the columbian version twice, and the mexican version i am currently watching.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:09 am
by Bridget
We have the same tv series here!!!

And I really cannot stand it!

What I heard after I got braced was "that looks much better than I thought!!! I really feared that would look like Lisa Plenske from that series"


Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 6:51 am
by hippyhippo
To be honest, I didn't even make the connection that they were using the stereotype that braces = ugly person. The braces themselves may not be overly attractive, but I don't think I've seen them make anyone look "ugly" before. I mean, there are an awful lot of hot people in braces. Every time I'm at my ortho's office I see a steady stream of good-looking adults coming and going -- better looking than average I would definitely say. It's enough to make a girl self-conscious! :)

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 8:16 am
by momof2grlz
I had the same reaction to a current K-Mart back-to-school commercial. A little girl with glasses and the absolute biggest mouthful of braces possible is looking at herself in her locker mirror. A boy walks up and says he likes her pants. I realize this might be a positive for brace wearers because he noticed her pants and not her braces. But, as the mother of a soon-to-be-braced pre-teen, could they have made her braces look any uglier! Luckily, my daughter sees my braces and knows her braces won't look that hideous.


Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:51 pm
by KittyW
Well to be perfectly honest, I did NOT feel like a glam queen while i had my braces on.

The truth of the matter is that the look (braces) was far more attractive than my snaggled crooked teeth and now that the braces are off, I can say that the 17 months of feeling less than attractive are my "so there!" to anyone who judged me while I had them on! My "ugly" phase had a HUGE payoff! :D

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:24 pm
by jennielee81

Thank you KittyW, you said what I was thinking!

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:18 am
by saycheese
I love that K-mart ad. I think it's so cute. I think it's a very positive message. When I say this girl (and Ugly Betty), it immediately reminded me of why I didn't want to get braces as a teen.

Also, notice that the guy who ikes her jeans is also kind of geeky. I wondered if that considered having a captain of the football type guy notice her jeans. Now, that would have been hot.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 12:04 pm
by RainyDay2
I have to admit that when I saw the initial clips I thought how stupid. Then I realized that it made me smile. Must not be all that bad if it made me smirk. I'll check it out. Afterall, it's just entertainment. If nothing else and it's awful I'll just swtich the channel. Life's too short and precious to take any show seriously and take offense. Just my thoughts :lol: :D I have been watching the Mexican version here and there and it's kind of funny and sweet, a little stupid, but there's something about it.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:10 am
by Squeakers
I'm willing to bet that towards some point in that show, she has them removed, and she'll show her nice smile and she'll also have a total makeover. Then everyone she works with or whatever will be amazed at how much she changed or something, and be jealous.

It would be cute if she views the Archwired forums! Hehe :)

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 2:24 am
by juf_84

The braces/glasses = geek thing doesn't really bother me- I've worn glasses since I was 12 and now I have braces- and that's just me at the moment. Sometimes I joke that I am in my "geek gear" though.

I'm not sure if/when we'll get the show over here but it would be interesting to watch the first episode.

momof2grlz, my favourite "braces" ad (actually the only one I have seen) is an ad for a health fund (for insurance). It shows a young teenage girl standing shyly by the wall at a school dance, and a young boy flashes her a huge smile- bling and all! When she sees this she flashes him an equally huge and blinged-up smile. The tagline is "B Happy". I love it!