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Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 2:41 pm
by jennielee81
I am always so amazed by all of you impacted-canine people.

This is a BIG EVENT!!!!!

Does anyone in your "normal world" find it as cool as we do here at "archwired world"?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:36 pm
by gena
That's funny you ask . . . no one in my everyday world seems to think it is such a big deal. Of course these are the same people that said "Why don't you just get it pulled". I can't name how many times I've heard that. Why get implants if you can have the real thing?? It is definitely a big deal to me, something that has been 2 years in the making. Ortho originally said I would have braces for 30 to 32 months. I am working on 38 months now. Hopefully getting over this hurdle will speed everything up.