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Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:26 pm
by Betty Bat
Yep, he was relatively new - I had seen him a few times, but never had him work on me before. And, I've had him for the last two times! I had noticed him because he's the only male ortho assistant I've seen at my ortho's office. The two doctors are male but everyone else is female, except this one assistant.

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 7:10 pm
by ssfw
Dramagyrl wrote:"Oh I know, I went through all that with my son. It's just funny hearing YOU say you went for an adjustment - You're a grown woman, you're not supposed to have braces."

Obviously your HR Manager doesn't have manners and is an idiot. She probably had braces when she was a child and does not have any idea of the various reasons adults are having ortho treatment as an adult and why a person did not have braces as a child, which really isn't any of her business anyway. It really irritates me when a person is intentionally mean/rude to a person.


Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:44 pm
by lionfish
Betty Bat wrote:Last month, I went in for my adjustment. I was the only one sitting in the waiting area. I saw one of the assistants look into the waiting area, then go back into the "working area". A few minutes later, he came back to the waiting area, looked around again, then said (with a question in his voice), "Betty?"

He confessed that he had seen me the first time, but was sure that I was just waiting for someone. I gave him my biggest sapphire-and-metal smile, and said "Nope, it's me!"

I was a little surprised to see this from one of the assistants, but I think he learned his lesson
Ha ha!!

My age is on my card so there is usually no mistaking who I am and what I'm there for. And I know they look because at my last adjustment, one of the techies noted that I'd just had a birthday!

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:36 pm
by jaxxie118
Nope, I've never gotten any strange looks from any younger kids. They're usually reading or something and not even paying attention to anyone else. If they did, I probably wouldn't care.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 6:08 am
by bckydgardnr
I am an educator in a 4th - 8th grade middle school in a very small town. The ortho that I use is the most widely used in the needless to say when I go in for my appointments I frequently see students from my school and their parents. My son is also in braces and we frequently see people that he knows and their parents.

At first I was uncomfortable, but now it has become a talking point with many of the students in my school. I am very proud to flash my smile to people, kids in particular to show them how important it is to have healthy attractive teeth!

When the teachers returned from their summer break I just had to chuckle when two of them had braces. Then in a meeting with a district supervisor I saw that she had braces. Kinda feel like I have started a trend! :D